And my heart beats faster and faster by the minute...O Levels. Hahaha! Now I feel relieved coz the results are out and all. PLUS, I've made my decision. I'M NOT HAPPY! =( I want to ammend! NOW! SHIT! I've to do it by tomorrow 4pm if I want to ammend. Puck! Coz I chose Millenia Institute (Arts). & I don't wanna do Arts coz the subject combination SUCKS! I wanna do the Science. Puck! By tomorrow?! I don't mind the fees laaaa. But it's a lifetime decision sia! I've to ammend. I have to! I must! I want to !!! I saw the degrees I can take after A Levels. & DAMN! The course code that I may want to take is not eligible !!! SADDDDDDDDD! I mean, I can't even take the arts degrees let alone the science degrees of which I am more interested in. I shouldn't have put Arts. DAMN. This sucks. I'm damn unhappy. I will ammend. I will. I must. Why do they only give us like 5 days sia?!
10:08 PM
My heart.This heart sends the deepest of all apologies to you. I've done you wrong countless times, even this one was unforgivable. I just hope I am. I just want you to know I will try to regain back your trust, your love and your everything. We will be like before. These tears I cry for you, I cry out for you. I wasn't thinking. I won't regret, I promise.
Will you love me still? Like before?
The CEO.EVERYTIME I work, he must pay a visit. Either him or the Principles. MY Goodness!
8:47 PM
STUPID SHIT!Ahhh, you know when you're in the business sales line, you get different sort of customers. Here's one of mine. The one of a kind. I call her The B.
Her daughter wanted some jelly beans. Common sense will
somehow tell you that if you pull hard, a lot will come out. So the daughter pulled a lot. And she didn't want the jelly beans. So my fellow new colleague wanted to put it back, I said no.
The B: Why can't we put it back? We don't want that much.Sufie: I'm sorry ma'am. You can't put it back.The B: Why not? My daughter accidentally pulled out a lot. We don't want that much.Sufie: I'm sorry ma'am. We can't do that for you because that's our rule.The B: (raising her voice) Who told you that?! The man was willing to put it back for us and you said no to him. I mean, I don't understand, why can't we put back!Sufie: My manager, ma'am.The B: What kind of a management policy is that?! This is stupid!Jaz: I'm sorry ma'am. If we put back for you, other customers would also want to put back.The B: So?! We accidentally pulled out.Jaz: Yes ma'am. Other customers also pulled out a lot accidentally. We also said the cannot put back.The B: (turned back at her children) We don't want it. (grab her children's hand & walked out) This isn't friendly! (looked back) I'm not coming back!... So?
I don't even care if you bought it or not. Customer's always right, bullshit!
1:35 PM
And this is for you...Thank you for being the better side of me all this while. Looking out for me whenever I was in the dark. You're someone everybody wishes for. I'm glad that I'm yours. Thank you for everything. There's more of us to come. Let's just wait and see, together.Love, Sufie.
12:37 PM
I still think I'm 16, I swear!Here are just some pictures that I've long haven't uploaded.
Sinaran Hati.
Piala Khatulistiwa.

12:56 PM
The L Word.The L Word has definitely got the place in my list of favourites. Heh. It's a really nice show! I swear! Besides the occasional disturbing scenes, it's VERY nice!
In this modern society, religion aside, being L or G seems to be a normal thing. Not natural, but normal. Though some people shun the thought of homosexuality is like heterosexuality, there are some who think it's just parts and parcels of life. It usually occurs during the hormonal period. People get horny, some get crooked. Oh wells, but I believe homosexuality won't stop. No matter how hard people try. So...rilek sudahhh. Heh heh heh.
2:09 PM
You're safe in my heart.
Katherine Moennig. Beats all the actors in the world. & she's an actrESS. <33
I actually asked my mum to buy me the Russell Lee book 12. -.- I mean, oh COME ON! I'm 17 & (I've a secret which I won't tell, coz.. it's a secret.) & I'm reading Russell Lee. Buy something which costs $10.59 to scare myself. STUPID! Nooooooo......where got?
So anyway, went to Tampines Mall after having that
free facial and after going to parkway. Met the Love. Then we went to Tampines Mall. I absolutely love Alfie. LOVELOVE! <33 Miss you already =( I wanted to buy this Billabong bag which costs $59.90 but the mother won't allow. SHO SHAD!
We bought ALOT of things mannn. never thought Tampines Mall would have stuffs to buy. And nabila, I will NOT go there to walk walk see see and perhaps buy. Ohhhhhh, just coz u live in Thampines doesn't mean I've to go to Thampines Mall kayyy? Kay. It's so crowded. Not like Orchard is any better. Heh. But at least Orchard is like not everyone is squeezed into ONE shopping mall.
Okay goodnight. Tomorrow I morning shift. zzzZZZzz
Oh by the way Tiong Wei, Lait is nicer. (: MUST TRY PINK LADY!
11:07 PM
Mana Chupie, si gila tu?Omg, I haven't been updating. I mean, NEW YEAR!! BIRTHDAY!! HELLO?! Where have I been?
Let me tell you.
Work.I received many many birthday wishes & I appreciated ALL of them. Thanks to everyone of you (: But this means, I have to remember their birthdays. Erm erm, his in on erm.. March? NO! JUNE! No wait, no no. Hers is April the... 22nd! 23rd? 24th?
I had the awesome-mest birthday. Thanks to MashLove, Family, Nabeshfwen & all. Presents were cool. Thanks so much. (: Loves ALL!
I spent my 1st of January working Mid-shift. It wasn't bad at all. Haha, considering what I'll get.
Little Miss T-shirts.A friend of mine said.
Little Miss T-shirts are a way to get hooked. HAHAHA. Good thing I don't have them. Example, Little Miss Naughty. It kinda suppose to reflect your personality. Right, whoever likes Miss Naughty here can have her. But think about it, how about Little Miss Forgetful(if there is) or Miss Chatterbox, not a very good trait you know what I mean? Yes.
It's really not my thing lah eh. Heh. It's kinda overrated. Sorry. Whoever owns them, my apologies. This are my views. Burn them!
HAHAHA. Sorry lahh, I'm entitled to my own opinion right? =D
T3 Opening.Today was like the OFFICIAL day of T3 opening. Was quite busy. Something about T3 that doesn't attract me to it. Haha.
Pink Lady; Chocoholic - $0.65 eachLorenz; Pomsticks - $1.15-$2.15Les Gavottes; Lait - $4.60Anthon Berg; Milk Chocolate with Crisp - $1.90
More to come ! (:
I'll keep coming back for you.
10:40 PM