Just SWELLLLLLLL.Just another plain day. with a little bit of Ms' sarcasm. yeah. that was sort of funny. &i had difficulties walking, still. sadly. just praying it will get better soon.
Mashie, cheer up okay?(:
5:27 PM

Well, school gives us the time to go home and sleep. Not sleep in school. well, 2 incidents which I find rather hilarious.
First; around 7.45-8.45 am.
we were having Malay. and dear cikgu was talking about Oral. OH YEAH. mine's on the 9th. DARN. okay anyway. Nabila sat next to me, as always. and H at next to me on my left. Nabila realised that H was sleeping, the fact the she's a councillor, she told me to wake her up. I was uhh, blur. coz she was mumbling. then E woke her up instead. H was up in shocked. &least we expected, she drooled. &she only slept for around 5 mins. Itu sungguh dasyat. HAHAHA. okay laugh.
Secondl around 8.45-9.45am.
Chemistry. Mrs came to class and she went to my place with the fact that Nabila&I are sitting at the second row in the middle of the class. heh. so she stood right in front of Nabila while checking my textbook. I looked at Nabila and her eyes were closed. Asleep, i assumed. i woke her up &SHE was in shock that Mrs was infront of her. HAHAHA. okay laugh.
Hope we all learnt a lesson today!(:
6:43 PM
You are just too caring for my heart to handle. &that's why I love you so much. You are one who gives me the strength to keep going. Lift up my sorrows and share my joys. Wipe every of my tear and embrace my every smile. You enjoy every last minute we have with each other for the day. Never have you taken me for granted. Was there when I needed a hug. Was there to hear my every stories - happiness, sadness, disappointment, anger, exciting, terrifying etc. Although you may pretend not to listen at times, I know that you are.
My days are incomplete without seeing you smile an being happy. Your every treat has given me another hope to live life to its fullest.
What can I do to at least be half the girlfriend that you are?
6:12 PM
Nothing but disappointment
5:23 PM
No regrets ; just trying to move on.First day of a new semester.
Surprisingly, i didn't fall asleep. But not surprisingly, i wasn't paying attention. I have another 47 more Lit essays to complete. Great. During malay lesson. Cikgu happily taught 3 girls without teaching the other.. 9 students. Coz the venue was different. I LIKE AHHH LIDDAT. pissed la of course. But i did learn something during that span of not doing much.
Friend told us that we all should start working REALLY hard. it's really not in us to be .. erm, slacking. she says we should go against our class atmosphere. as you should know, erh, we're not exactly the most hardworking class. so yeah. it's not the malay society either. and all that stuff coz the mentality usually is like, we're suppose to lead a simple life. but then again, a simple life also in THIS kind of century. who is gonna succeed anyway right?
well, i'm gonna heed her advice. thanks, Friend.
We've already received our Entry Proof. NOT long now, NOT long. Malay Oral is after EMDD. oh gawd. EMDD. last performance of.. of.. Secondary School. It's really sad, y'know. It's not long. Gawd, really! ):
Well, that's all for today.
6:05 PM
You know I'm crazy over you.
Miss Red, you're a killer. but too bad, i've taken control over you.
training was devastating. 12-2.
I'm leaving for M'sia tomorrow. gonna miss training. &gonna miss the dear. don't worry, i'll take care of myself. just promise me, you'll take care of yourself too k?
okay now, i'm tired. i'm missing Ghost Whisperer because my ass refuse to lift itself &move. blaah.
10:12 PM
Menari Zapin Telok Belangah...i'm up really early. &i'm still sleepy. hungry pun ada. oh well.
just please hear me out.i don't want to repeat history.I Love You.Hi Sufie! I'm Miss Red.
9:30 AM
Come, tell me. What does your heart say?This is just it. I'm sick and tired of how people think they are so absolutely undeniably perfect. It just sickens me right up to my throat. And what is worst, they make fun of others. If that doesn't even satisfy them enough, they start making up rumours and calling hurtful names. What do they get in return? More popularity and a bigger ego. And the victim? A crushed self-esteem and more discriminating eyes.
Oh sure, it's easy how other people say. Time will pass and they will all forget about it, even the person who started it. How could they?! The scar couldn't have healed. No matter how long time has passed. It couldn't have healed the scar that was cut so deep. The burning sensation from it.
This is what many do not realise, especially the one who started it. Ever realised how much damage was caused? Ever realised that it is not easy to heal that pain? Ever realised that it doesn't only hurt the heart, it hurts the mind? Don't EVER say it was just a joke. Because hell, you cannot come up with a better reason than that thus, showing you're no more than just pathetic.
Once, someone told me. Don't judge the person because you know you yourself are not perfect.
Why am i saying this? Because I'm not shy about my experience. I have been judged harshly before. And to be honest, I have judged harshly of others before. Until someone told me, that's when it hit me. It saddens me to know that there are still others out there doing it.
And worst still, it's someone I know. Someone I know, just sickens me. I'm not disappointed or sad, or anything. I'm just sickened.
Just remember this; If you wish to say something harsh about someone you hate, think about it. Doesn't that reflect how you are too?
8:44 PM
All aboard The Polar Express!okay, today is monday. what day? MONDAY! now that's, not very long till school reopens. pretty much not looking forward to that. really. homework is still untouch. okay, i really am gonna touch it today. but i know tomorrow i'm gonna say the same thing without even having it done. yes, thank you very much.
&i have not had my lunch i don't know why. oh, that's right i remember. i have ulcers. &boo, i was thinking of enjoying the rendang my mum made.
so anyway, what's in store for me this week. well, other than not being able to see alfie for quite awhile which kinda feels like i'm being killed softly. KILLING ME SOFTLY... &you know how the song goes.
oh but there's another thing to look forward to, erh. let's see.. Thursday&Friday. wow. how am i gonna do my homework then. coz i'll be in training. &by the time school reopens, i'll be bombarded with more work. well done, sufie.
hmm, currently feel like going Paris. don't know why. but i really wanna erm erm, i don't know. right then, dream on.
i have never realised how comfortable my bed was till the holidays. erm, why am i telling you this? because i really don't want school to reopen. sadly, that's how i feel.
oh, i had an embarrassing dream just now in the early morning from 8am-9.35am.
yeah, so this was how it went. erm, i was walking in to school..somehow. and bumped into mashie. &we walked. &i went to the toilet. did my thang. &suddenly, someone just came into the cubicle and yeah. i heard alyssa saying my name. &i was like "HELLO?!" apparently, my whole class was in the next cubicle doing i don't know what. &nabila just open the erm, thing that separated us. truly embarrassing. really.
then i don't know what happened. me & mashie were on my bed, doing nothing but sleep. REALLY. &i went out to explain to my mum that she's here. erm, apparently my bro was at home too. &in reality both of them were. how scary was that. yes, indeed.
that was my dream.
i've been dreaming alot lately. ohwell. erm, i need to get started on my homework. yes, i know you know i'm not gonna do it. i'm just saying so that it comforts me a little bit. ok goodbye.
2:48 PM
And then, i wake up feeling so alone. With no one to wish me a good day...I just wish time would flyyy faster today. and slower the next few coming days. Why do i procrastinate?! URGH.
anyway, i'm going airport tonight. just like i dreamt it, last night. scary dream that was. mmhm, yeah.
First i dreamt i was with Raisha in a lift. yes, i know it's VERY ULTRA random. but i also dreamt of kechik&all. and mashie too, of course. &we all went to a hairdresser to get our hair cut. it was in a non-existent shopping mall. the chairs were like..shaky. &my hair was long and straight and smooth. didn't know how &why i wanted to cut also.
then change scene. i was going off to Australia i think with my class or something like that. &we were waiting to depart at the arrival hall. -.- and i had some crisis. and i decided to go to the toilet. the toilet was like near filthy. disappointing.
then change scene. i was an airstewardess. &we were about to take off. apparently it didn't. it continued to drive around the runway like a car. dah prepared abes tu tak take off. yeah. then i pretty much think i woke up. that happened in a span of 2hours. from 8am-10.10am thanks.
good thing all those was just a dream(:
i miss your hugs&kisses sooo much!
2:46 PM
It's just my wild imaginations, again.I need to start doing homework. &study!
&my ulcer is coming back again! IT'S SOOOO ANNOYING!
&alfie's off to malaysia. my GAWD!
&i have gained 3kg. wtf.
&this is for love.
9:58 PM
Don't expect me to come to your rescue. I'll do it voluntarily.anw, i woke in the morning. Duh. and i went off to ecp with nabila to jog. by the time we walked back to Villa Marina, i was sooooo tired.. yeah, Firdaus' family picnic-ed in front of where we sat. nah-ais. macam nak join. take some food, abes tu berambus. haha. like you all don't know liddat. heh.
then i changed at the Clubhouse. then we went to Parkway Parade. ate Fried Fish Mee Hoon Kueh. well, it was more of ikan bilis -.- it was surprising because usually i won't finish it. but with the soup semua, all gone. (: yes, i was hungry. Hungry Like Jack. bought some Old Chang Kee. and went off home.
Nabila's here btw. heh. so erm, i got to go. or best known as "gtg". ah-hait. LOVES ALFIE(:
4:07 PM
It's so GOOOOOOOD.La Fantastico 4 is like THE BEST EVER MOVIE I HAVE WATCHED..EVER! well, for me lahh. it doesn't matter if anybody hates it, coz i LOVE it! my ratings, 11/10. well, okay. mayyyybe 10/10? yehh.
gotta thank Alfie for the really fun day. laughed and joked ALOT. yeh. love him laahhh. all my notes&all. hahaha. &for the miniature bottle of Intimately Beckham perfume(: love that. LOVES!
&i'm going ecp with nabila to jog. yeh. i told ya, i'm growing fat. well, first of all. i ate hokkien mee at far east plaza, then i went to eat fried mars bars. then i ate ben&jerry's at The Cathay. THEN, i ate nachos in the movies. OMG. yeah. so i'm finally fulfilling my duties as a woman to go and exercise and live healthily. yay me!(:
8:11 PM
Leave us alone.Nabila complains of staying at home 2 days in a row. omg, shut up la. i stayed at home for 3 days straight. yeah, in any case. i'm going out today(: to watch
La Fantastico 4. come to think of it, i watched alotttt of movies already. (:
this holidays i have watched;
Spiderman3Shrek3and today,
La Fantastico 4.
i think that's all for now. no, but seriously even before the holidays i have watched alott. REALLY!
oh, and i think i've put on more weight. no, it's not just a girl's weight issue. it's seriously no longer an issue! i'm getting shorter and fatter. now THAT'S unacceptable.
&people, leave us alone. thanks. it's really much appreciated (:
oh, &yes, i know
La Fantastico 4 opens tomorrow (officially).
8:45 AM
&the memory of me&you, alfie.life's been eventful. OMG! one week of holidays is gone! &all mornings were spent in school. GREAT. i mean, not being self-centred of anything. i feel for the rest of you who have to go to school kay. heh heh.
i still remember holding your hand & strolling aimlessly(: love that.
i still remember your kisses that never fails to put a smile(: love that.
i still remember your smiles&laughter that always gives a great start to my day(: love that.
alfie, i still remember you.
10:27 PM
HELLO! I'M BACK! with a very long post.. i think.Anyway, yes yes. I know. it's been ages. what to do. my comp kena virus. so yeah, now it's all better. anw, manage to capture some interesting events that happened. So first..
there was this day that my Chairperson forgot to bring the class key. &if i'm not wrong, she was absent. i forgot. erm yeah. So we all had to enter through the back door. it felt kind of weird. so yeah. one person suggested we should turn our tables the back. as shown in the pictures. and no, we didn't get scolded. haha.

that's our noticeboard. very nice ah!

and that's our self-made whiteboard.

i told you so.
Speech & Prize-Giving Day.it was.. interesting. i guess. i was the clicking-for-subtitles woman. centre of attention. HAHA! erm, no lahh. not really.

my love. SOOO jiwang ah. the picture only.


i won't be able to be with them again.

it was hard to put make-up on them.

well, what can i say.. she's mine afterall(:
Other events.
This is Zakiah Jr.
OH! and for Mother's Day, we went to Carousel at Royal Plaza. the food was good. and the place was nice. yes. and it kinda happened to be my aunt's birthday as well. to our surprise, my mum&my another aunt had something else planned. while i was eating i heard a LOUD singing. obviously, i was like "wth is that?!" and i turned around to see the waiters and the manager, i think of the restaurant coming in with a birthday cake for my aunt. AWW! hahaha.
sweet aren't they? haha.
my aunt in black scarf.
Mummy's Birthday Cake.
&Tiara's Birthday Party. this happened.. Yesterday.
Mummy bought Swensen's cake for all of us. went to my aunt's place to have it. looks like Mashita's birthday cake! well, it sort of is. it was nice, anw(:

that little girl; everyone's birthday is her birthday.

she thinks she's cute.

i think i'm cute.

Read the second line...

and read the last.
Alhamdulillah barang sesiapa dapat menjumpai Rasulullah SAW.

the one facing the camera is Tiara. hah

NICE RIGHT?! oh gawd.

mini clubbing. haha!

i don't look nice here but whatever. i had fun.
And of course, there are other events like Family day & all. yeah. And someone gave me something special(: i love that person.
12:39 PM