I went to Kampung Collections just now with Mashie, Bobo &Cikgu Sara to get the dikir costumes. Although i'm not involved, i guess it's better if i helped out. They seem to need an extra hand. So yeah(: kind soul helped of course. haha. It was funny. Saw our picture that Abg
Wandi? took. NICE LA. haha. We then went to Bobo's house to put the costumes down. She's bringing it back to school. Hope she can manage(: Then we went to eat at Hjh Maimunah. Of course, Cikgu belanja-ed us. haha. I was sooo hungry okay. haha.
Tomorrow's Malay Dance Practice. Gosh. Gotta be prepared for what Mdm Maz's gonna say to us. My dancers, stay strong <3
Remedial lessons are practically everyday until MidYears. Great.
Can't wait for Saturday! Mummy's getting an award during Speech&Prize-Giving Day. &i ain't got one! Great.
I'm sorry too. I love you.
I can't imagine being without you.
8:18 PM
It isn't over..My dancers,
No matter what we got, you must know that we believe you did your very best. It's true. It doesn't matter what we got. What matters is, what we got from it. &that's more important. The sisterly bond, the everlasting friendship. We made it through ups&downs. We pushed through all obstacles and made it this far. It wasn't easy, with some of our difficulties. At least, we managed to achieve something out of it(: You must believe in yourself you can do much better. My juniors, you have another to conquer. Make us proud(:
It's okay. No more tears for us too. Haha. Congratulations btw. It was something, even if it's nothing to us. You guys did great. Awesome, i must say.
Heads up guys!
1:41 PM
Goodbye my love. I must leave.OHMYGOSH! SYF'S OVER. &boy, did i have fun(: i felt a sense of satisfaction after performing. i swear. haha. i wanted to cry though coz it's like my last year. hopefully NOT the last time i'll be stepping on the stage. yeah. i'll miss EVERYONE. the process was fun. &i saw my cedarians(: they were great, really. goshhh. &arep's sister is unexpectedly in.. tarian. haha. oh wells.
i'm sorry for all misunderstandings. forgive me for all my mistakes. i'll miss you all.
&you too.

she's just too hot laaa(:

where's Nadiah? DI MANA KAMU?!

my fingers are.. short.

gotta love the hair(: haha.

food gives energy. hidup mesti mau makan beb! &the usual cup of milo. haha.

ain't she just such a sweetheart?(:

CHONG & Her Proteges.

not too long later..


the only prop(s)? oh btw, we stayed till 9pm at this place. FREAKAYYE.

siap part 1

siap part 2

siap part 3

yeah, we stayed till 9pm on Monday in the gym to practice. MY KNEES ARE SWOLLEN. haiis. my wound's getting worse though its already 1 year. haiiis. ohwells. really hope we have raised our standards.
8:54 PM
Like A Fast Moving Train.Choo Choo! It went..ehh, oh goodness.. Monday training. 2-9pm. WHAT THE HELL! i have a
Social Studies test the next day before preparing to give it our all. I REPEAT!
SOCIAL STUDIES. haiis. &i'm most definitely not looking forward to see one of God's creation whose life is to put others down.&i'm going Malacca tomorrow morning. will be back on Saturday. as much as i need the break, i'm gonna miss my Al. &others too. i just can't bear to listen to the plans that was made just now about tomorrow. where i should have been included but due to unfortunate circumstances, i'm not. because of the reason stated above. HAIS. Somehow, i really didn't want to hear it. coz i know there won't be any fun without them.
could what *he said be true? that we differ in every way but the only similar thing about us is that we're in love? i thought about it over&over. it's really bugging me. but i still love *him. hais.
at least, i'm not like him. goes for rebounds. awww, sad life huh? i take my time to think about it over&over. unlike him, suka jer nak. ish.
btw, my 2-day old phone got confiscated. feel free to congratulate me!(:
- *he/*him = my one&only.
10:23 PM
It Won't Be Long Anymore..will you miss me like always? Or more.. ?oh goshh, SYF's next week! Note: NEXT WEEK! oh my gosh oh my gosh! i dunno what i'm anticipating for. seriously.
hmm, i'm really gonna miss my loves. hopefully this will be my second last performance of my secondary school year, if everyone permits. on the other hand, i must graduate this year! i must! i'm gonna miss everyone! SERIOUSLY!
we'll make it through thick&thin, i'm sure of that. just hold my hand &we'll conquer it all.
just one thing that's pulling me back. how often will i get to be with her after i leave? it just won't be the same. not the same at all.
I Love You, Alfie.
9:39 PM