When it turns around for the better.What is it about people that like to take things for granted? Karma's all around. Do you believe in it? I don't know if I should. But I believe it should happen all the time. Doing good to others but nothing good ever comes to you. Hmm. Sounds unfair. I don't believe revenge is worth it. Coz it's all karma, baby. You do it, we do it.
So why don't you start by shutting your big fat smelly mouth and start eating mints. That should do you some good.
2:56 PM
12:56 PM
Take my hand and set me free.PE was not too bad. Dance was killer. Shower time was awesome. Dinner was fantastic. Going home was lovely. Now I've to think of what assignments I should be doing. Hmm. Oh! I've bio consultation period tomorrow till 5+. I wonder if sayang wants to wait. Hmm. Like lambat liddat.
Nevermind, shall ask him later.
Sha baybeh, kemas rumah okay? Friday aku datang! Tak kemas pun takper. Aku pun dah biasa. Hahaha =D Adli sayang, <3.
I love you.
10:25 PM
PROCRASTINATION!I thought I was going to die today. Thank God, God gave me another chance. Alhamdulillah. I forgot to bring my malay file. And yeah, it contained all my stuff yeah. Like, uh-huh. So then my malay teacher didn't come. So yeah, thank God! I haven't done my GP. I think THAT I will die. Erm, Chemistry.. Hmm. Yeah. Due tomorrow. Maths assignment 1.1. Wow. Hmm. It as due last last week. WOW! Haha. Not done yet. What am I becoming of? Nevermind. I have my source of inspiration(:
Sha, I'm coming this friday! Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! Love you&mama! Hahaha.
7:43 PM
Now that I have you...Sha sayang is in JB! =( come home soon gf! I'm working tomorrow. Hmm. Then my honey's gonna come and go with me to chocolate haven! =D Hahaha. I'll get some for you too, Sha! Haha. We gonna skip around the chocolate puddles and prance around the chocolate tree, touch the chocolate sky and gaze at the chocolate stars.
After that, I shall prepare for school the next day. Haha. I think I shall bring school work to work tomorrow. Need time for homework! NO time already! I think I'm gonna die la on monday. I'm NOT kidding this time.
I miss so many people I don't know where to start! First of all, I miss
Nur Adilah Rahman. Babe! When our date?! Secondly, I miss
Sec 4/3 'o7. Seriously. I miss your craziness that makes me go crazy also. Thirdly, I miss
Diy, Shafiqali, Syam&Gang. I must meet up with you guys soon or I'll die!
MY BESH FWEN FOWEWER is super near me now so I don't have to worry. SHA! I MISS YOU! COME HOME SOON GF!
1:08 AM
Blast that train with your intelligence.School's been really stressing me up. Didn't meet my bio test requirements again. Hmm. Ohwell...
I can be whatever I want, whenever I want.
10:34 PM

Atrika Danzfest 2008.
I miss my girls so much! Haha. I kinda got lost at first. Had no idea how to get to the place. Good thing there's Mat Kental & Mat Lagi Kental. HAHA! Lots of hugs from me to my girls! Aww, they have grown up so much. *tears. Hahaha.
Watched 13 performances like those from Siglap Sec, Yishun Sec, JJC etc etc. And those of Dian, Attri, Ayunda Lestari & of course Atrika. Maybe I should join Dian. Hmmm. I'll think about it.
Took transport with the KC-ians(: Hahaha. Sorry eh kalau takde space. We had loads of chats & laughs. Coz I'm not sure when's the next time I'm gonna see them again. Aww. Then, we parted. Took 55 home. Reached home 15mins before 11pm. I was so tired by then. Long dayyy. Coz in the morn I had tarian practice at Bukit Batok West Ave 8(aka MI). Haha.
I REALISE I HAVE P.E! Tomorrow afternoon. 2.45pm.. Crap.
This is annoying.
8:16 PM

Went to "study" with Sha, Lee, Yan. HAHA. Got new names. TEEH! okay, nvm. Initially we wanted to go to the NLB but it was too darn packed so we walked all the way to Suntec City Starbucks. Haha. Only Adli & Sha managed to study, I think.
Haha. At night, we went off to Marina Square for dinner. I can't seem to write a long story for this one coz it happened a few days back. Haha. Nvm. Next time I promise!


Sha Sayang!

Apa dia, Sha? Lalat?

no commentszx.


I sayang you all like family (:
The night I had dinner with them. Like my own family (: I love you! Thanks Mr. Hishom, Mama, Abang Shahril, (shaaaa i dont know how to spell your younger brother's name! sorry!), & SHA SAYANG! (:
8:34 PM
Cry me a river.As the rain clouds cover the sky and not long later as the rain pours, I keep thinking about what I need and what I want. I wish I didn't have to make a decision. I wish I was still who I was before. I wish you were still in my life so that we can share our laughter like how I just got to know you.
Coz I wanna watch the world go by. You're just so near yet so far.
Won't you be the CAPTAIN of my heart?
9:49 PM