Sometimes, you gotta work hard for it.Prelim practical yesterday was one of the easiest I have done. We didn't have to do a Benedict's test or a Biuret's test or whatever test for bio but we had to do it for Chem. -.0 haha. It was confusing. But I managed. Hopefully, I did well (: English papers are next monday. I better start revising. I plan to DSA. or stuff.. or maybe not.. I don't know. Mrs. says nursing is suitable for me. say whaa? She says I have a helpful nature. say whaaaaa? Haha. we'll see.
and Adilah, God knows
if we'll end up in the same JC or poly (:
sec 4/5 are having maths mock exam next week. Have to stay back after school till 5. Wow. Haven't been doing that for quite a while now.
Oh my gosh! I just realised that most or some of my post have at least me blabbering about school, exams, tests, studies! Oh man...
Good luck Penny, you're gonna need it.
5:42 PM

Whoever invented fireworks are the coolest people around.
I know this was like.. a Saturday ago. But I forgot to upload the pictures I took. The pretty ugly photos coz everyone was in the heat of the moment. And I just snapped any fireworks that I could. -.- Haha. And yeah, the crowd was overwhelming. The bad thing about fireworks is that they produce a lot of smoke. And the small fireworks that come after can't be seen coz of the smoke. Since we couldn't get a carpark nearest to One Fullerton, we got one at Great Eastern Building which is about 2km away. so we walked from there and back. After the fireworks display ended, the crowd walked the same direction as we were and there was this makcik.. you should know how slow crowds are and people trying to budge through.. the makcik went , "To the left, to the left. To the right, to the right. " In the malay accent. I was the only one laughing. I don't know why people didn't find it funny. Haha.
1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
Crowd - -100/10
Noise - 3/10
View - (depending on where you're standing) 7/10
Fireworks - 10/10
5:42 PM
Ever since I had that flying cockroach incident, i am so phobia of flying things, even if it's a flying tissue paper. REALLY! The only thing I'm happy about it I got an A2 for maths. =D Other then that, I have been injuring myself alot today. Tiny stuff but still.. yeah. The so-called major one today was during p.e. We played floorball again. And Anthea hit me with the stick at my erhhh... lower arm. And not to boast or anything.. or everything.. it's practically skin and bone. So now it's bruised. DANNNGGG. pfft.
Dearest bought me a sunflower (: <3 Lawa lah.
6:00 PM
'Cos when I look at my life, how the pieces fall into place.
It just wasn't right without you.When I got to know you, I knew you weren't the kind for me. I knew we couldn't be friends or even acquantaince. But there was something; I had to compete. With you.. There was something both of us want so badly. I stole it from you. You were heartbroken and distraught. I was overjoyed and gloating over your loss. Over time, I was insecure. Afraid that you might steal it back from me. Things didn't work out well.
Now, I don't know if I should call you a friend or an acquantaince. We're not as close as friends should be. We're not as distant as acquataince should be. But I'm thankful I don't have to feel insecure anymore.
When I got to know you, I knew you'd be a friend for life. I met you when I first stepped into the realm of teenhood. You were there to guide me. Years pass by and I saw you happy. I never saw you sad. Years pass by and you saw me happy. You saw me cry. You saw me laughing. You saw me screaming. I never knew someone broke your heart but you knew my heart was broken.Who knew you'd be the one to pick me up when I fell. Who knew you'd be the one to fill the hole. Who knew you'd treasure every second you're with me. Who knew there was someone out there thinking of me. Who knew? Perhaps God knew.I am ever grateful for your presence. From then, till now and always..
5:30 PM
And this is my best friend.Chemistry was a tad bit like always. Everyone's talking among themselves, Mrs. talks like a train(though it is quite helpful) and simultaneously shushing the class up, and my best friend falling asleep. I remember saying it's not good to be falling asleep in class.. haha.
Mrs. came over to Nabila..Mrs. : What is another name for mass of moles? (or something like that. can't really remember)
(Mrs. turns to the class and asked the same question)(Mrs. turns again to Nabila and asked again the same question awaiting an answer)
Nabila : Nabila.And the whole class burst out laughing. I was the loudest, of course. HAHAHAHA.
Nabila turned to me.. : What did she ask? I heard her saying "What's your name?"I laughed out loud again. =D
6:09 PM
When Indulgence Become Obsession.Met mother at Parkway. Bought the Gisele Bundchen sandals that I wanted (: YAY! Bought that Topshop blouse that I wanted (: YAY! Mother bought towels for brother and me. YAY? Had Swensen's Ice-cream coz I felt like having them (: YAY! Bought Delifrance soft rolls for Monday's recess (: YAY! and Chocolate Eclair for my
shocolat crave (: YAY! Bought Old Chang Kee for my fats crave (: YAY! and many other stuffs.
You see how my mother pampers me? (: YEAH! once in a while jer. Other times, I pamper myself. Or.. Alfie(:
9:14 PM

It was a wonderful play.
Though I hoped it ended earlier coz my bedtime's at 10. HAHA. You should really go and watch it. Be prepared for the VERY COLD aircon. I was freezing.
And I swear I did not plan with fit the colour of my outfit. It just turned out .. coincidentally (: haha. Mashita looks great, as always. hmm. (:
see, told ya sama warna.

Marina Bay(:
National Day.
went to Sengkang. my aunt's new house. And i found out my cousin has the same bag as my best friend. Not those very common bags you see people carrying like mine. Everywhere you go, you see it. Haha. So anyway, we watched the parade (on tv). Had loads of food.
After that, my family & I went to Jln Kayu to eat again coz I wanted the Nasi Pattaya. Heh.

Zakiah Jr.

Red+White = Patriotic people.
11:29 AM
Red + White = BlueI went to school being all supportive of Singapore coz I wore red&white with school shoes and schools SOCKS! Nabila too, by the way. cept for the socks. When we reached school, we saw more blue than red &white. I felt as if young people are like.. "omg, wearing red&white is so freakin' lame! I'm too cool for that." When we're given a chance to wear our home clothes, want to wear school uni. Then later complain that the school didn't give us chance to wear home clothes during RHD laa, this laa, that laa.
Went to Banquet Parkway with Nabila for lunch. And to see that TOPSHOP and DOROTHY PERKIN'S WERE CLOSED!
By the way, I got a Dorothy Perkin's handbag for $6! =D Smile for the world!
I'm gonna watch The King&I tonight. So , I shall prepare myself now. HAH. so early.
2:24 PM
My heart feels empty.This past few months, years.. I've grown so attached to you that it's so hard for me to let go. Knowing that you're not there just for me to call to say 'I Love You' makes my heart feel emptier. Makes me put down my phone whenever I pick it up to text you or call you.. Because whenever I do, I am reminded of you.
Thus, I miss you so badly.
7:44 PM
Gonna get the dress. Gonna get the dress.
Oh gosh, I'm missing you so badlyy!
1:53 PM
You Blur, I Blur, We BlurBlur.Bio prac Love, you'll get your turn to do practicals individually. At first, I didn't like it 'cause it's really tedious to do everything by yourself but after awhile, I got the hang of it. Kinda fun (:
Just for the sake of putting more feelings(as nabila says i lack.. my "personal" touch). Here we go.. -deep breath-
It's 10.30 lahhh sial. Ngantuk nak mamm. I have no idea why the hell I'm still here. Seriously seh. By now, aku dah terlentang kat atas katil/lantai. Mana-mana ah, asalkan dapat tidur. SAYANGKU MANA?! (actually I know ah).
Rela ku menunngu mu seribu tahun lama lagi.
Tapi tahan kah hidup ku kan selama ini.
Eh alamakkkk, berjiwang pulak malam-malam. Kecik-kecik dah biasa emo ah.
Ok done!
I can't do it anymore. I feel bad being so personal in my blog. Yea, yeah. I know. It's SUPPOSE to be personal. Because of spammers I decided to put aside some of my 'personal' feelings. But hey, I do get personal sometimes. That's if I feel like it.
Ok goodnight. As I said, "Ngantuk nak mamm."
10:24 PM
To God I pray for you, love.
6:36 PM
Now, which is it...It's the time of the year again. Voting for our President and Vice President of the 2nd Student Council except now, there's two vice-presidents. Oh well, not the matter. The matter is, we students have to vote. Must vote. Should vote. And WILL vote. This time not on paper but onLINE. I had a hard time figuring out my username and password. I even took the trouble to write down the possibilities of them. I counted 26 possibilities. My brother suggested to Reset and with much confidence I told him it won't work. But, it did. -.- The Reset button next to the Login button seems to not have much attention - poor thing.
Nevermind. Back to my decision. This morning all 3 of the candidates gave a wonderful, suppose to be persuasive speech. I noticed. Who would you choose?
The one with much confidence and knows what she is doing?
Or the one with the passion to lead the student body?
Or maybe.. the one who is realistic and knows that not everyone is perfect and is willing to learn from her mistakes and others to make the school a much better place?
Oh well, gotta vote!
I love Love.
8:02 PM