...8, 9, 10! Ready or not? Here I come!Friday, 29th December 2006Woke up at 9 to do my hair for a special day. haha. it was pretty special coz it's my first outing with CT<3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/6148/505/1600/907274/IMG_0003.jpg">

my lovely

ain't she just so sweet?(:

oh gawdd, loves!(:
thank you my lovely, ct!(:
&sufi too? haha.
Thursday &Wednesday, nothing much happened. nabila came over my house. watched some movies &sang our hearts out! haha. &she left.
Tuesday, 26th December
I actually wrote this very very very long post. but due to internet connection problem, IT WASN'T SAVED! saddd. but to cut story short. i went out with Sufi. to east coast park. heh. played in the waters even though it was raining. managed to push him in. haha. got myself wet too. hahaha. oh wells. went to nabila's house to change. then we went to Parkway for dinner. he sent me home(: end. hahaha.
ohh yeah, i got myself into this HUGE mess &i think i'm the only who can clean it all up. shit. just how?
2:48 PM
Undeniable LoveSaturday, 23rd December 2006WELL, first of all. i must say Thank You to all who made my day. OKOK, i'll specify. Mashie, Diy, Syaza &the dikir girls(: oh you are the love. BOBO!(: hahaha. woke up at 8am to get ready. supposedly to meet at 9.45am Bedok Mrt platform. Mashie text me saying that i meet her at Eunos Mrt because of some stuff. okayyy. that was settled. but she came late. real late. haha. i waited &waited &waited. Diy text me, i text her, she text me, i text her.
&at 9.45..
well, then i waited again. no harm. &about 15mins later i saw someone in green rushing down the escalator. haha. stood infront thinking she noticed me. nope, she didn't. my sister didn't recognise me! oh well. haha. then she withdrew some cash(: &we left for Bedok Mrt. laughed along the way. saw the loves(: &took the train to Clementi. the other girls didn't wanna come along. so whatever. met them at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. anw, we had some laughs along the way. reached Clementi. took 52 at the WRONG side. haha. ended up at Jurong East instead. so we took the cab to Ngee Ann Poly. haii. there goes 7bucks. haha. we reached &saw the girls. yes, all are girls. haha. gave 'em tickets and went in. we were like. 1min before the show started. cool huh? took our seats. the neck was quite strained though (check out where i sat babes.)
watched 4 schools perform. hmm, not bad. not bad at all. seriously. watching them made me fall in love with dikir again. but sadly, not KC's dikir. hahaha. i'm mean. oh wells. i have another hmm, half a year with them?(: i don't wish to see MCS corrupt. i don't at all. so anyway, there was a 45min break. where we were able to go pray &eat &stuff. i'm sure the minahs &mats had their "little problem". i'd understand the ladies but. the guys? haha. oh yeah, i saw my friend there. cool. haha. so Mashie&I went to pray. &Liyana too. i think by then, 45mins was over. so we made our way back to the auditorium. took some pictures. &watched another 4 schools perform. i'm telling you. they're really really good. well, better than us a year ago that is. haha. oh wells. Hai Sing didn't perform. hmm. but anyway. Singapore Poly won. hooo haa! joy. tripped a guy. mashie erm.. attracted a guy's attention. which was soo funny though. haha.
So after the performance, we made our way to Orchard.
PS: She thinks they're quite a nice catch though its quite wrong. but "kalau hati dah suka, nak buat apa" haha. we ate at LJS Far East. again, saw some catch. though they're not THAT nice. not bad. hahaha. anw, Mashie &I decided to go to Masjid Al-Falah to do our prayers. Diy &Syaza didn't wanna come coz they had to go home or something. Mashie &I confessed this&that. wow. I really didn't expect it. but whatever. hahaha. Did our prayers there &went home. Orchard was SUPER crowded. seriously. but safely made our way to the train. dropped at Eunos &took 61 home. Mashie alighted at my stop to take 65. waited with her till the bus came. &when i reached home. it was 8.01pm. still early laa. hahaha.
But overall, i had a great day(: Thank you to one&all! Much Loves from me(: haha.
Sometimes i think, we're really not that bad. But when I think again, so what?(:

mashie, my love.

Singapore Polytechnic. ( in pink, oh yes in pink &my heart fluttered )

tarian-ees in heels(: loves!

by name you are mine(:

Diy&i. gawd, the love!

Ahli Fiqir(:

love the way they walk with 'em heels.

Ngee Ann Convention erhhh.. Centre?

you're just my one&only.
5:49 PM
Once&for all, I'm going to do this.I really don't know why.
But I have mixed feelings right now.
I don't know how I'm feeling right now. I really don't know, so quit asking.
Maybe I still love him. Maybe I still want him.
But those words he said were like blades of knives ready to pierce my heart with the right aim.
It's hard for me to accept him; not that I'm saying he wants me back.
But even if I were to still want him back. I'll erase that feeling and think about all the good things that can come by without him.
Eg. my girlfriends (oh they are soo the love), my best friend (inevitably true), my other friends (can't live without 'em), &all whom I love.
He has brought me to a path where it's my choice to move forward or turn around&start anew. And I choose to turn around&start anew(:
I will leave my past behind because I've been prepared.
And him being my past, I will let him go.
And when I have moved forward, I won't look back.
Not anymore.
Like they say, "If you love him, let him go."
I just want to say this last few words, probably my last few.
Dear Nuri,Although my heart has been torn into a million pieces&the anger in me still hasn't recede, I would like to thank you for everything that you've done for me. I will remember all those good&innocent memories and forget all those unhappy past. Not only that, I will cherish them. I will cherish you. But you are my past. You are the one that has made me realise that this is not the life I want to be in. And with that, I will let you go&find your true happiness. Take A Chance On A Happy Ending. Because that's what I'm doing. Somehow, I know that deep down, I still love you. Even if it's after a thousand years. And even if I don't, I'll still know that I loved you. I just hope you don't forget me.With love,Sufie.Because even if you think it was the end, it really isn't(:
There, I've cleared it all. May you all know how I felt. haha.
And Amira,
thanks for this.
Keep in mind: the road will be difficult. As in any healthy relationship, you will have your share of conflicts, some tiny, some big. Remember to be true to yourself, and try to abandon any significant selfishness. A relationship is a matter of team work.
5:42 PM
The girlfriends i will never let go<3i went out with my girlfriends yesterday. super cool. haha. had breakfast at macs with kak diy&syaza. then went to school for mcs meeting. love the mcs!(: then went to parkway for lunch with kak diy, kak mas&syaza. ashriqah went with her entourage to go and pierce her ears. haha. okayy. then we met her. and she went to pierce again. kak diy&kak mas went back to school to collect their results. i still don't know kak mas' results. darnn. haha. anw, ashriqah, syaza&i went to syaza's house first to change. so her brothers. haha. hadi rebonded his hair ! HAHA. super funny. i saw him &i burst into laughter. haha. hamkah was well, quiet. i don't know. i only know hadi. my sec 1 acquaintance. haha. then we left for ashriqah's house. we walked all the way from tampines interchange to her house. superr far okayy. haha. she changed and by then, we were late. SORRY! so we took the train and it reached eunos and we called out for kak mas&kak diy. boarded the train &we left for orchard. it was an awkward journey but it was fine. reached far east, found the shop and discussed how the shirt's gonna be. it was like super funn okay! had fun with the shopkeepers.
-Girl shopkeeper enters-Man shopkeeper: Dia tu baru buat rambut.Everyone: -stares-Sufie: Macam takde difference je aku tengok.Girl shopkeeper: -looks at me- Buta kepe ?!no, seriously. there was like no difference. so yeahh. we continued laughing and doing our shirt. GAWD! it was super expensive okayyy. haiis. oh well. anw, then we went to Shaw Centre to have dinner. ate LJS(: there was like no space, so we had to share with other people. don't worry, we don't bite. haha. or do we?(: after that, we continued our journey back home. it was raining. urgh! had loads of laughter. stopped at raffles place to change Mrt. hmm, even that also it was like super crowded. we went out at City Hall at first but saw it was super crowded we went back in the Mrt to go Raffles Place. we ran inside the Mrt. &started laughing out loud. then the Mrt stopped because the train ahead had some technical problems. already the place was like stuffy&we were stuck there for a few minutes. hmmm. reached eunos&alighted. aww. gonna miss my gfs!(: haha. love them all. and i reached home. i started smsing my twin&my best bud. haha. had loads of fun. in the end, i fell aslp. haha. didn't say my prayers! so saddd. hmm. nvm. i will do so tonight.

ashriqah is the love<3

yeah, mashita loves me too. haha.

i love her, y'know(:

happy children!

my loves<33

will we ever be together?<3

the girlfriends i will never let go(: loves-
2:05 PM
My Hyatt Hotel Dinner.i must say, the food was scrumptous(: haha. seriously. and the concept was pretty cool. haha. we ate at StraitsKitchen at Hyatt Hotel. My relatives&i. cool huh? we had the coolest time there. we do it anually. i feel so blessed(: haha. there's always a good coming out from the bad huh? i must say, it's true. we had loads of fun&loads of food. love it there! then we left for home. the taxi queue was quite long. waited for the cab for so.. long. but of course we have a cab. le Duh! haha. it was raining anw. then i got home. wanted to blog. BUT i felt scared to go online. finally, i faced reality. haha.

to me, she's THE cutest(:

sisters for life(:

presenting the bouquet to the loved one(:
12:56 PM
MY OWN HOLIDAY(:well, i went Kuala Terengganu, Msia truly last minute. coz the night before i went out with, well. i went out alone. haha. i went to watch a MOVIE(: alone. i watched The Holiday. ohmygosh. i truly recommend that movie to all ! it's super duper nice! i can totally relate to it. i actually cried. haha. and i was alone. my handphone was switched off due to low battery and lotsa people tried to reach me. haha. ended up coming home at 10++pm. haha. then, i packed my luggage and my uncle picked me up to go to his house so we can depart together from there.
So the next morning, we woke up at around 5.25. no, i woke up at around 5.25am. haha. bathed&change. and re-packed my stuff. &OFF TO MSIA! haha. the trip there was sleepy-ing. slept till 8am. we didn't use the highway. so the road was really turning. i don't know how to say. but in any case, my trip there was basically sleep, wake up. stare out the window, think about things. slept again, wake up, listen to mp3. sleep again, wake up for lunch. sleep again. it was a 12-hour journey OKAY?! then we reached a place called Teluk Cempedak. -.-? okayy. so anw, we went to the beach. pretty nice. got my pants wet. then we continued our journey to Kuala Terengganu. then we reached somewhere. &somewhere &somewhere. FINALLY we reached. at about 5++pm. so, we surveyed for the hotels. came to a decision to stay at Batu Burok Beach Resort. haha! okayy. it wasn't SOO bad. just fine. quite dissapointing though. at night, we went for A&W!(: got waffles&curly fries&root beer float!(: haha. and we went back to the hotel. no, resort. my cuz &i watched Titanic Part 1. fell aslp halfway.
Next day, we went to this hmm, market-ish place. bought songket! for a reasonably cheap price. haha. and we went here&there. then we had dinner at this restaurant. quite okay. the steak was freakin' small. and i saw this cute cat(refer to picture below). so anyway, we went back to our hotel in a quicky to catch Titanic Part 2. haha. and then, i slept. my cousin woke me up at i dunno what time. to make me sleep facing her. seriously, haha.
TIME TO GO HOME DAY! we packed, had breakfast. the mee goreng that you usually get in singapore is called mee goreng mamak style. haha. i don't know what you'll get if you ask for mamak style like the one in singapore. haha. anw, then we went to the market again. to do some last minute shopping. THEN WE LEFT(: i missed home so much okayy. we stopped at Gambang, Pahang for lunch. then continued our journey. after lunch, i straight away slept mann. i don't know why i was so sleepy. haha. then we reached Machap at 8+ and Gelang Patah at 9++ where i met my mum there and had my dinner. My mum went to Msia for some shopping. coincidence? hmm. nvm. so, we left for customs. it was jammed in singapore side. my mum left later and she reached singapore earlier. hmm! i saw this cute cisco guy. haha. looks chinese but he's malay. haha. oh wells. I REACHED HOME FIRST(: how cool is that? i had time to bathe summore. haha. cool huh?
OVERALL: i had fun. really, i did. thanks to all!(:

the cat i thought was REALLY cute. it has pretty eyes!

the family i went with.

this is SO not me. haha. but i like the shirt(:

that's the beach(:

and i stare.

God knows what i was so happy about. haha.

under the pondok(: haha.

it's just too inevitable.


the first&the last you'll see me in specs.

love all, serve all.

my hair was suppose to be BANG-ed. haha.

messing up.

waves you don't get to see, you skimming posers.

somwhere nice(:
2:05 PM
just so you know, i don't look good in all these pictures. so bear with me.

my pretty cousins.

The Luge.

The Skyride.

The Ending of The Luge.


the rocks were slippery, haha.

picnic-ing by the beach(:
Sentosa Day !(:
I had a total blast yesterday. woke up early just to go sentosa with my pretty cousins. well, first i had to go meet BOYFRIEND(: at bedok interchange to pass her something. then went to Eunos Mrt to meet my cousins. then off we went to Sentosa. fun fun fun! we reached harbourfront and they bought some nasi ayam thing to eat there. and we took the bus. paid the admission tickets and we were IN! so we took the Yellow Line bus to Palawan Beach. okayy. i seriously don't get it. it's kinda like Singapore's bus system. haha. except that it's free. okay nvm. then we walked to find a nice spot. couldn't find one. so we went to the toilet to change , bought a mat at 7-11. and we walked back to find another nice spot. couldn't find any so we went to the other side. crossed the bridge to the other side. cool. i liked it. haha. saw fishes(: okay nvm. then we found a nice spot under the coconut tree. HAHA. and we ate before we went swimming. we talked alot ! and laughed alot too. i miss my pretty cousins. haha. then we went SWIMMING! gosh, it has been like a long time since i swam in the sea. and it felt real nice.. the water was cooling. we played games. haha! we wanted to take The Luge so we left at around 2 and went to change. walked all the way to The Luge. it's this thing where you can 'action' drive your own car. but it's like you pull this thing(look at picture above) then you move down a winding hill. you can race. but it'd be a waste of your $8. haha. we took The Skyride. y'know the thing when you want to go skiing you have this thing to bring you up the mountain but in this case, a hill. i wasn't really afraid of the height surprisingly. but i was more afraid of my slippers would fall. haha.
and so we reached. this guy who taught us how to drive the luge has 'Wolfgang' as his name. cool name huh? so we rode down the hill. it was SUPER SUPER FUN! stopped and took a picture and continued our way down. haha. and soon it ended. saddd. then we took the beach tram to the erhhh, another place to take a bus back to the Bus Transfer to go back to Singapore island. we had a whole load of funn i tell you. we wanted to catch a movie at vivo but there were no interesting movies to watch so we walked around vivo for awhile. then we went banquet to have dinner. my cousin was pissed off because her carrot cake took 20mins to get done. while mine took like 5 mins. okay, i didn't get carrot cake but i got my food from the same stall. anyway, we took the Mrt back home. left my cousin at eunos and me and Su went to simpang to have another dinner? HAHA! sadd my other cousin couldn't go or we would have more fun. but no matter, we still did though. haha. funny things happened. Su's dad fetched us home. and i was super exhausted by then. despite that, i'm still happy i had the time with my pretty cousins.
Honestly, nothing will make me happier than having you by my side.for i have to adapt to your way of thinking.
12:57 PM
My Happily Ever After
i like(:

walking down the aisle like a princess.

cousinly love.
take a good look at me now.Today, i earned money(: how cool is that? haha. well, it was
hardwork okay? Today, i learned the value of hardwork. First, i had to wake up at 8 to get ready&all. and we left for Yishun. reached the CC and well, it wasn't hardwork at first. i didn't expect to be what i was in for. haha. i had to work like a kendarat. well, more of the taking in new plates&glasses kind. y'know, the ones who HAVE to visit the kitchen people. well, you don't call it a kitchen exactly but you get the point. then we started work. wiping of plates, cups. ohhhmyyygoshh. total hardwork. then it was 1.30pm. PEAK PERIOD. the drinks were finished, had to go to the back to top up. the glasses were fast disappearing, had to go to the back to take 'em. the plates too, well, you get the idea. i scared to make them wait coz it's like.. not my wedding. so i must work to not give them bad impression. then i ran, slipped alot. but i didn't fall thankfully. then my feet&shoulders got really strain. then it strecthed all the way till 4. then we wiped more cups. but this time, it was for dinner. i was like WHAA ? and yeah, break till 6. haha. then back to work. i was like "we better get paid overtime mann." haha. and we were!(: while doing the plates&all, we started singing and laughing loudly. haha. she said i have a nice voice. aww(: haha. first compliment from her? haha.
i'm telling you, the wedding's damn grand. but danggggg, it would be nicer if the location was at a hotel. seriously! coz i heard the bride's a flight steward. whoa! they had 2 4-tier cake OKAY ? it was like super nice! one was chocolate, delicious looking. the other one was white with red roses. really really romantic kind. whoa mann. they had lunch&dinner okay. the dinner was for their friends i think. so it was more grand. i realised during the dinner the parents weren't active. haha. oh oh! my cousin&i were sitting at an"alley" leading towards the prayer room, but i really don't know where it led to. so i think the Anugerah Skrin Effendi guy was their friend and he&his other 2 friends wanted to go through the alley which led to no where. they passed by me&my cuz saying "Nak solat ah.*snickers*" and they found out it led to nowhere. haha. and they walked back. my cousin said "tak jadi solat?" it was quite soft, i doubt they heard but when she told me i was like bursting in laughter. never make an effort to joke about solat. heh. so anyway, i was like exhausted by then. then after the whole wedding we had to clear up. put the cups back in the boxes, count them, wipe the water away simultaneously. collected roses from the decor(: haha. pretty roses. then we relaxed after everything wasa cleared. so i kinda took pics at the pelamin. nice y'know. i was walking towards the pelamin with lots of excitement coz it was nice, oblivious to the fact that the pengantin was there to collect things i guess. HAHA. i was quite embarrassed. heh.
&then my uncle picked us up(me, my aunt, my cuz). we went to Mak's Place for dinner. coz dear cousin wanted to eat black pepper steak. okayy. so we did. in the car we were like telling jokes&riddles. haha. i was so hyped somehow. haha. we reached there eventually and we ate. the tomyam soup is like SUPER hot i tell you. my couzin&i scissorspaperstone-d for the prawns. haha. and my aunt went to pay the bill. my cuz, my uncle&i were like guessing how much the price for the meal was. haha. mental calculation. i guess &24.80, my cuz $25, my uncle $25.80. haha. my aunt walked back and asked for our table number and there was none so my dear cousin said "
Just count the ingredients ah." &i went laughing real hard ! HAHA! sampai besok pun tak habis seyhh. haha! anw, then we left for home. i went home feeling really exhausted.
ate again. gosh. oh yeah! we got free food at the wedding. i got to bring back home the chocolate delicious looking cake. the cheesecake. hmm(: haha.
and tomorrow, another day with my cousins early in the morning. okay no, at 10am. is that early? yeahhh. it is. haha. oh well, i can't wait !(:
goodnight, everyone. i'm going to sleep now. my left hand is killing me.
it's totally worth the wait(:
12:09 AM

my heart holds a thousand lies;yet there are still promises to be made.Empty Promises.woke up at 5am. got ready and stuff which took 5 mins. okayy. i really wasn't in the mood to dress up or anything. then we left to pick up my uncle and we left for MALAYSIA, for a wedding. haa. it was pretty squeezy but we managed. well, i managed. cracked loads of jokes. then we went up to Malacca. the mall was still closed at 9.15 am. Le Duh! haha. so we waited&waited. and at 10am, i had Coffee Bean breakfast. there's always a first right? haha. then we walked around the mall. bought Non-V pins at Guardian. then we left for Muar. it was a long long long journey. i'd say if it was comfortable, i wouldn't mind. haha. but no matter, i had fun in the car.
we reached and changed to baju kurung. got ready. did our make-up and hair. well, i did mine&my aunt's. so we went out to eat. i'm sorry to say; it wasn't very appetizing. i mean, it was nice but the environment was well, not a nice place. but i refuse to think of it that way while i was eating.
sufie don't see, sufie don't know. but if i know even if i don't see, it's life. then the bride&groom arrived. well, their houses were like practically next to each other with ample space to walk through. but they went all the way out to the main road and walked back in. okayyy. nvm. the bride's pretty. the groom's kinda old. then, i begged for us to leave. i've really got to get used to that place. haha. then we left. long long long journey back.
oh by the way, there were alot of graveyards.
so yeahh. and i saw COWS(: y'know the ones that go MOOOOOOO!
and i reached Singapore at 6.30++ cool. haha. and right now, at this very second, i'm having Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. HOW COOL IS THAT ?!(: haha.
my heart yearns for your presence at the hardest time.
7:40 PM