I wish you knew.Yesterday went well, yet not .. that well. I don't wish to recap of the incident so I shall just let it fly by. & keep the good memories.
Had so much fun with Shila. Gonna miss that girl. Oh well, at least I had the opportunities to work with her. Oh and of course, Tiong Wei.
Paid my uncle a visit at the hospital. He got into an accident. I'm not sure of the full story. All I know it involved his motorcycle and him, and I very much think something else.
It just keeps getting worse and worse. I'm trying not to think about you but YOU! You are the ultimate culprit of my life! Is this love? Am I really in love with you? YES! But you, you give me hopes, and you smash it down right in front of my face.You're my knight. But am I your princess?Continuation of the story I once wrote. Hahaha. I don't know. There's nothing much that can be said now. Quite sleepy.
Goodnight! Merry New Year!
10:10 PM
You're leaving?! You must be crazy.I'm currently having chats with friends. I am not going to bother for a moment because I've been wanting to blog since 10pm, and now it's almost 12midnight. So do(even if you must, my friends) forgive me.
If I'm not wrong, I've not been blogging since last Friday and it's been a week. Oh mannn, that's long. I suppose I've alot to tell. Just that, I've no idea where to start. My aim: A very long post.
Christmas Eve, I worked with Nora. She did the wrapping, I did the cashing. Talking to her is like talking to an older sister. Heh. It was quite a busy day though we didn't beat TRC, of course. Went over to see Shila after my shift ended. How sweet of me(:
Christmas, DOUBLE PAY BABY! Worked with Mdm Tang. She told us stories of her holiday. How fun. Tiong Wei came over to give presents. I'm gonna miss that boy. Hais. & apologies for not replying you that night.
Day after Christmas, I took off & went to watch Alvin & The Chipmunks with my dear Mashie. THEY'RE FREAKING CUTE! Though Nabila says they're so digitalised. True, but I've got to admit, it's pretty good.
Thursday, woke up pretty early in the morning to open TCT. Morning shift. Hate how much I love it. Was alone until Naz came. She stayed for awhile then left me alone again. Oh well. Lily of the valley came not too long later. Had lunch with Nora. The Mee Soto is AWESOME! But sitll cannot beat KC's. Hahaha, but it's still good mann. Then, at 5pm, Jazliyana came. She's a new girl. Felt weird. Coz I remembered my first few days working. Now, it's already more than one month. Mannn, & my best partner is leaving me! How could he....
TODAY! I did Mid-shift today. It's tiring to walk around airport y'know. Was with Shila for a few minutes & left. Saw my BESH FWEN FOWEWER working. YAY! She finally took the job. Congratulations ! Supervisor was being a bit unfriendly towards her. Haha. It's okay, babygerhhh.
Shila's last day is on the 31st. HOW SADDD! Tiong Wei is leaving too! HOW SADDDDD! I'm gonna miss them both mann.
Shila saying something weird.Sufie: Kau pelik ah, shila.Shila: Tapi aku benar.-.-Mashie's leaving tomorrow & I'm super sad. My best friend in the whole wide world (the other one) is leaving for Indonesia. Won't be back by 31st. How sad is that?
Better not try anything funny.This year came & went. Without you knowing, I've grown prettier & more beautiful. Haha. But did you realise whether you have accomplished your 2007 resolution. It's time for you to make another one. I don't wish for anything. No aim. No, nothing. I just want my colleagues back. & everything to go fine between us.
Did I accomplish my tonight's aim? I hope so.
11:48 PM
You ain't got no alibi.MORNING SHIFT. The moment I stepped into TRC, Nora asked me to relief her while she goes to the toilet. Hey! I'm not suppose to relief liao. Doesn't matter, she didn't take long. Haha. So I took the key, & went to TCT. Today, was quite a confusing day.
At 10.30am, Zhenhui came to relief me coz I needed the toilet SUPER badly. Heh. Came back, she left. Handled the shop for another few hours till dear Tiong Wei came along. Haha. He smells nice (: his shampoo. Nice. Like the Eksulin Donald Duck Shampoo. OKAY. So, the day went. I went off for lunch when my BESH FWEN FOWEWER came. Ate at the canteen. Had fishy&chippy. Costed me $4.50 at staff price! Up to you to think whether it was a good price or not. Coz I was given countable fries, and one small fish fillet. Hmm. Bought the same thing for Tiong Wei. And he got
2 fillet!
So when I came back and as time passed by, there was a lady who bought SO much. And she wanted a full refund coz her friends have bought for her *I forgot how many* boxes of chocolates. I learned how to void with the credit card machine. Was lost. No one knew. -.0
Then, ARINA was there !! It went like this...
*Sufie doing a NETS transaction*
Arina: SUFIE!! SUFIE !! SUFIE !!!
Sufie: ARINA!! You wait ahh!!
*Tiong Wei kindly takes over (and profusely apologise to the man)*
Arina: *BIG HUG!*
Sufie: *BIG HUG!*
and the girls' high-pitched and loud voices talking.And today, I must congratulate Tiong Wei for doing such a great job in wrapping the Sorinis. So, Congratulations! (:
Went home with NANABIBILALA! had Mcdonald's for dinner. Ate a McSpicy and a Grilled Chicken Foldover. Yes, both. (: Thank God we have delicious food to eat.
OH! I almost forgot. Well, I did. Then I just remembered. TIONG WEI WANTED TO MEASURE MY EYELASHES WITH A PENCIL! -____-
Coz I was wearing the mascara that I kinda just bought 2 days ago. Haha. It works! Coz at least
someone noticed it. But I shall not share my secret to beautifully LONG lashes (:
You were right, this works better.
8:47 PM
Sufie is very nice, I tell you!Today we celebrated Hari Raya Haji. 7 hours spent at my grandmummy's place. Okay, more than that. I've got nothing to say actually. Just blogging for the sake of it. (:
Oh yes, SLEEPOVER tomorrow! Can't wait. Heh.
Okay, happy enjoying whatever you were doing before you came to this place called my blog. =)
9:22 PM
Grow up, you have a lot more to learn.I have woken up from my rest. I was super tired when I reached home. Ate the Startburst that I bought for $7.84 at TRC. I count my blessings as Tiong Wei calls her '
the one', wasn't working today. Though I wish I could and give the right-in-your-face replies on behalf of my fellow part-timers and Mahani. But, I'm not even that good with words. She could probably win me with her I'm-the-supervisor-you're-just-a-part-timer look. Coz really, I won't have any say.
Had a quarrel with "a friend". Whatever. Doesn't matter to me anymore. You settle your really confusing life, and I'll settle mine.
You know those moments when you feel like you didn't have to make tough decisions and even if you did, they came in multiple choices? I wish I could turn back time. So that I didn't have to talk the talk and walk the walk. And sometimes perhaps, walk AND talk.
10:36 PM
When you're over and done with it.You know when you feel the guilt you had all along you just want to spill it to anybody that's passing by. Confess! It's not worth it.
So, my fans out there, how have you been? =D Hahaha. I feel like changing my blogskin but, nahh. I like this one. My own self-made with a little help from blogskin.com. Hahaha. I love you, Sufie.
Anyway, I'm starting work at 5pm and I'm very sleepy right now. Mummy woke me up at 10.10am today coz we wanted to go to the bank. Yes. The Bank. Then went to the G2000 Warehouse Sale. Got my stuff, and went back home. Had lunch and I'm FEELING SLEEPY!
Visit me yeah?(: Hahaha.
1:57 PM
Permanently yours like permanent marker.YESSSAHH! I finally woke up late today. By late I mean, 11am. It can be as late as 1pm but I tried not to. Haha! Okay, finally it's FRIDAYYYY! Nabila's coming hoooooome. I miss her a lot for goodness' sake! So anyway, I've completed my 3-day 9-hour shifts. Hahaha. Work starts at 5pm today. Hope I'm not late. Heh heh heh. Shall be going home with Kak Nora today (:
I miss my babygerhhhh. NABILAAAAAA!
11:31 AM
Hair dye.I dyed my hair supposedly Deep Burgundy. Haha. But the packaging looks purple so whatever.. yeah. purple it is. Though it doesn't look very obvious on my virgin-turned-non-virgin hair. Yeah. First time (: So , give me time yeah? I did it yesterday with my cousin. We have the same colour hair! Hahaha. Okay, nvm. I didn't wanna do red though I really did 6 onths ago. Coz minahs are going red now. So yeah. Blonde is definite NO. It's like No Smoking. So it's No Blonde.
Worked morning shift today. Opened the shop. Alone till 11.30am? Yeah. Jenny came. Jenny went. Alone again till 2pm. Went for lunch alone! Wahlaooo. Couldn't finish my food coz I had a lot on my mind. Lagi-lagi alone ehh. Merayap ah my thoughts naik aeroplane semua. Yeah, then I went to Rainbow Caravan which was next to Burger King, where I had my lunch which costed my $10 to go down to $3.10, and met my lovely seniors. Jane saw me, I think, in the morning. Walked past her pretending not to see. Haven't worked with her. Not planning to anyway. Hahaha. Seniors tell you a lot of things, by the way. My workplace has the best seniors around. Seriously. Even my supervisor. She may be the naggiest supervisor but she is the nicest you'll ever meet. =D
So anyway, let me plan out my working time. Who knows you guys can visit. Haha.
Tuesday: 8.30am - 5.30amWednesday: 11am - 8pmThursday: OFFFriday: 5pm - 10.30pmSaturday: 5pm - 10.30pmSunday: 10am - 5pmMonday: OFFI should've known you were just a waste of my time. Why didn't I realise it sooner? It wasn't easy to make myself want to fall for you. Yet, you make it look so easy. You looks, your charms.. Instantly, you took the place in my heart. Time and time again, I was kept broken. Even when I healed, I break again. I tried to make a shield. I survived. But then you came.. You made my life twirl. After a while, you told me what I wanted to hear. I was safe. I knew it wouldn't be hard now.Then, you dropped the bombshell on me. You did it not because you had to but because you wanted to. Why? I don't know. You reasoned with me. You explained. I didn't want to listen to what you had to say. You were wrong! I am right! I'm in love with you, can't you see that?! I'm putting up a strong front. Girls do that because they do not want you GUYS to worry about us or feel pity for us. Because we have to. For our own sake. We're girls. This strong front does not mean I'm over you. It means I'm doing this for you because you want me to. You don't want me to pretend not loving you. You want me to stop loving you!I have to. I must. Move on without a glimpse of the past. This I dare not say to anyone. I've been trying to move on. It seems like you're holding me back. The thought of you is making me stick to you. I don't want to lose you at all. I love you. But you're just a WASTE of my time!You made me lose my shield, you made me naive, you made me have hopes that you couldn't even fulfil, you created yet a bigger hole in this heart, YOU ARE A WASTE!So girls, this is one of the stories of my thoughts that went onto the aeroplane just now.. Haha, no lah. Just one of my creative writing. Hehehe. (alamakk, gatal ah hidung.. Tau ahh mashita. =D) Do realise that once guys do this to you, they're not worth it anymore. Don't cling onto them because it will make them look superior and it will make you look irritating. If you love them, try to distract yourself and try to fall out of love. Some may say it's not easy. But whatever it is, you have to try. No pain, no gain.
To whoever this story may concern, that one, I don't know laa. But if you think this story may relate to your life whatsoever, think through about what I said. They're not worth it anymore. They think it's so easy for us to not like them, like how they are feeling. Once the infatuation is gone, so are you!
8:27 PM
Wedding of a lifetimeToday was of course, my cousin's wedding. It was held at Eunos CC so it was sorta grand. I didn't expect a few things of course. I just thought it'd be a normal wedding. But to my surprise, my uncle invited an MP. An the DJs were Hussein Saaban and
Yussoff Bai? Ok, so yeah. everything went perfectly normal.. Until I saw this guy who looked familiar from the back but I brushed off the thought coz I was busy. Next thing I knew, mu lady cousins wanted to take pictures with the bride&groom, we saw the bride's students taking pictures too. And, I was right, he was my friend. Gah. From Ping Yi Sec. Saw Azri, Narysarl and Lubna(My primary school mate).. & their friends. Acknowledge Lubby after soooo long not meeting her. Say, 4 years?
So anyway, Mr Johan Jaafar was there too. My primary school malay teacher gone actor and everybody went crazy over him O.o ... and scolded students by saying "... I wasn't born yesterday you know!!" yes, we realise that.
Then after hours of shoe-tearing, heel-breaking, sweat-dropping, hair-raising hours, we finally went back home to change to another suit for the dinner. The dinner was for friends and colleagues and the families, of course. The dinner was grander. Heh. Though not many familiar faces from the ones I see since forever.
Then, HOME! (:
Oh yes, I'm not working tomorrow (: though I've to go there to take the key for Monday&Tuesday.
Here's the very many pictures of ... the wedding.

From Him to Her.

Maroon 9.

Haha. I didn't know how I managed this. This is, cousin. Nasrul Hakim.


The cupcake was awesome.

We look like kendarats but we're really not. Haha.

Will she grow up to love her? Hmm, we wonder..

Kuda Kepang on the road. Nice.

On the road. OTR.


He is small and cute doing silat. No idea who he is.

The brother.
Dinner Time.
Bring more joys!

Nasrul Hakim & Shahizah.

Suhailah & Sufie Munira.
9:56 PM
"Hello, Good Evening!"I took two off-days and I miss working ! Goodness, I miss being surrounded by chocolates, chatting with super nice seniors & colleagues, my supervisor... & of course, the cash register. Oh well, I'm back home.
Tomorrow will be my cousin's wedding and everybody's busy preparing. I am not. I'm looking forward to it but in a way, not so much. I can imagine the tiredness after it all and work the next day. Working is awesome except for the standing for so many hours part, serving different kinds of customers with my sometimes-just-trying-to-be-nice-coz-I'm-being-paid-to-be-nice.
I slept in the afternoon just now, but I'm feeling sleepy again. But I'm very sure I won't be able to close my eyes. I'm thinking about how to style my hair and my make-up and things girls think about when trying to glam up.
I must say, I'm quite afraid. have to wake up early in the morn coz of the solemnization ceremony being held at the mosque.
"Marriage is like working in retail. You have to be honest, enthusiastic, understanding of the other party and working really hard to get the best of it all. At the end of the day, like getting a good salary, you have an everlasting marriage."
11:07 PM
I'm still Penny McCoin.Y'a pas que l'amour qui blesse. Y'a les consequence de certains de gestes. T'es parti =(
Ta famille pleure et la fete est finie. Y'a le mas l'absence qui reste Ce pour la vie.
Mais comment as tu pu finir ainsi.
je t'aime.
9:12 PM
Never felt this way...SO VERY SORRY for not updating. That's if anybody reads anyway. If you do, sorry again. I've been really busy and all. Sort of. Been working for the past days. Working on weekends. At night ! From 6pm to 11pm.. Don't worry, it's Halal money.
Yeah, to say that I'm tired, of course I am. Without a doubt. But then again, think of all the people who work everyday. So I guess I've fallen into the era of reality. Being in school is much better. Those kind of ' I'm so tired after studying I don't wanna go school tmr......' is nothing compared to ' Omg, I'm beat! Work is .... ' So, enjoy school life as much as you can.
But then again, who am I to say? I've only been working for a few days and I'm complaining?! Well, not REALLY complaining. Just analysing my thoughts. I'm off on Monday and working again on Tuesday. And most probably Wednesday too. Should be taking off again on Thursday to Saturday and resume again. Hais.
I'm waiting for an important call. But I don't seem to get it. WHY?! Nevermind. I should focus my mind on my love, my life, my new found
job and ME! (:
2:18 PM