First of all, I would like to say I miss all my girlfriends out there. Gosh, it's been a long time since I've seen y'all. We should meet up one day, okay? ya got that? LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!(:
Second of all, I would like to say I am ever so grateful for your presence. I don't know what I would do without you, seriously. LOVE YOU LOADS BABE! we must go out again sometime. agree?(:
Third of all, I would like to continue with my post..
Well, tuesday was cool. I had fun. dance practice was a blast as usual. I had the time of my life dancing!(: haha. but i can't teach that's one thing. haha. no matter, we're all cool with it. we're doing MAMBO baybeh! OH CRAP. gotta ask mummy for some MONAYYE. need to pay this, need to pay that. hmm. i need that Club Marc jacket! Hazy darling, get it for me will ya?(: LOVE YA BABE! I should go Vivo again to visit Nad&Que. OKAY, i'm sick&tired of Vivo already. haha. surprised? well, heck. I should go Ngee Ann City to visit the ever so wonderful Liza.(: Haha! Yeah, I should. Anyway, who knew you could get things for a bargain if you know who you're dealing with. haha. All the best to y'all who wanna try!
Nevertheless, it's all good.(:
9:48 PM
I'm very exuberant for the days to come. I feel ever so contented with myself. Today was just superb. I've never felt so deep before. Today I shared the most wonderful moment with someone I am very very close to. She made me feel so special like never before. She made me feel loved. I feel a great sense of gratification towards her. No doubt, I love her !(:
Hopefully, we'll be able to share more wonderful moments together. Sometimes, you just need a hand to hold on to, a shoulder to cry on&someone to give you a big hug and tell you everything will be okay. I think that's all there is for life and with that, your dreams shall come true.
Speak, my never ending love.
9:41 PM
I told you so..gosh. i'm feeling sleepy again. don't you just love midnight phone calls?(: yeah. makes you go HIGH sometimes. talked on the phone till 4.15am ! slept at 5++. woke up at 8.40 then slept again. woke up at 10.20 then slept again. and i just kept sleeping&waking up again. haha. nevermind.
sweetheart, it's a beautiful weather isn't it?I'm on Cloud 9(:
3:09 PM
Yesterday..what if you had the sudden crave to go to Bedok's Long John Silver&watch a movie at Vivocity? so what are you waiting for ?! GO !(: but what if you woke up
slightly late and someone's waiting for you? then ask that someone to come over to your house. what else? haha. and then someone shall wait for you to get ready with all your fancy clothes&all your fancy make-up&all your fancy perfume. HAH. but since you're at your house. make yourself at home&blast your PLAYLIST(: SING! DANCE! or you can just sit down&talk.
OKAY! that's too much time spent at your house. get going already! so you make your way to Bedok's Long John Silvers&order your favourite meal. catch up on the latest gossip or you can just enjoy your meal. you can laugh or you can just listen to someone talk about the days of fun.
Note To Self: Never Make A Mess On The Table.
So off you go to Vivocity.
Note To Self: HIDE If You See Acquaintance. Don't forget to queue up for the ticket. be a good sport to do so(: but what if the ticket's sold out? then leave. walk around Vivocity. You could buy Ben&Jerry's ice-cream and eat by the bay. Share your ice-cream! Oh no! It's too hot ! So go back in. Then seeing that you seem to have a lil' time left. Queue up for movie tickets. After that, just dip your feet in the water&relax before the movie starts.
MOVIE TIME! Just cuddle up of it gets cold okay? Just relax &enjoy the show. OHMYGOSH! Argh! It's LATE! GO HOME! GO HOME! Yeah. Just go home&relax(:
went to my mum's friend's house. mm-hmm. met Azian&Azura. GOSH I LOVE THEM BOTH(: i miss them oh so muchhh. yeah. we watched Totally Spies at first. Then it started to rain so it was kinda a nice weather to sleep. haha. i felt sleepy shortly after the show. haha. but no, i didn't to not be rude. Then Suhailah came over. And we watched more Totally Spies. Then we went down to EAT(: catched up on the latest stuff. haha. i found out something. hah. hmmm. then we went back up to play The Game of Life. haha. i ermm, lost to Azian. AT FIRST(: haha. then i won. haha. then i had to go home. we were downstairs for awhile 'cause i thought i had to go off already. Hmm. but it was super cool 'cause Azian's youngest brother&sister&a friend's daighter were playing hide&seek. SUPER CUTE! i was laughing the whole time. they way they hide&the places they chose to hide. haha! really cute, i must say. I Love Azian! She's so adorable. haha. her giggles are so cute. haha. so my mum&i decided to go to my grandma's house. and so we did. haha. ate again. is it accusable to say i'm afraid of gaining weight just because i'm not eating alot? goodness gracious! I ate too much already. hmmm. oh wells. that's all for today.
Sweetheart, you're like a diamond. You're ever so precious. And you're my best friend(:
7:45 PM
it looks pretty darn good on me(:Dear lovely,I'm already excited to meet you tomorrow(: Haha. I've been missing you terribly these past few days. Oh don't worry, I'll never forget yesterday. Haha. EYH! Don't forget to call me when you're done okay? We shall go watch a movie together! Haha(: toorahs lovely!PS: LOVE YOU LOADS!(:With love,Sufie.Today's dance practice was FUNNN! i came late.
HEH. apologies to all. MDM MAZ CAME(: I was like "
MDM MAZZZZZ!" and she went "
sufiiieeeee...." she's really cute!(: haha. We practiced for both SYF&Sec 1 Orientation. I love the sec 1 orientation dance! REALLY CUTE! 'Cause it's like the
5 basic steps + MAMBO! haha. really really cute! lunch break we went to the coffeeshop opp. our school with MDM MAZ(: i ate again. GOSH, i ate alot. but no matter. and then we went back supposedly for more practice. but since everyone just ate we decided to relax and enjoy the air-con(: told lotsa stories. laughed ALOT! we were joking about really weird stuff. HAHA! so yeah. then after awhile we praticed again. quite intensive today. my feet are killing me.
after training we waited for Sharifah's mum to come and pick her up. Called a sweetheart(: and there were teachers passing by. I have officially passed being discreet.HAHA. But i had to hang up.
DARN. my friends were nagging at me. Sharifah's mum called after waiting for 15mins telling her that she was still in the office. GREAT. Grabbed my bag and left without a word. Nah, I'm not that mean. I just stood up. And left. HAHA. Of course they followed me. So Kak Diy, Ashriqah&Syaza came over to my house. wanted to watch a VCD but the VCD is like whoa! retarded so we change plan. Use the internet. Unfortunately, they were fighting over it. But they comprimised. They fell in love with my room. Haha. I was joking about hanging a framed picture of me&him on the wall above my bed to
kinda make it look like a wedding photo. I was joking. Seriously. HAHA. Wonder what my mum would say if i actually did that.. Oh wells, we'll see(: haha. Syaza&i danced in my room. Quite funny 'cause my room isn't big enough for the two of us to dance. And i kept banging onto the cupboard. and then they had to leave. awww, sad.
shall see them again on TUESDAY(:
I'm in a crisis. i've no idea what to wear tomorrow. haha. nevermind. maybe i'll come dressed for a wedding. HAHA. i'm kidding, really. other than that, i'm perfectly normal(: with the excitement building up&crisis still unsolved.
if you ever leave,baby you would take away everything good in my life.
5:26 PM
call me by this name.met a sweetheart(: today. surprised me with a REALLY GORGEOUS bracelet! thanks sweetheart!(: love you loads! and we had fun after that, didn't we?(: haha.
didn't go out to explore yet there was fun
SUCH A SWEET SURPRISE(: ever so grateful for i have found what i've always wanted(:
6:21 PM
REACH FOR THE HEAVENS(:i felt like a butterfly. i felt like i could fly. i wanted to fly like a butterfly!
i was too overwhelmed(: i kept smiling to myself for the whole time. even now(: i feel like jumping up&down sharing the joy that i'm feeling to the WORLD!(: just the joy, btw. haha. i absolutely love living the moment right now. in time to come too(: haha.
tag replies;ANNISA: eyhh. wanted to ajak u but like too late already. SORRY! next time okay? WE HAVE FUN! love ya girl!(:5: ahh. THANKS!(: haha. there's always a 7(:
do you feel the joy that i'm feeling right now? i bet you do(:
1:26 AM
went for dance prac. during lunch break we bought nasi briyani from the coffeeshop across the street. and ate in class. we took the kain batik to alas the floor and we ate there. haha(: never follow our example. BADDD example. we also bought a 1.5L bottle of water so that we all can share. save money(: after practice, i felt bored. so i took 31 with kak diy! met ashriqah&syakillah on the bus. and i decided to go Tampines Mall with them. and so i did. we had loads of fun!(: ran around. ohh. played with the hula hoop at Toys 'R' Us. haha. i can never get that thing to stay on my waist. seriouslyyy. and i just came back home.
6:00 PM
never procrastinate, girl.
funny how people pronounce elite as ee-lite. even those big business people and even the elite people. HAH. it's actually pronouced as AYE-lite. but i think ee-lite is acceptable. i don't know. practically 7/8 of the world pronouces it that way. who cares? yeah. try reading "Only the
elite are allowed in the event.. blablabla" in front of the English Oral Examiner. wonder how you'd do. speaking of that. don't you tend to get so nervous before facing the examiner ? not to mention if you get the really strict ones. and while reading the passage, you
accidentally stutter or something to that effect and your insides turn upside down and you go 'CRAP!'. ahh. the picture description. how i don't like it. i still remember the primary school days of cartoon pictures. then you have to describe it from left to right or right to left. and you can't point whatsoever. and whenever there's oral practice in class and the teacher calls up my name to describe the picture, i went silent. i totally just switch off and
pretend to pay attention. kinda good at that. but when the teacher calls you up, then that's the bad part of it. anyway, back to the oral. I LOVE CONVERSATION! you just talk&talk&talk&talk about whatever topic they give. used to hate it 'cause the examiner when i was sec 2 gave me quite a low mark. darn. no matter. i got better in sec 3(: i'd go 'OH SHIT!' if i have nothing to say. and there would be this really awkward silence and the examiner is just looking at you expecting you to say something. haha. freakayye.
heyy. i went airport today! just wandering around Singapore at night. went home to get my attire for tomorrow's dance practice. ahhh. the mum's nags. how usual. my bill&all(: heh. i don't blame her. okay sufie. you're gonna;
- cut down on my smses&outgoing calls.
HOW ?! oh goshh. i will..
try. you will help me, won't
you? anyway, then we went airport. sat at Coffee Bean. drank some mocha. walked up to the viewing mall. what a dissapointment. it was cold so the glass was misty. couldn't see the aeroplanes. hmm. no matter. OH! while walking, looking quite blur with my aunt, there was this China man who asked my aunt where the skytrain to T1 was. surprisingly, the signboard which says Skytrain to T1 was quite big. and we weren't very far from it. it's okay. he's new to Singapore. i wouldn't know if Singapore was a foreign land anw. funny thing was after he left my aunt said "Alahh. I have this 'Please Ask Me. I'm A Directory' on my forehead. It's like everywhere I go, people will ask." okay she's exaggerating. not everywhere. just very weird places. haha. i found out that it won't be another 24 hours or so. HMM. what a long way to go.
I miss your breath on my neck when we whisper in the night(:
12:14 AM
i totally forgotten there's dance prac tomorrow! OMG. i thought it started on thursday! THANKS TO ONE&ALL WHO REMINDED ME!
HEH okay okay. only 2 people reminded me. but thanks to you! GOSH. okay. now i have to figure out a way how to go to school tomorrow. since i'm at my granny's. should i go home? or should i go home, take my attire and come back here? hmm. should i go out on wednesday with my visitor? or should i stay home with my visitor(: ? i was planning to go National Library today. okayy all my sayings of going there has never really came true. i was quite certain that i wanted to go today. but then, i feel oh so drag to go out. oh soooo dragggg.if there was you, my inbox would be full. my life would be colourful. my days would be filled with your laughter.
CEPAT KEMBALI!it really works like MAGIC(:
12:47 PM
NOT TOO LONG AGO..OKAY. i went out to VIVOCITY, again.. but unfortunately, today was really really packed with many people. There were some from work. There were some from jalan raya. There were tourists. There were foreign workers taking their Sunday break. And of course, there we kids running around here and there. Let me tell you how I got there. I had my very first journey to Vivo by bus. It was a somewhat smooth ride. Until we were nearing Vivo, it started to be really slow. Hmm. Yeah. My ride. Met my aunt there. We went to the water place. I went to the deeper end. It was really fun. No, not really. It was okay. Unless you have a friend or someone of your age to play with in the waters(: We were pretty hungry after walking. But BK was full of people so we decided to walk to Harbourfront Centre. It was no different, really. So we went to some restaurant at Kembangan. I called to reserve seats there. The man asked for my contact (to call in case there's some problem). I hesitated but eventually gave. When we reached there, I saw the paper that man wrote my number on. HAHA. He wrote the 2 wrong numbers. PHEW! No need to worry anymore. I ate ALOT. I finished my steak, my aunt's plate of char kway teow and my another aunt's fries, 1 bowl of mushroom soup and another bowl of soup. DANG! I think I should go on a diet.
My grandmother killed a cockroach which crawled up to her leg with her own bare hands and put it right infront of my face. I squirmed.
What do you wish for this November?(:
9:02 PM
Starting to love love love Corrinne May again.
You keep me flyingYou keep me smilingYou keep me safe in a crazy worldYou understand meEmbrace my fragilityYou keep me safe in a crazy world'cause when I'm wrapped up in your arms Nothing else can touch me What a wonderful way to recharge I feel like I can breathe againmm-hmm. sing with me.
3.04 am! I'm AWAKE !!God was merciful.
I WENT OUT!(: haha. yeah, at around 8.30pm, my 2 aunts&i went to east coast park. bought drinks at macs and walked along the path. a praying mantis was clinging onto my aunt's neck! she kinda got freaked but was quite silent. and the praying mantis went to my another aunt's top. rightt. it was like.. huge. surprisingly, she wasn't afraid. but it started crawling up so she shoved it away. haha. they said if you ask the praying mantis how it prays, it will actually show you. i looked like
stupid idiot doing that. haha. we continued walking till the reflexology area. and we sat down. talked&talked about alot of things. and suddenly, we decided to go to Changi Village to see .heh. but haha. then we just went to erhh, somewhere in Changi. bought ice-cream from the ice-cream man and walked by the sea while eating ice-cream.
i LOVELOVELOVE mint choc!(: haha. but you must eat it with alotta chocolate or it'll end up tasting like toothpaste. no kidd! haha. and it was 11.54pm when we left. my aunt wanted to leave there before 12. heh. Go figure! then we went to simpang bedok. HAHA. the night
was still young. saw the lady i bought my suspenders from. and i was wearing my suspenders. hah. okayyy. went home around 1 ++ am. mm-hmm. the night's getting older. eyebags are getting bigger.
alahhh. you go there so long.. when you coming home ?? life's getting quite boring. need to go out with you laa. need to spend time with you. need to do
MANYMANY things with you. haha.
my dream came by just now to tell me tonight will be the night(:
3:10 AM
went out to buy lunch at 4pm. couldn't decide where to go so i suggested parkway banquet. i had to go alone! and i went alone.
bought stuff&all. gosh, parkway was like packed with alotta people for i don't know what reason. and guess wad, i saw alot of couples. hmm. holding hands etc.
tv is currently showing some Japanese 'power ranger-ish' show. funny how it used to make me get glued to the tv. the original Power Rangers. y'noe. the old ones. not the new ones. and when i was young, i like to pretend i was one(: never really came true though.
rewind...when i was young, i used to play soccer with my bro. i found my expertise in soccer. no, i'm not good at midfielding( if there's such a word ), striking nor defending. i'm good at GOALKEEPING(: oh yeah. haha. and i'm still good at it. haha. yeah, we'll see how i do one day.when i was young, i used to play with Barbie dolls. i thought there were really fun. i think when i was around 5 years old. heh. every week i'd visit Toys 'R' Us, and i'd buy a new Barbie. of course, until one day my mum thought i had enough. but i did buy though, once in a while(: not anymore. now, i just like to look at them.when i was young, i had this really really cool birthday party. i went to bed the night before and woke up seeing birthday decorations around my house. it was really really nice. cool(: haha. OH! i had2 of the same birthday present. i think it was a Polly Pocket thing. it was quite big actually. one was given by my aunt, and the same exact one by my parents. haha. disadvantage of wanting it badly? oh wells. i was erm, 4? 5?when i was young, i had this really irritating friend. HAHA. really. she would call me EVERYDAY EVERY MINUTE. and even when i hang up, she hasn't until she gives up which is i don't know when. and i was K1 back then. oh my goodness. she would scare me by saying that there is homework to be done. and if i don't do it, the teacher would ask me to stand on the table as punishment. and so i did.. and i found out the next day i was tricked. and in k1, i had this really really strict teacher. she would ask us lil 5-year-olds to do one whole page of number writing in what, 30 seconds? yeah. if not, we would be punished by standing up. whaa? haha. oh and writing arabic numerals wasn't really my kind of thing. c'mon, i was young and i liked to play. so i asked my maid to do it. haha. we had to colour lil' drawings of bananas, apples etc. and the numbers are like 67, 68..99..100+++. HAH. fat forward...and now, i'd give whatever excuse to delay my homework. I'M KIDDING. depends on what kind of homework i have. say, it's Art.. haha. nevermind.
6:48 PM
since i have alot of free time on my hands, i've been thinking. really thinking.
heyyy. i'm sec 4 next year! dah senior seyhh(: on the other hand, i have to face those dreadful days. hmm. i think i wanna be a lawyer!(: like fun liddat. but i must work my ass off. really work it babe. haha. then i shall be those lawyers who fight like crazy to win their case. cheyy. haha. then i'll grow older faster! 'cause y'noe, being a lawyer can make you angry and all. not sure. but as seen on tv(: haha. i shall be inspired by the trip i made to SC. and i hope i'm supported by one&all.
sec 4, hmm.
- no need to plan for family day.
- more respect?
- cheaper booklist(:
- more studies.
- more time in school, for studies
- less time to get EVERYTHING in before O's
- mug more than ever.
- more expectations
- O's
ahh mannn. what are you waiting for? go on. get started..
Dear MCS,I will fulfil my duties to the best of my ability. I hope that both tarian&dikir will unite next year. We, as MCS, share the same interest and that is to make a name for our school in our respective expertise and at the same time, doing what we love most. Obstacles we shall overcome(:Yours Truly,Sufie.Dear 3/3,2006 has been a hectic year, i must say. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your 'heh.. y'noe..' Thanks for your co-operation and I'm definitely grateful to all of you on that fateful day when the ambulance came for me(: you guys are really the best! thanks for having my back and supporting me&nabila.With love,Sufie.OHH! and i still remember the day the ambulance came for me, YOU called my best friend even when you're in class to ask how i was. how sweet of you!(: gosh! makes me go LALALALALA!
i watch the moon; there's only one i see(:
2:26 PM
freaking cramps.
time to kill time and let the day go by.. in a few mins, it shall be tomorrow. and tomorrow shall be another day. i JUST realised that tomorrow will be Saturday. and OMG. it's only a Saturday. hmm. i shall make a trip to the HUGE National Library again and hopefully this time, i don't have to walk back to where i was suppose to be in just less than 5 minutes. fortunately, i think i have the whole day to be there. then, Sunday will come. i don't think i have any plans for Sunday. Monday, hmm. i also don't know. Tuesday? i also don't know. i really really thought that staying home would be fun. but no..
maybe i'll go SWIMMING! no, i don't think i can. hmm.
and we have lift off(:
11:58 PM

the day after.

the day before.
5:29 PM
is this my version of killing time ? mann, i need a life. SOON. okay, maybe i need to go out. okay, i do. i really really do. oh yeah, i read Life! paper. and saw swee min, gloria, li jia&stephanie. BIG picture of them. what the.. SWEE MIN'S in the paper ?! and she said she wants to go Zouk? dream on laa. if she can be in the paper, hmm. believe it or not.
i think i'm starting to feel feverish. or not..
Child, just take that long winding path and you'll reach there in just a few minutes.Thank you, Fairy Godmother!(:
4:32 PM
i'm just killing time.
i'm DEAD bored. need to go out.
need a reason to go out.
need to have fun.
hmm. i doubt i will be bored next week(:
just need to wait patiently. yeapp. patience.
EMDD '06 "Patience, Kate, Patience" - Kate.
with patience, i will succeed(:
12:59 PM
take my hand; we must leave now.(:
today's outing is cancelled. nevermind. wasn't really looking forward to it anw. so yeah. i think i wanna sleepover my granny's hse today. that is, if mummy allows. =)
i shall plan for next week;
monday: granny's.tuesday: granny's.wednesday: home. expecting a visitor!(:thursday: malay dance!(: YAY!friday: it's just my lil Oscar&i(:
1:18 PM
i apologize for my previous post. perhaps i was too tired. that should explain its unfriendliness and its boringness. well, you can try living a day like a lawyer. you can
try. the happiness kinda died down a lil bit. you know, when you're alone. and all you need is someone to be beside you? yeah. that's kinda how i'm feeling.
a gentle reminder: you're a thousand miles away(:have you ever loved somebody so bad it makes you cry?
have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
now, i think i'm somewhat addicted to Show Me The Money. thanks, sweetheart!(: for introducing me to that song. currently looking for songs i can SING(: my heart out. no, i'm not looking for karaoke. sheesh.
current mood?
missing.what do you want?
a child of my own.why?
cos he/she's special. really special.why?
cos he/she's mine.what makes you say so?
right now, i don't know. don't have one?ohmygoodness. i have survived 54 hours without. how can i last another week? i'm already depriving. an Oxford dictionary next to me is making me FEEL&LOOK smart(: let's search for new words that are alien to me!
all i need is for you to close your eyes and feel my heart beating just to feel it going faster&faster(:
11:43 PM
until i get what i need(:
my 3 friends&i(:
well, i actually typed a report about today. and i'm really tired to re-type. i was thinking of copy&pasting my report but i'm like thinking. it's kinda confidential. so therefore, i can't. but i can tell you something else though.
i went for lunch at Capitol Building with Amelia, Rachel, Nabila&Reshmin. LJS(: my fav. the place was kind of. UNair-conditioned. hah. there was a erm, couple? brother&sister? i don't know, next to us. but they left not so soon after we came in. BUT they didn't finish what they had. the girl cut out the crust and left a whole lot of french fries left. the guy left a whole piece of chicken left and some fries left. i think they eat quite slow. haha! but i felt real bad for the people who don't even have food to eat. i STOOD UP FOR POVERTY, remember? so i took that plate of chicken. and put it on my table. no, i didn't eat it. ugh. BUT someone else did though. again, ugh. Ameels doesn't eat fast food. so we went to the Hainanese place. few shops down. sat there but ate nothing of course. i was full anyway. no, actually i was eating garlic bread i bought at Delifrance. haha. it started to rain heavily and nabila for some reason was shivering. but honey, it's not THAT cold inside. it's just ironic. i wasn't cold. okay i felt the air-con but huh? the rain became a drizzle so we walked back. went to Funan for a while before walking back to the source. haha.
after everything is settled, we had to go home. we walked to Funan once more to check out a book. oh yeah! Amels kept forgetting Reshmin's name. funny thing was, she asked me like the 3rd time. and 3 mins later she called her Ramish. apologised and 5 mins later, called her Ramish again. Ameels, ameels. we had the intention of walking to esplanade but no, we didn't end up there. instead, we ended up in Marina Square. on the way there, there was this lady from SMU doing a video survey about DANCE. yeapp. i answered, she answered, they answered. okay, the lady's like pretty, smart. gosh, defeated. sat at Carls' Jr. we didn't buy anyting though. just sat there. and talked&sing!(: called my mum. and we decided to have dinner at Raffles Hospital Banquet. yeah, met my parents there. reached Bugis early so i decided to walk to National Library. the moment i wanted to enter the door, my mum called me and told me to walk back to banquet because she's there already. HMM. leaving time, we couldn't decide which transportation to take. ended up taking MRT&60 home. in 60, i asked my mum a question but she didn't hear me properly and answered something else with such confidence! which made me laugh. HAHA. really.
and this is what happened? how long will this be if i copy&pasted my report?
do you have any idea how really bromidic this post is?
oh honey, it's never over. i'm ready to take you home with me(:
10:04 PM

i reached home at 6+ am in the morning today. CLUBBING(: okay no. i went airport. send my cousin off to Cambodia. had BK breakfast. i LOVELOVELOVE the chicken cheesestick.
do you ? haha. my eyes were like so tired already. OH YEAH! on the way to the airport at 3.45am, i switched on Class 95 in the car. and they were playing 'Stole' by Kelly Rowland. and i started singing. in the early morning.. haha. but that somehow made me happy. i mean, singing. not the song. the song is quite sad actually. so yeah. there were like alot of TPJC-ians. and coincidentally Bedok View also going to Cambodia. and the fact that my cousin was from there. she met some of her old friends. and i don't think i knew any though. i was too sleepy to care about any of them. cept for my cousin la of course. haha. so the airport was like filled with them. took pics with her. and then went home. i reached home at like 6+ am in the morning today. CLUBBING(: okay no. i went airport.
deja vubathed. gosh. it was SUPER cold. then i
drew the curtains? so that i can sleep in the afternoon without the sunlight disturbing me(: my bed was like super comfortable. sms-ed&talked on the phone till 8 am. then i slept. too tired already. yeahh. then i woke up at 3pm. wow. haha.
oh my gosh! you're so sweet! SUPER SUPER SWEET! you're like the candy among the chocolates(:
3:18 PM
there's no reason why, really.i'm happy.
i'm SO gonna miss her.
i'm tired.
i'm SO gonna miss her.
my contact lenses are giving me problems right now.
i'm SO gonna miss her.
first it's her sister; then her.
FINE. off you go to enjoy holiday.
actually i don't feel like going overseas. i also don't know why.
Singapore good enough already. but going towning every now&then abit boring don't you think?
should i go to sleep? i mean. it'll be at 4 am. then i'll be too sleepy to go. should i stay awake ?
oh gosh. i don't know.
I'll remember Oscar. That green man at my cupboard, hanging.
1:57 AM
OVERWHELMEDyeah. i am really tired. haha. or should i clearly say exhausted. well, for a start i didn't have breakfast AT ALL. i woke up at 8 and i laid in? my bed for an hour(: haha. okay then i got ready to leave the house. left at 9.57am. caught the bus and reached there at 10.28am(: oh yeah! haha. 2 mins early. caught the bus to the PURPLE line. then went to harbourfront. walked to Vivocity once again. but this time it was morning. so yeah. Vivo got boring so to the cable car station then. TO SENTOSA(: haha. yes, to sentosa. left sentosa at 12.45 and took the cable car back(: i was SUPER SUPER SUPER afraid. yes, go ahead and laugh. i'm afraid of heights. good thing i didn't go to the butterfly park though. or the whole sentosa would hear my screams. HAHA. yeah, that's how afraid i am of them. and again, go ahead and laugh. everyone has their own fears, right? yeapp. then back to the MRT. but this time to outram park to go i went to bugis. i was quite early. so i decided to walk to national library to drop my mum's books there. and my curiousity led me inside the HUGE building. wow. it's really really .. big. and they have alot of .. books. yes, they do. but then my dear cousin called. so i had to walk back to bugis junction. she tried to find her black knee-length pants. oh my gosh. there wasn't any at BJ. so we went to bugis erm erm, the one infront of BJ. i forgot what's it's called. okok. from the front it's like really small. but when you're inside, it's like never ending shops. well, most of them are like selling the same stuffs. heh. okok. yes, i've not been to that place. so i'm quite .. how you say .. jakun? yeah. haha. i was SOO tired by then. i had no energy left. so my dear cousin&i went to Raffles Hospital banquet. and ate there. yeah. so my energy was finally restored. we went towning(: FINALLY she got her pants. first we went round Isetan. OH OH! she didn't believe me it's called Isetan Scotts. hais. so we bet each other 10 cents that it is Isetan Scotts. but when we reached there, there was like no sign which said Isetan Scotts. haha. i actually asked one of the salesperson. she was selling erm, a clothing line right infront of the entrance/exit. hmm. cool. haha. and so she agreed with me that it is Isetan Scotts. i mean, DUH. she works there. haha. so my cousin lost 10 cents to me. okay yes, it's pathetic. but 10 cents a day, keeps the dollar coming. haha. unfortunately, she didn't get her pants there. so we went outside. and there was the tent like shops. yes, she had her pants there. THEN WE WENT FOR FRIED MARS BARS(: haha. by then, both of us are exhausted. so we decided to go home. yeah, finally. then she stayed with me till 60 came. oh gosh, i'm SO gonna miss her. my #1 towning partner! hmm. she's leaving for Cambodia at 6am, next morning. i think imma go send her off. we hugged each other. for the first time. erh erhh. yeah. cousinly love? haha. so yeah.i was at the interchange. then the first busstop after eunos interchange i saw Reshmin&Dimple. okay i must say, they look pretty in outside clothes. yeapp. Zann boarded the same bus as me but i doubt she realised i was there. haha. it got crowded anw.nabila says, "you did all that and i'm still at the hospital."YEAPP(:
6:09 PM
ARM STRING PULLINGone day,i'll make sure i'll pull the right string&i'll pull it harder than you think. HAHA. okay seriously. this is super bromidic. i went to the polyclinic today. i shall not tell you polyclinics treat split personalities ?i'm just asking. who knows. but hell you have to wait for a very long long long long time just to register. then you get another number to see the doc. which would take only 5 mins. at most 15. i dont know what kind of condition you'd like to consult the doc. so then you're given the 'prescription list' and u put it in a presciption box. which is like small. hmm. i'm kinda thinking. what if the people don't know where to do so? i mean. i didn't. swear. good thing my mum was there. but yeah. so you have to make payment first. one good thing bout polyclinics, CHEAP. yeah. haha. okok. waited for at least 5-10 mins. then wait another 5-10 mins for the presciption. wasted at least 3 hrs of sleep time.apology for the information. i mean, it could come in handy for some. i'm only the 2nd time patient there. i didn't know it was sooo troublesome. cheap but all you have to do is sacrifice time(: i mean, unless you feel like dying then don't go la. haha. you know how that feels right? so yeah. but it's really worth it. my CONDITION would've costed the least $30++.monday: going out. with #5tuesday: i really really want to stay home. alone.wednesday: SUPREME COURT job attachment. with school people.thursday: going out. jalan raya perhaps? duit raya!friday: catch up with my studies? HAHA.all planned out week(:
5:31 PM
if this keyboard aint so loud and irritating. i wouldve typed more. and gosh seriously. i am like soo like a loser right now. swear. no kidding.
3:44 AM
okay. so maybe i've lost him. yeah
oh c'mon. i really really want him back. all this week i cant seem to erm, control my thoughts. they just come. and yes. ive made my decision. but he hasnt.
3:11 AM
i wish i wish i wish i was still your girl;yeah okay so love hurts. and ?
and yeah, it wasn't a date. just out having pure fun. i guess.
i'd like to thank everyone. for i don't know what. but i feel that i should.
missing nuri always.
1:28 PM
everything you own in a box; to the leftwith mrs ng&classmates;
met them at little india. haha. but some were late and the place was hot. yeah. though it was raining. drizzling to be exact. waited for mrs ng SO long. haha. then we walked ALL THE WAY to the restaurant. mrs ng gets distracted ALOT. stops by every shop there is. haha. oh then we ate paper thosai, bathura/s and many many more. then we played truth or dare. my gawd.
mrs ng: dare; had to eat yoghurt. bloody easy.
vicky: truth; do you really not like indian food? -noo, only some.
sufie: dare; eat something i dont know what stacey has cooked up. REALLY REALLY sweet but look damn spicy.
stacey: dare; eat five onions
joy: dare; help the waiter serve to another customer. OMG
kathy: dare; SING to another customer. BLOODY EMBARRASSING.
anthea: dare; pretend to have a photoshoot. christine went "oh yeah baby. show me what you got"
OH YEAH. hell of an embarrassment. haha. then we left. walked all the way to mustafa's.
we had to play a game. in 35 mins. find things that you dont expect to find it there. that you could present it as a gift. budget: $5
so i got a car freshener. don't know if that'd come in handy. HAHA.
okay goodbye. gonna go jalan raya now
12:31 PM
haha. you guys are really weird laa. wanna fight leave me out of the picture laa. haha.
yesterday went RAYARAYA. met kak farhana&kak ain. okay abit odd calling them that. nvm. we bitched ALOT. oh wells, girls gossip. =) well, ain was in complete oblivion about them. but nevermind. but not only that laa. we talked bout school too. they're in JC. goshh. haha. smarts.
6:08 PM
I SMILE CAUSE I'M MEANT TO =)my girlfriends make me smile.ohh had alot of funn at esplanade yesterdayy! haha. oh yeahhh. rushed home to change. took 55 with rachael, erny&janelle. they talked about lovebites. HAHA. rach&erny were like disgusted about the fact. HAHA. so darn innocent. but that was just the start. so i reached home. then i changed. then i went back out to meet
NABILALALALALA at parkway coz she wanted to change her handphone. wow. GOOD thang she didnt. not a good price.
so we just went off to
VIVOCITY. oh yeah. it was okay. pretty darn big. then we walked around and met zakiah, arina&amalina at Zara. all the shops are going vintage. haha. dont know if it's good or bad. there was really nothing much that we could afford for the moment. dinner at banquet. but arina&amalina had to go off. hah. darnn. so yeah.
ESPLANADE! =) trip there was absolute normal. haha. to the rooftop we went. took pics. laughlaughlaugh. OHHH! we believed we were rich. so we decided to eat at haagen dazs. haha. the ice cream was SUPERB i tell you. made jokes. pics again. by then, we were all tired. so yeah. went home. reached home and saw my whole family eating kfc. no matter. took the cheese fries so it's fair. was prettyt hyped last night. so i messaged
him. haha. =)
my girlfriends will never let go.
1:26 PM