I'm Posting !(:26th February 'o7, MondayDimple's parents came to have a surprise birthday party. since no one in the class knew, it turned out to be surprising for HER but shocking for us. but they were so sweet, seriously(: haha. nevermind. oh yeah, i remember eating at Macs after school &walking around parkway. wow.
So anw, besides that fact.
Going back to the
28th,i dunno la. alot of things have been happening. i just don't know where to start. they pain of parents' opinion? the hurt from the girl? the slipping of marks? F lah. &it's khairul st.pats' birthday today. yay. i got to know him when he was 13. now he's 15. wahh. grown up already, wear long pants. syabas! tahniah!
If only you could see the hurt without you getting hurt.If only there was a way for me to outstand myself from her.If only I could show you how much I have loved you from the beginnning.If only...No one seems to know how this goes.No one knows how I truly feel, not even you.I just can't bear to shed a tear.Not anymore.I've wasted too much on another.For I love you from deep within &always will.
4:14 PM
After 2 Looong No Posts Week, I'll Give You .. a very long post(:20th February 'o7 , Tuesdaywent to Sentosa with cousin &uncle. there were like ALOT of people there. seriously. Sentosa dah lah kecik. i think got the rhythm in bloom thing? yeah. the "Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any flower what the shit thing" mm-hm. so , we took the Blue Line to Siloso Beach. changed and swim! fun ahh. i miss those times. haha. made my own.. hole? with a BRIDGE! haha. i got tanline(: oh, then we bathed. &headed back to Still-Sunny-As-Ever Singapore Island. went to Vivocity for dinner. walked around abit. &went home. dead beat. &the next day was sekolah. haha. you could guess. tiring. haha. i think so(:

my Sentosa partner.

i wanna go again!

yeah, i did that. under the sunny sun sun.

good quality camera produces this.

i look pregnant. from the back!
17th February 'o7, Saturday
went to granny's house for family gathering. like normal. usual. most were there. ate ALOT. OH! WE TOSSED THE YU SHENG!(: haha. fun ahh. Chinese New Year mood. haha. i even wore red. wee! so yeah. at night, had reunion dinner at aunt's house. &went home.
then on Sunday, went to my another aunt's house for a barbeque party. had loads of fun coz my aunts told stories of their past. funny. haha. what they encountered during their young days. ghost stories. yeahh.

Yu Sheng!

Superstar baby.

irrelevent to the post but this is my Valentine's day gift(:

my cousins.
16th February 'o7, Fridayhad CNY celebrations. met Annisa, Nadiatul &Nadia in the morning at Bedok Int. went to school together. first part of the celebrations was performance. VS lion dance &wushu team performed. I LOVE THE WUSHU! (: haha. then the CCS &Teresa Tseng went to VS to perform. i have absolutely no comments about that. we got a 45-minute lecture from Mr.J . again, no comments. Ms Lam came to 4.3! shocking. haha.
but the night, was something to be excited about. nabila's birthday outing. yeahh. met her at 6+ in the Mrt with Mashita. they look damn good. went to The Cathay to watch a movie. it was drizzling. but we just made the commute. bought the tickets to Epic Movie. &went to Plaza Sing for dinner. despite the fact that it was her birthday outing, she treated me(: SO SWEET. i'll treat you one day kk. one fine.. after i get a job.. day. haha. then we walked back to the Cathay for the movie. oh! you know before the movie starts, there's always ads right? the "Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any flower whatever shit thing" came on. haha. hinted to someone laa. funny! haha. had real good time in the theatre coz i think nabila was scared of the man next to her. saying he always look at her side. haha. so she moved the right(where me&mash) was. haha. scary. Epic Movie sucks. 4.5/10 seriously.
then, we went to Explanade's Haagen Daaz. no more comments. the fondue was damn heavenly. &kak idah was late.

she's just so .. good-looking.

she made me snap this.

CNY celebrations.

love her always.

my 4.1 babes.


good stuff.


all yours.
so anyway, there are, of course, other events that happened.
went to watch Norbit with nabila. NC-16 tauu(:
&...someone's pissing my head off.
&i think Khan is very sweet(: HAHA.
&i think we're gonna use the Dance CLub's EMDD 'o6 skirt for our SYF. with our going to be bought bodysuit(:
&last but certainly not the least, I Love Mashita(:
Good Day! till next time we meet again.
12:58 PM
So, what do you think ?Nice?
saya, khairi, abduh.

kcians &ex-victorians.

5454 - ?

unconditional love.

he so .. selit-selit. but anyway,
BIRTHDAY GIRL in the middle.

erm, he's adorable. but i don't know his name. HAHA.

Q &i.

i still don't know the name of the guy in red.
OHMYGOODNESS GRACIOUS ME.WOW. a week since i updated. damn. that's like real long. haha. anyways, alot of things have been happening this past week. i requested to drop Art but the principal told me to drop Core Lit. THAT i will not do, coz i did the calculation of how well i can do. so yeah. anyway, it hasn't been confirmed though. i saw the release of O level results. hmm, i wanna be like those screaming in joy next year. &i want mashita to be there. so i can tell her that i did well. but it's so sad, i'm leaving KC. diy, lyz, you guys are with me right? haiis. sad to be leaving Tarian. erh, dikir.. erh.. okaylahh. haha.
Saturday, 10th Feb.
woke up at 7am to go all the way to ACJC with nabila to support Anthea. yeah, not a very interesting. the only interesting part was when Mr. Meyer tripped. haha. so anyway, me &nabila went to Tamp. ate at Food Culture. walked around Century Square &Tampines Mall. met mashita at Starbucks. she left, we left. we went to Marina Square with nabila's sis &nabila sis' boyfriend, mus. so yeah. surveyed the bags. had to leave. so i left.
went to liza's pit. didn't stay for long. but it was okay ah. sorry liza for not bringing any present. haha. anyway, Happy Birthday! haha. saw the ex-victorians. it's like .. they have never seen me before. bedek seyhh. haha. so anyway, left with nabila. her dad fetched us. dropped me off at pasir ris interchange. met mashita &went home. done.
what a tiring day. left home at 7.45am. came back at 10.30pm. wahhh. &after 1 week, this is all i could come up with. haha.
11:31 PM
I seriously want to visit the Forbidden City. really interesting it seems. with its names to show its superiority. haha. so anyway, went for tuition yesterday. okay la. T.G.I.F yesterday. today, i practically didn't do anything much.
shit, i must do the 20 sketches PLUS 3 transformation by monday. damn. tomorrow i'm working. ahh ehf lah.
"It's about grace, madam.""Grace? How can anyone shit gracefully?!"
4:29 PM