When it's meant to be private.Is it wrong to be sociable? Is it wrong for many people to know you? Is it wrong for you to have an eye candy or two? Well, I guess it's all meant to be private. However, not many people know that. No, it's not wrong to be sociable. No, it's not wrong for many people to know you. It's not wrong to have an eye candy or two. Besides, they're your eyes. Your eyes are free now.
People don't respect your privacy because they are curious. They want to know about you. And they spread things about you. Rumours developed from assumptions. They know you, they pretend to know you well. So, they assume things about you and spread. Hence, the rumours.
They feel good sharing their knowledge about you to others. It makes them superior. I'm guilty of it myself. Oh well, karma. But it doesn't give you the right to put other's social life at stake. When you're a teenager, your social life is what you have to survive. And when you rip it away from their status, you rip away their life. You don't care now, do you? You increased your status by decreasing other's. Oh please, I thought they'd be more mature but I guess they've proved me wrong.
And guys who bring girl's self-esteem down are jerks.
8:45 PM
You love me but you don't know who I am.I'm currently pretty ill, again. I recovered from my sore throat & rocker voice & cough. & now I've developed a cold. I think I'm adjusting to the waking up early and spending long hours studying. It's been so long since I did that. Haha. So oh well(:
Went to Amelia's 6th Birthday party yesterday. She had the Swensen's Disney princess cake too! =( Haha. But it's pretty (: Haha. She was Cinderella last night. I was Sleeping Beauty. Eh betul! Coz I was exhauted by the time I arrived there. So I had a one hour nap (: &why was I exhauted? Coz I had to go back to school for a run. Yeah. Therefore, it shall explain why I wasn't in KC for Family Day. =( So sorry! Next year, promise! Had lunch with Rashid&friends. After running, we ate at KFC. Hahaha.
Oh well. Yesterday wasn't bad. It was okay actually (: Amelia's 6. I'm 17. Still young and hopeful.

Coz you spread never-ending joy&laughter.
You're all grown-up now.Today I went to Diyana's sis' wedding. I missed her sister because I had a rough time navigating my way there as Rashid calls it a MISadventure. Haha. Sorry, Diy! Let me tell you my MISadventure...
First I was late. Then I changed to the wrong bus which turns in to the OTHER side of Bedok. So I had to alight and walk all the back to the main road. Called Nabila to take a bus to a stop at where I was. &so she did. In the end, we walked around the wrong estate when Nabila was at the right busstop at first. So we walked all the way back to that busstop. LOOOONG WAY. I didn't know Bedok was so big. Hahaha. My feet were aching and I was feeling hot. Met Diy at Bedok Green Primary. Finally! We arrived! Sorry, Diy! I'm not complaining I love you!
By the way, it took me 50mins before I finally arrived. Haha. I miss my girls so much! Hope to see you guys soon! Take care, loves(:

Su, Nab, Diy, Kaknana, Kakpaten.
7:45 PM
Let's talk when the sun starts shining again.
Yesterday my mum, my cuz and I went off shopping! Hahaha. Well, we went to Tangs Orchard. My mum did most of the shopping. I did most of the following. But after that, we went to Chinatown to get some stuffs and the best part of the night was..
Going to Dempsey Road. I love that place. You know Holland V? It's better (: Yeah.
It feels like you're in another country. Initially we wanted to sit at Ben&Jerry's for ice-cream but looking at the number of people there. Wow. It was crowded. Yeah. So we went to sit at Dome. I had Pink Lemonade & we ordered a snack platter which consisted of breaded prawns, calamari & wedges. It's delicious, I tell you!(: Okay, I promise to bring you there if you promise to treat me (: hahaha.
Last night was good. Haha.
Today however, I stayed home to finish my assignments. Don't know how to do some questions so I'm gonna get Fathi to help me out. YES FATHI?! HELP ME OKAY?!
Okay. All set & ready for school. Haha.
By the way, I miss you love.
9:41 PM

Pretty best friend.
Been there, done that.
It pains to be used. It pains to know you're being used. The thought of it just lowers your self-esteem. But I'll not let it get to me. I know I'm worth more than that. I deserve better. Do you think I deserve being treated like this? I gave us my past just for you! Maybe I was wrong to do that. Maybe I had to do it. I don't know. I don't want to know anymore.
It's the last time you're ever gonna kiss this lips. Or ever gonna deceive these eyes. Last time I'm gonna cry these tears.
11:39 PM
Hi, I'm Shye.A new class, a new me. May I succeed in everything that I do. From now on, I change my direction. Let the wind blow to my dreams. I pray for everyone. I will most definitely pray to forever be with my girlfriends. & MI aside, my best friend.
I’m not a saint. I’m just a woman who let heaven and earth in the palm of her hand. But I threw it away. So now I stand here today asking forgiveness. And I, will never try to deny that I've done you wrong. Let's all move on to a better life.
Let me start all over again.
8:27 PM
Get out! Go away!I've tried sttling things with you. I've tried! Why can't you see that I'm doing this for your future happiness? Now I see that your friends are loyal to you. Thank God you have such good friends. But it's none of their business! I'm pouring my heart to you to let you find your own happiness.
I can't be what you want since I've hurt you, crushed you, breaking your heart into a million pieces. I can't be your happiness so why bother?! I know I'm the villian. But you know what, I will not let what your friends say take me down. Coz now, their YOUR friends. I want to call them mine but I can't. Because that's where their loyalty lies.
So now, I'm convinced to move on even further.
9:45 PM
Because I'll love you like no other, girlfriends.I love my girls alot! They've helped me when I'm down and out. Now they've brought me up like angels (: I love you guys! No, girls. Yeah.. My girlfriends will never let me down, no? (: haha.
Yesterday, I had dance camp which left my thighs feeling a lil out of place. It was fun, overall. Haha. Bonding2 here, bonding2 there. Oh, not forgetting today also. I've officially moved from being a Puteri Tarilasani to a member of Tarian Millennia.
Met Illyas & Shafiq & BESH FWEN FOWEWER after the camp yesterday at Tampines. Illyas sent me home. Awww, coz Shafiq followed Nabila to Siglap. Hmm. Thanks Illyas! (: You're too kind.
You are the greatest friends.Wednesday, 12th March 'o8
I was suppose to go out with Nabila to Vivocity. Nabila only, y'know. So we decided to invite Shafiq Ali. Okay! (: Then, shafiq decided to bring Diy! Okay! (: then, he also decided to bring Syam. Okayyy. Syam wanted to bring Illyas. Okayyyeerrrrr. Hahaha. So I just got to know Syam and Illyas. All the better! New friends brings great company! =D
So we met at Starbucks Vivo. Btw, Diy planned to buy cake for Syam and Shafiq coz their birthdays have just passed. Hahaha. &so we did. But we didn't bring it out until they came. We asked the Starbucks guy to write birthday notes on the plates with chocolate syrup. Cool. So we surprised them with the cake =D SURPRISE SURPRISE! The Starbucks guy came over and asked who are the birthday boys. So we pointed them out. THEY GOT FREE DRINKS OF THEIR CHOICE, OKAY! OKAY?! OKAYYYY!
Hahaha. After Starbucks we went to Mas Ayu at Siglap. Played dames in the bus which was super fun! We're crazy, I tell you. Especially Diy. Hahaha. So, they had dinner at Mas Ayu. I didn't eat coz I was full & had no cash with me. Haha. We headed down to Nabila's condo where I showed them the Soulja Boy dance. HAHAHAHA. okayyyy. We chilled & we talked. Time flies when you're having fun. It's really amazing coz I just met Illyas and Syam but it felt as though we met like before I was born. Haha! Okay, that's not logical. &then, we headed home. End of the night.

Happy Birthday, Geng!

Their 'On The House' drinks.

Because I swear Shafiq is cute.

And not forgetting, Syam also. Hahaha.

i told you we were crazy. Now do you believe me?

Shafiq, Illyas, Syam, Diy & BESH FWEN FOWEWER!

Love Gang.

Show me some love!
8:10 PM
It feels like you're a million miles away.I thank you for yesterday. I thank you for your time. I thank you for your entertainment. I thank you for everything. But you're a million miles away. Coz we're no longer...
Now I let you find your own happiness. Although I constantly think about how you are. It doesn't matter to me if you don't know what I'm feeling. Coz I've been secretly caring about you, secretly thinking about you, secretly missing you & secretly loving you...
Everywhere I turn, everything reminds me of you. As each day goes by, I just hope you're happy. The memories won't erase, the memories won't go. But just remember, if there's still hope, we'll be reunited. If not, I would love to be the bestest friend you've ever had.
I'm sorry. I've got to go. Take good care of yourself.
Hear from you soon,
I'm still not over you.
7:44 PM
Something for everyone.SYF 2007 - Malay Cultural Society
I've been performing for the school for the past 4 years in KC. Every performance gives me the adrenaline rush.
I feel proud to hear cheers and applause everytime we malay dancers leave the stage. However, nothing excites me more than
the Singapore Youth Festival. The competition where it would determine how your school stands.
This year's SYF was a tad bit different from the previous year. There were new people, new steps and a new location of performance.
The trainings were more hectic and tiring. With my secondary 4 schedule, it gets more tiring but nothing could get in my way
of getting that Gold for the school(with the help of the team of course). Practices became a boot camp. I remember after days of
staying in school practising until 6pm, we decided that the day before the actual performance, we should stay until 9pm!
It was an interesting experience though. We had to get the costumes ready, the awfully long 'red cloth', perfect our dance steps,
standardise our routine, and be mentally and physically ready for the next day.
10th April 2007, we had to be dismissed from class at 9am. I could barely wait, I just felt like leaving my Art class and start
preparing! Our performance was due to start at 3.45pm. I imagined the clock ticking away and how I'm not doing anything to prepare.
I kept staring at my watch and waiting. As soon as the minute hand touches the 12, I asked to be dismissed immediately. I was
too excited. As this is my second time performing for SYF, I pretty much had the rough idea on how it would feel like.
I met my team and we began preparing. Costumes, make-up, hairdo. All of that had to be done by 2.45pm! The gym was a very busy place.
I had to help out with doing the hair. It didn't matter to me that I was breathing aerosol everywhere I spray, all that
mattered to me was how gorgeous they will look like on stage. We had our lunch after everyone was fully dressed and went back to
the hall for our very last practice.
With the help of Feng Ou, we had the hall speakers blasting our song. Soon, our bus arrived. Everyone was getting more and more excited.
I guess Mdm Raudah and Mdm Sara also felt our excitement but I think they were more worried for us than we were worried for ourselves!
As we arrived at NUS, we saw a few groups who were performing before us. We took a few group pictures and finalise our look.
The other groups looked as nervous as we were. Ten minutes later, we called up to go backstage. We were asked to stand at a spot and
not move around and make noise. We saw a group performing and told ourselves, "We can do it!"
When it was our turn, we wished each other the best of luck and took our positions on and off stage. I realised I could see the audience and
judges. I became very very nervous but I decided it will not get to me. We danced, we impressed and we went back feeling
satisfied. Mdm Zakiah said ours was a GOld standard but little did we know...
12th April 2007, results day. I had to wait until school ended at 2.15pm to hear the results. It was Biology period and my
class was in the AVA Theathrette when I heard an announcement for the Malay Dancers. A few of us met in the Music Room along with
Mdm Raudah, Mdm sara, Mdm Zakiah and Miss Lam. The atmosphere was solemn. I knew it was going to be a disappointing news but then
again, who knows, they could be surprising us. As Miss Lam told us that we received a Bronze Award, tears began streaming down our
cheeks especially us seniors. We expected a better award as we received a Silver Award during the previous SYF.
The teachers comforted us. We could feel their disappointment too. We were given another chance to perform our piece during EMDD.
We were thankful.
As I look back on those two days, I feel that a Bronze is still an award. I believe that our team has achieved a better award.
An award that no matter how many practices could perfect it. Our bond had made us closer each day we meet up for practice, each
day sharing the same passion. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank ALL the teachers, especially Mdm Raudah, and
ALL our friends who have guided us along the way. Thanks to the Malay Dancers who took the courage to perform. I am sure the
juniors would make KC proud.
Sufie Munira Bte Khalil
Secondary 4/3 2007
This one right, Alysha?
5:19 PM

There's a certain similarity in the heights. =D -sufie&diki-
Coz long bus rides with you are fun (:Tomorrow's gonna be the last day of being together as a class or best known as Barney 3. =( I can't believe we're gonna be separated so soon! Hope at least one of y'all gonna be in my class. No matter what, I'll still LOVE my sistas(:
I don't know why, but I feel rather unhappy. Not that I'm saying I'm unhappy with something. But I'm just not-happy-kind-of-unhappy. Maybe I know the reason why but I'm trying not to drool around the subject. I mean, so what.. I'm gonna be there for the next 3 years. Might as well bear with all the gossips that spread like wild fire.
I had a thought in the bus this morning. It's just a thought, though. I asked myself, why was I in MI? Why not, poly? I realise, when we were young say, Pri 1, when we started learning the simple addition/subtraction/multiplication/division of numbers & the joining of words together to form a sentence. The teachers NEVER fail to write in my report book, "Put in more effort to achieve better results." (somewhere around that line) &now I'm thinking, no wonder I didn't do well in Pri4's streaming.
I didn't know what I was studying for.Was it for me? My parents? My sibling? Who? Basic things parents would say is that, Study hard and you'll become a doctor. What? Who said I wanted to become a doctor? Basic of the basics is that they want us to live a good life in the future. Money is everything!
But I didn't understand it till just THIS MORNING! No, I mean, I know I have to study hard and all. But try telling that to a Primary school student. They're still kids! Don't pressure them to study so hard. They want to play. Well at least I did. I have to admit that anw (:
I realised it also in MI because during our career search, we had to know what we want to do in the future because our subject combinations going to determine what future we will have. And how certain combinations won't allow you to be in certain careers, how I couldn't take this combination because I don't have past experience of the subjects because I didn't do well for Sec2 streaming which determined what subjects I would have to take for 'O' Levels.
But now, I'm venturing forward to the 'A' Levels. I must start now, or I'll never even think about getting started. Best of luck to all of you!
Don't take your time in realising what the Singapore school system is all about. Even in Primary 1 it determines where you'll end up in the future!
Currently I'm confused.
It just won't say no, but on the other side of the road, it's definitely a no! He's the reason for the teardrops on my handphone.
10:05 PM

Because I'm in love with you.
I went out on Saturday with Nabila. &then met Diki at Redhill to go Queensway. THen from there we went to city hall & that area. It was tiring, I tell you. Haha. Diki &the S.core celebrated Dan's birthday. They went for sheesha! Dang, should've followed. I mean, followed them to have fun ahhh. Haha.
Buttttttttttt... (Butt, pantat)
I couldn't wait for Monday! Haha, went out with the clique for project at Esplanade Library. Of course, they were tempted to shop. OH! Fathi followed us. Hmm. Hahaha. Then, went to get Zara's shoe at Adidas Raffles City which led to Zara's eyecandy. HAHAHA. I tell you that girl is freaking cute. Went to bugis after that. ZARA LEFT HER WALLET AT A SHOP! wow. That's something I would really panic about. I was, anyway.
BUT THE BEST PART IS; this boy named diki.
Met diki at Orchard MRT along with Nick & Fauzi. Went with them to Shaw centre's Macs. Waited for a very very long time for BESHFWEN to arrive. By then, there were 3 more guys who joined us at McCafe. Then Diki and I went to see Nabila at Popular. &we went back to Borders.
I went to watch Step Up 2 with Diki, Nabila, Nick &Fauzi. Thanks to Diki ! =D
*coughing like crazy
feet covered in blisters.
8:06 PM
Ever ever after.Story begins and fairytales coming true...
It's time we start a new beginning. We were once now we are not. I'm glad you are you. There's nothing out there that can change the way you are. Coz that's the way everyone loves you. Even me, if that seemed hard to believe. We held hands now we have to hold others coz we taught each other how to live. Now we have to teach others how to live. It was more than happiness that created us.
I wanna believe in myself just like how I believe in you. You can do it. I know you can.
It's not make-believe. It's love.
8:01 PM