Dark clouds start to wonder.I'll stick to one. And one only. I'm not happy by the way. In case you haven't noticed, your words can strike right at the spot like your sticker in your pencil case, "Hit The Spot" Yeah.. don't.
I love you, I really really do but ... we've got a looong way to go from here.
Omg, he doesn't look like you!
11:28 PM
Oh rainy dayyyyy.Went to Sentosa with Ilah in the morn till about 3? Yeah. Then went to meet Nabila at Bukit Batok Macs. She was fascinated with the Macs there too! Haha. Then baby came after his free media training. HAHA. okay yeah. Had dinner at Century Square. Talked for very long. Nice chat. (: i think.
Having Chem lessons tomorrow. WHATAF. I think i have assignments undone. Ah, heck. Not in the mood.
Learn to see right through me.
10:53 PM
Watched you play & loving it.Woke up early in the morning just to find out training was cancelled. Hmm. But I went out to meet Nabila at Tampines Mart Macs. Chilled there f0r awhile and went to her place and to find out our Big Bro was on his way to Bukit Batok already! Shit shit. Was like late. So we rush rush. And rushed to Bukit Batok. Met Big Bro there at 1.45pm. HMM. The match was about to start in 45mins and we were still at Bukit Batok. Oh well. Haha.
Boarded 174 and Big Bro had loads of stories to share. Hahaha. Funny guy ah. Problem started when 174 didn't go where we wanted it to. So we had to walk all the way to CCAB now known as some NUS place. Stopped by Cold Storage for some snacks. And continued our walking journey there. Pretty far but we had loads of chats along the way.
Arrived there and saw alot of sporty people. Hah. But I love watching the rather brutal match. It's okay, Millenians. Train harder for next year!
Baby got injured :( He recovered fortunately. Coz he seemed fine when going home. Haha. But I could tell he was in a lot of pain. Made Big Bro and all to check on him. Hahaha. Take care baby!
Me and Nabila went off slightly earllier and made our way to the Adam Road Food Centre. And we waited for baby. He came with Gabby so I guess it made the four of us having dinner together.
Here's a couple of pictures of the 2 guys at the rugby match. Waiting for Nabila to send me pictures of love!


Big Bro, Fareez.
Labels: more moments like this
3:06 PM
Have a safe trip Aly & Asyraf! =DPictures speaks more than I could in a second.


he's buffing his nails ah eh! using my nail buffer! thanks eh. yeah, gaaaaay.

shahrin's tongue can't be defeated.

your candid moments.

happy goobers.

oh so in love.

mine. amalina. &dan.

mr. act cool

De Souza ke per Dan?


pretty pots!

your sugar rush makes me oh so in love with you too!
After school, I had some dance meeting which lasted me to 2.30pm. Baby was already at Commonwealth with Junny. So I took 506 to my house before making my way to Kembangan MRT to Airport.
It's like my first time going to Budget Terminal. Damn. Budget. Small. So, I met the candies there! sat at the cafe with Aly's mum. ooh. took loads of pictures. I don't wanna upload all. It's just too... err, hahaha. Yeah. Leceh ah.
Gonna miss Aly&Asyraf. Takecare; muchloves.
And I'm still figuring out how to get to ccab. Haha!
9:06 PM
CIP DAY & Couples' Day Out.CIP was as you can sayy, pretty fun. Not too bad. Enjoyed 80% of the time. So anyway, saw Rica at Jurong East but we only went together after we reached Bukit Batok. Bought the super famous $2 meal at the newly revamped Macs. whoo! I love that place. It's so cool la. They have a Level 2 kitchen & they transport the food through a conveyor belt. How cool is that?! Hah! Okay. So anyway, yeeeahh. We were suppose to meet outside school at 8am. Reached 5-10 mins earlier. Hmm, I don't like being early by the way. Yeah. Cept for school. Kinda wanna lay off getting detention.
So after everybody arrived, by everybody, I mean at 8.45am, we started rehearsing. Our initial plan had to be called off coz it wasn't ... advisable. Something like that. We did a skit. So... erm, it's suppose to be for the primary school kiddos. So, we made it like really kiddy. Hmm, not very good with kids. *shrug.
So we left school at 9.30am for PEITONG PRIMARY SCHOOL. Apparently, they have a new building and its located on the local map now. How helpful! Coz unfortunately, they haven't moved yet! So, you could guess, we went to the wrong building thanks to SOMEONE who gave us the wrong map. Yeeahhh, walked back to the Clementi MRT and took a bus to the occupied building. First impression: Hmm.
It was really hot and I was perspiring all over. Wasn't in a good mood coz a certain monkey kept making stupid remarks. Uh-huh. But I'm really not kidding about perspiring. It was super HOT. The kids were awesome. They were really supportive but I'm sure, kids can be the most honest people in the world. They just gotta learn not to speak their mind so much.
We ended pretty early though. Around 12noon. Got changed into my new Cotton Ons and off we went to eat @ Pizza Hut with Mr Chan. So once there were 8 kiddies & an Uncle. Hmm, oooh. He treated us to lunch okay? How nice of him! (: Ate a lot. I'm not kidding. It's like, 2 average people's appetite. But it was great anyway. Thanks Mr Chan! (:
Waited for baby at the platform & off we went to meet Aly, Asyraf, Ama & Shahrin at Bugis. We were suppose to watch a movie there but instead we went to Marina Square. So we had absolutely no idea what to watch. Aly really wanted to watch the Vegas movie but it was like too late. &oh btw, I'm not gonna watch Indiana Jones okay? Sorry. Ironman I may consider. But since Ama watched it already, so we decided to watch Made Of Honour. Really nice movie though. Yeahh. I'll give it a 7/10.
While waiting for the movie to start we spent our time with our dears at Starbucks. aww(: Haha. OH! Best part was, I saw Zea! =D Walked out of Starbucks followed her into Macs and caught up with her. Oh gawd, I miss that babe! We had some chats coz she was going to Esplanade for a rehearsal on Saturday. Super cool! I wanna go watch it.
Metamorphosis;So anyway, I love spending time with the super cute sugarpies! Baby keeps bullying Aly and vice versa. Haha, real cute la. Oh but Aly&Asyraf leaving for Bangkok tomorrow. Aww. Hmm, oh well. They'll be back on Tuesday. Hope they have a safe flight! How cool. I wish I can go there with my boyfriend. Haha! Not Bangkok ah. Paris or what.. Haha!
Oh heck. I'm still here. Maybe I'm gonna watch baby play rugby on Saturday. Hope I can make it (: I've not watched him play yet. So, it shall be a first. But he MUST watch me during Transcendence. I don't care. Hah!
Oh! Erm erm, I saw this girl at Parkway on Monday. I mean, I was tailing my mum around Isetan until I saw this girl. We were at the utensils section which is next to the men's section. So there was a full-length mirror. And there she was, not more then the age of 7, combing her straight-cut, long, silky hair. She had earpiece in her ears and singing to possibly BRITNEY SPEARS and trying to put on a hairband. However, everytime she puts on the hairband, she seems really dissatisfied. I mean, her hair is long and straight. How else can it look any different from the last 100 times she re-did it. Oh, kids this days...
Oh gawd, this whole chunk of words must've bored you to death! My apologies. I just seem to have a lot to say today. I'm Miss Blabbermouth! & I don't care...
Good day!
9:14 PM
&because of you... IHappy 1 month, baby! =D We've got a loooong way to go (: Will always be there for you. Then again, you can't run away from me. Haha. I will inevitably BE there whether you like it or not.
Loving every moment I'm with you. Let's make eveyone jealous of us. Haha!
I love you, sugar.
2:30 PM
Tarian Millennia & 3Su.Let the pictures talk to you for now.

Tarian Millennia @ Raffles Place.

3Su outing @ Century Square.

I beg of someone to post this somewhere in the newspaper! HAHAHAHA!

Sufie's muka nak sneeze! Hahaha!

A final proper one (:

Tarian Millennia @ Victoria Theatre Terrace.

Tarian Millennia.


With the Raja.

I'll love you, kecik, even if you try to strangle me to death.
For 2 days, Tarian Millennia had a dance workshop at Victoria Theatre Terrace conducted by Drs Raja Alfi... M. Hum. (sorry. the name too long, I forgot) It was a great experience for all of us. Especially to those who are new in the malay dance scene. May you all have gained more than what was expected & may we become better learners, better dancers & a great artist.
On Sunday, after the workshop, the majority of us headed to the east & of course Tampines. Syusyu&Zahirah went off with friends. So it was just us, Su, Su & Su. We had a 3Su outing! =D Walked around Tampines Mall before heading to Century Square's 2nd Level toilet. From there, we camwhored all the wayyyy. I have more pictures. Check out my friendster's album aite? It was ultra fun I tell ya. Haha!
1:40 PM

cheerleaders! &the specatators.

sugarpie honeybunch!

my pretty awesome friends!

&my bestest bestest!
16th May 2008
GeeePeee. Hmm, I've got absolutely nothing to say about it. Don't wanna say about it either. Haha.
Track & Field Meet was awesomely fun. Coz I got to do Novelty Race. Yeah lah, novelty lah. Nothing grand but still! We won 2nd for Sapphire (: Congrats to Syed Felza, Timothy, me(:, Shalani, Purnima, Syusyu & Ashley! Haha. Well, Garnet cheerleaders were real cool. I like their outfit. Haha.
OH! I won my bet eh, terima kasih! Baby was confident Zircon going to beat Sapphire. Boleh rilek ah! Khai J pun sama. Boleh rilekkkkkk ahhhh!
17th May 2008
Malay Dance workshop @ Victoria Theatre Terrace.
Had to meet the ladies at 9am Raffles Place. However, I left my house at 9am. Haha. Met them at 9.40am instead. Haha, the last to arrive (: okay ah, not that proud ah. Should be punctual eh?
The dancers were good ah, my guy partner also like damn good ah. I was like soooo intimidated by him. Haha. Oh well. Going there again tomorrow morning. 2-day workshop. The food was good though.
Met baby at Pasir Ris. Went to EHub! woohoo! Nice concept ah the place. Watched a movie there (: super new place so super nice. Haha. We watched Over Her Dead Body. Pretty funny movie. Then we made our way to *scape. Detoured to airport. Heh. Met baby's friends there. Postbox was gooood. Got their sticker. Woohoo! Isa damn cute lahhh hahaha. Small boy.
Had to leave before Postbox ended. Sad. But I went to eat first coz hungry ah. Heh. Yeah. Headed home not too long later with the BESH FWEN!
I came home to an empty house. Damn. Should've gone home with baby.
You are sooo naive & unbelievably ew.
12:27 AM
Point, Elaborate, Example, Link.GP is soo tomorrow! &so is Track&Field Meet. I don't know where to go after GP. I wanna go ecp and run but the thought of having to go back to the West again by 5.15pm is like dreading ah eh? EH? Yeah. Oh well. Let me just think about it then.
10:02 PM
Take that last train and head home.I've a lot of projects due today, 13th May 2008. Plus, chemistry practical exam where you have to bear with the heat and stuffiness, and your tired legs in the chemistry laboratory titrating some chemical into another being fascinated at the end product. Sadly, it doesn't end there. Functioning your brain during calculations just tires you even more than the experiment itself! I need a breather.
I can't believe I embarrassed myself during Geography this morning. I usually don't have a problem speaking infront of people but this time, I was like super nervous I actually laughed or giggled or whatever you can call it in a rather awkward manner. Perhaps I should have prepared coz the slides on my side were just utterly effortless. And it's a negative conotation, by the way.
Biology project, hmm. Overdue. Minus that 10%. Ohhhwell. I don't know if I should let it matter. Err, YEAH!? I don't know why I just said that. Am I out of my mind? Why am I feeling so freaking lazy nowadays. I've malay composition to complete. Oh wee. Nice. Hmm.
I wonder what we'll be doing for PE tomorrow. Lalala. RUN. RUN. RUN? Track & Field Meet this Friday at 5.15pm, should end around 8pm? Say whaa? Kay whatever, I'm not running anyway.
Take good care of yourself; maybe you should consider having a life.
Coz all you've been talking about is me being in a relationship, oh honey, move on please? Like seriously.
Oh what now, does having a girl or a guy soooo important than your own life? You're really pathetic, sorry to say.
Unless of course, you change your mindset.
9:17 PM


SUfie, SUhailah, SUzana, SyUhada.

Coz we're mighty fine.


My bodyguards.

Having breakfast yeh?



Eksyen abit ah.

miss flexi gelek.
Look into your eyes and smile.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mumsies in the world! Ladies of the world who created beautiful people like you & me. Those who dedicated their time & effort to see that we're being cared for. I love you, mummy!
Millennia Institute Day 2008.
Yesterday was I'Day. mmhmm. The costume, the make-up was rockin'. Shimiii looked ultra fab in her LBD(little black dress). Had tonnes of fun there. Performed infront of the PU3s literally. WIll try to upload the vid. TRY. (:
My first performance for Millennia Institute. Welcome, sufie! (:
Sentosaaaaaa with lovelove.
After I'Day, met adli at Outram Park Mrt to go to Sentosa. The Zircon cheerleading crew were there already. We went there coz they wanted to play rugby so baby ajak me also. (: Had loads of fun. When we alighted at the Beach Station, saw Shahrin, Daniel & Asyraf walking. They wanted to go buy drinks so I went to change first.
We walked all the way to the place they were at. Dan was the first person I saw there. He was with his secondary school friends I think. Then I heard, "TETEEEKKKKKK!" Saw Farhana! =D Haha. Then I saw the rest with the cheerleading captain. Don't really know her. So I sat with Lynn. Watched them play rugby.
At around 3 we went in the waters. Artini & Farhana left. Saw it was C/Kathy, Amalina, Aliana, Daniel, Asyraf, Dan, Shahrin, Adli & me. Loads of laughther. They played rugby again in the waters. Well, Adli & Daniel found a new friend. HAHA. That part was funny.
My sapphire shirt has oil in it coz the waters were oily. Can't get the stain out. Hmm.
But I lovelove yesterday! Thanks baby for bringing me! (:
Oh we're packin' & leavin'.
6:55 PM
Tired bodoh!I am so not kidding right now. I have NO idea how I'm going to reach school freaking early tomorrow. I'm SUPER DUPER tired right now. Baby didn't meet me after school coz I kinda ended at 6+ & school pretty much ended wayyy wayyy earlier than that. So yeah, hope I can meet him tomorrow even if it's for awhile.
Tomorrow's I-Day. Oh wow, geee... I'm like so excited. Wee. Hmm.
I'm tired. K bye.
9:14 PM
Update you freaking bimbo!I have not gone online for so long and i so mean it coz by the time I reach home well gee, I dunno late? Then sometimes I don't do my assignments. I sleep coz well, I'm freaking tired from the day's schedule. Oh poo.. Kay next!
Let's update on the week shall we shall we?! Okay lets!
MONDAY;I had dance dance dance. I don't even know when i DON'T dance. Unfortunately for me, I injured my back during the last practice dance. Best part was, it was because of my last pose. Aha! Yeah. Oh well. I couldn't even sit up from a hunched position or even stand. Baby came to the hall and helped me out. He waited for me till 7+ and I couldn't go home with him =( UPSET! Ya feel me?! Mr. & Ms. sent me to the clinic near my house and my dad fetched me from there. Oh & I'm apparently allergic to the painkillers. Too bad. So for like 2-3days, I couldn't bend down properly without hurting my back. Surprisingly I could bend backwards. Oh no wait, have I went through the best part already?! Nooo, the BESTEST of ALL is that I have NAPFA sit&reach on wednesday. Aha! Yeah, we'll go through that soon. Wait. So, I went home, bathed & slept. Wow!
TUESDAY;WEEELLLLLL, nothing much happened. OH! I bumped into Aisyah (:
WEDNESDAY;Went to school with BESH FWEN & Baby(as always). My back was feeling slightly better compared to Monday. I still couldn't bend down properly. However, it didn't hurt when I sat & I reached! Thank God! (: 58cm baybeh! =D beat that!
THURSDAY;Mother bus got into at accident at clarke quay. Had to freaking alight. &freaking to the freaking MRT. MIGHT AS WELL HAVE TAKEN IT FROM JURONG RIGHT?! So yeah, now.. I think I shall start on my delayed malay proposal. Oh shit nooooo, I have chemistry?! I HAVE CHEMISTRY TUTORIAL?! I HAVE CHEMISTRY TUTORIAL DUE TOMORROW?! Ohhhhhhkayyyy, I'm starting to dread school. I've not had this feeling since I was in primary school. Or so I think.. Yeah, whatever.
Sha, hope you're not too upset. Everything will get better soon kay? Cheer up! (:
Oh but I know there's something wrong in between. It's like a fault line that occurs within the plate boundaries of the Earth's surface. It shifts everything that we used to have; and I mean, everything.
10:06 PM
Coz we deserve to be treated right. Like DNA.
08S3 Bio students + Sherman & Mr Chan.

omg Rica, don't you just want to cut me outta this pic? aha!

Even bimbos like me go to the lab and play around with US$280++ apparatus.

Rica may your girlfriend not be mad at me.

08S3 + Sherman.
Science centre was like awesome okay? Coz we dealt with bacteria & proteins. Wow! Suuuupeerrr cool. Aren't you like jealous already? Yeah! =D
I had dance in the morning. My neck like hurts a lot now. &I feel a fever. Hmm. Hope I'll be fine by tomorrow. My mum's sick. Means I've to iron my own uniform. Oh mann, call me a brat but I'm damn lazy right now. No kidd. Omg, I have dance again tomorrow afternoon. I have PE! OMG! I HAVE PE! I have NAPFA test tomorrow. K best! Can you like imagine? Well, I-Day's this Saturday anyway. Gonna be a super damn busy week. I don't have time for anything else. Baby, help me! :(
By the way, I miss all my gfs okay? ADILAH BABE! KC?! Hommmyyygoshhh.
This ignition of love.
8:15 PM
I must say this. But I'll only say it once.

If you ever think that wayyyy, you watch out ahhh.
He'll love me for the rest of his life. Haha!
Don't worry. He eksyen only.
I absolutely love yesterday. First I went to Airport to meet The Bila. I collected my voucher. woohoo! =D Then off we went to Orchard. Far East's Cahaya Restaurant was closed so we went to LJS instead. Walked around at Isetan Scotts and Wheelock Place before heading to City Hall to meet Adli. Met him there and we walked to one fullerton. Alot of walking ah. Haha. Oh well, exercise does you good even if its only once.
We went to One Fullerton's Stabucks but the journey there was filled with tourists and people taking their off day. Heh. So, it was kinda crowded. Not so bad ah. But crowded. Fadlul was working night shift. Ilham went to Orchard's Starbucks but came back not long later. We sat by the bay and ate scone and drank ice water. Haha. While Adli drank Chocolate Cream Chip. Around 7.15, Fadlul came with a tray with a lot of drinks and a slice of cheesecake. We thought he just wanted to give us one free drink, but noooo, he gave us the whole tray filled with really good stuff. Hahaha. Awesome! And he had his break with us. Aww(: Fadlul was Adli's ex-schoolmate and my bestfriend's friend. Cool huh? What a small small world. It's getting smaller by the day with every person I meet. Haha. I like the green tea latte although I'm not a fan of green tea at all.
Finished up the drinks and we headed home. My mum knows about me and Adli. Haha! Oh well. Nothing to hide anymore. HEH!
I'll love you too.
8:58 PM
Say that you love me.
I havent been online for like.. a few days now. Pretty busy with school work and all. I barely have time for myself. CCA's 3 times a week. & with 2 performances coming up one in a week's time, and the other 3 weeks time, I think I'm gonna die. We ended at 7.30 yesterday. So that would mean, I was still at Bukit Batok at around 8. School closed late also coz of the floorball girls' match. But it was dark and creepy. I only have like, public holidays and Sundays to rest. That's also if I'm not working on Sunday. I wonder how Dan manages his time.
I need time management, people! Things are due tomorrow and I haven't started. It's been awhile since I went to the East side to chill out. Especially Parkway Parade. The inevitable place to hang out every other day after school. Now, even West Mall also I can't detour that much. I miss my KCians. =( School's been tough but I gotta hang on. hang on real tight to get through all these. My babes would help me now, wouldn't ya? Sha? Zara? (:
You re-energize me from my daily 5.15am alarm.
11:06 AM