All this is because of you...If I hadn't known, I wouldn't be where I am today. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be who I am right now. You healed the wound and made me alive. If not for you, I would probably still be an old hag thinking about the past. Because of you, I've moved on far. Further than I ever thought I could.
Thanks for taking me in with open arms. Thanks for trying to catch me when I fell. Thanks for smiling when I was down. Thanks for making me the one.
Even when you know you're my everything, you'd try your best to be.
11:22 PM
Down memory lane...It's been a year+ since I re-created this blog of mine. Gosh, all the memories, all the random thoughts... so on and so forth.
If we go back to my October/November/December posts, I realise now that I've been so stupid to wait for you-know-who, Lord Voldermort. Haha. Seriously, no kidding. It's like O.o whatever sia. But those days when I went out having fun with my girlfriends. Wow, memories like no other. Well, who can blame it, school holidays are meant to chill out.
Then starting from January 2007 onwards, my days as a Secondary 4 student. It's funny how time flies SO damn fast. It was just a year ago when I thought I was old enough but I really wasn't. Now, I have just completed my 'O' Levels and sitting here at 11+ at night thinking about the memories. And currently, really really needing a job. Haha. Also, posts with the days I spent with Love. Eh kawan-kawan, not long later it's gonna be 31st December 2007. Haha. It's gonna be a year already. You all celebrate new year, I celebrate another occasion. Hahaha. Okay nvm. I'm just very happy.
Recently, I posted about my graduation. Omg, am I kidding? I've already graduated. Reading back my posts made me realise the difference and the similarities of my posts eg. my way of typing, my maturity etc etc. I've grown mentally, baybeh!
But then again, recently, I've realised my posts have been getting shorter and less informative about my life. Haha. I don't know. Somehow, I feel obliged to blog. It's like, I know I have to blog but I'm not that sure what I'm supposed to say.
Right now, I'm happy how it all turned out. Perhaps, all these memories serve as a lesson. Perhaps, it's for something like this; looking back and reflect. And the greatest thing thing that had happened to me this year is Love. I'm not kidding.
Love, I admire your patience - after 3 years. Continue being who you are. For you have given me more than everything.Thank you everybody, Good night.
11:17 PM
I've been dreaming for a true love's kiss.Enchanted is a really really nice show. Haha. Had loads of fun with my loves. I need to save money. I need a job. I NEED A JOB!
Thanks for being open with me.Now that I really know what your went on in your heart,I feel so great to have you.I love the way you love me.
10:44 PM
Nicole Scherzinger - I'll be your loveI'll be your love, I'll be your light.I'll never make you feel...Feel aloneIf yesterday blindfolds your eyesI'll bring you tomorrow.I miss you like there's nobody in this world. I just hope you miss me too.
Your hope is deeper than pain.
12:07 PM
KC Graduates of 2007It was really "can tahan" sort of thing. Woke up in the morning. Bathed and started doing make-up. Wanted to wait for love but she was late, so I just started with my make-up and let her do the hair. So, love came at 10am. And did my hair. 1045 I had to do my kain. My aunt was arriving soon. I was late. But everything went fine. Reached the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel on time. Everyone was GLAMOROUSly dressed. Well, most. Lunch was okay. It was really nice though when it came to the class presentation.
I got nothing else to say, but I'll miss you like crazy KC!

Beauty in this light of mine.

LIZAAAAAA! I'll miss you like a loooot laaaa!

I'd say gorgeous.

And glamourous (:

And I swear she's cute till now.

You're never forgotten, I hope ... Haha.

BUT YOU, YOU and YOU will forever be in my soul. (coz my heart's taken .. maaf.)
12:56 PM
Friday, 9th November 2007I went back to Sentosa. Haha. But this time with Mash<3 First we went to watch Bee Movie at The Cathay then we were like have no idea where to go so we decided to go Sentosa. Took the Trammie Wammie. Then we went to Underwater World. Quite sad coz we didn't get to go to Dolphin Lagoon. yeah.. Mash fed the stingrays. Erm, okayyyy. Hahaha. Then we went to see FISHIESSSS! I saw HUGE FISHIESSSS!
Then we went to watch Songs of The Sea. IT IS AWESOME! You should go watch it. Then we took the Skyride and Luge. The skyride at night is very very veryyyyy scary. And it stopped halfway so it was scarIER.
Then we went home. End.

Erh, yeah..

Yeah, again.

They're called Sea Angels. They look cute. Small. and cute.

Sharks, if you don't know them.
Wednesday, 7th November 2007
Went to Sentosa with Nabila and Kak.Idah.. It was interesting coz we went in the late afternoon. Yes, after that we went to Vivo. How cliche. Then we went home coz somehow, all of us felt nauseaus. But I had fun overall. (:

Erh, heh.. (:

Sunset without you feels empty.
8:55 PM
First night of freedom feels great ...I remember the day that I stepped into the hall to sit for my first paper. And now, I have just left that hall feeling more than just elated that IT'S FINALLY
I can't wait to do things I've never done before or have been so long since I last did. Gawd, it's such an awesome feeling. I sat on the chair in the living room watching tv with my whole family thinking I should be doing something - like studying! Then again, I was like "Study for what?!" Haha. It feels weird at first though but I guess it won't be that difficult to get used to. (: Can't wait for tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day after and so forth.
Aren't you jealous? Come on. Not one bit? (:
9:11 PM
Social Studies will frighten me no more after this last fright.OHMYgoodness. What I studied for SS, did not come out and I felt like crying when I saw the questions. Seriously, I did. I was like, "No wait, shut up and do the source-based properly." But when I got back to the essay question, no doubt, I felt like crying again. But I knew I must go on. So I did. Venice. Something not many dared coz we weren't even taught that chapter. As it was said, "Venice would not come out. Good Governance would." YEAH, RIGHT.
okay, had fun with Nabila and Kimio. The whole family was there. They ordered Macs, so I kinda got a piece of it (: Haha. The house is soooo nice. Lucky beach.
Home sweet Sleep. I wanna sleep now. Very tired. Need to study Lit. BLAHHHHH.
5:19 PM

You mah gerh.

The Homies.

This pic is awesome because I say so.
Maybe you should try some of this lipgloss.
OHMYGOODNESS. First of all, what the hell am I doing here? It's less than 12 hours to SS paper and frankly, I haven't really memorised alot. Did quite a few notes but ..... oh mannn.
Second of all, went out with Nabila and Diy yesterday! Damn awesome. They're the most awesmatic people mann.
Third of all, O Levels ain't over and I have my WHOLE WEEK planned out.
monday: Social Studies paper
tuesday: Science Paper 1, Literature Paper 1&2
wednesday: sentosa date with cousin
thursday: jalan late-raya
friday: out with Love
8:12 PM
Hi, I'm Sufie. You must be desperate. *sticks out hand.Gosh, I can't believe there's 2 more days of O levels. 2 days, 4 papers.. Bio was okay. Easier than Chem, thank goodness. Maths really need you explaining skills.
Met the TKG gang in the bus. Like quite long never see them. Haha. Went to tampines today because I took 31 and was pretty lazy to alight at Bedok.
You really think you're all that ah? Haha. Funny..
7:57 PM