YOU BETTER STOP IT SIA.stop lying to me! STOP! I just want you to admit, is that so hard?! oh yeh, I'm sure it is coz you've not been true to her anyway. Fuck you! FUCK YOU!
I hate you. I really do.
4:40 PM

Public Speaking Workshop, 31st May 2008.
Remember the day of my public speaking workshop I got sick? Yeah, here's some pics. Omg, my lips are super blue. Told ya I was super cold. Haha. Yeeeahhh.

Future President of Singapore. =D (the only president with a Topman jacket & short skirt)

muka sakit kepe.

Left smile, Right smile.

Coz Mr Chan layan me. Hahahaha.
Brace yourself, you might need to strap yourself in your seat.....
9:37 PM
Leona Lewis - YesterdayIn case you guys were wondering, I changed my URL coz of one reason. I don't want a certain someone to read. Heh. Besides, I haven't changed my URL since the day I created this blog which was October 2006. Haha. Cool or whaaaat.
So anyway, today I have Chem paper of which it's at 1pm and here at 10.23am I'm not studying or revising. Hahaha. Nevermind. I feel like taking 506 today. But like, expensive or whaaat. Nevermind, MRT pun MRT laaa. Balik then can take 506 eh? Haha.
Hey HEY! Tomorrow KC EMDD seh! Miss those times baybeh! =D See you KCians tomorrow! Especially Ally & Annisa! Hahahaha. You guys watch out for me okay? Hahaha. eh eh, I want to go KC makan the Mee soto, masih ada tak? I miss that sia not kidding. If have, tell me! I go tomorrow! Hahahaha.
10:21 AM
YOU! ERRRR...this won't be a happy post. no no no. cukup2. blog is a blog. happy not happy post jugak. like postman.
Firstly, I want you to get OUT of my life. Like, no kidding. Cukup lah. I don't want to fight with you anymore okay? I also don't want to ignore you because it's hard eh? Okay. Cukup2. Out eh? Don't mind eh. Thanks. I want to say love you deep deep also cannot. I don't. Hahahaha. Cukup2. Let's break it down eh, You & I don't exist anymore. You happy happy your own life with your new gerlpren which I dunno why you choose girl. But not my pasal eh. So yeah, OUT!
Secondly, baby I very sorry kay? Today like happy then suddenly not happy. You know? You tell me you don't know. I also don't know. Cukup2. Let's put it behind eh? Okay, for you I love very much much much.
Thirdly, makkkaaaauuu. Aku ada exam bodoh! Dah lah tak belajar. Nak step pandai on the comp. What is happening to the world seriously?
Cukup2. Belajar lah.
6:11 PM
Things I did without him...KL trip was awesome. Love it. Went shopping till I drop drop drop dead. Seriously.
OH! &&we had TonyRoma's BABY! =D it's halal there although they sell alcohol. Felt like buying all them liquour. Haha. The portions were HUGE, haha. Couldn't really finish it.
I guess there's alot to say about the trip but I really don't feel like it. Hmm. Oh well. Hah.

Starbucks @ The Gardens.



Undesirably fattttt tummy.
I know you're reading this. But I dreamt of you 2 nights in a row when I was there. It wasn't pleasurable dreaming of you. Coz I really don't know what it means.
On another note, fuck what you did. You should've known I wouldn't like it.
6:32 PM
Let absence make our hearts grow fonder.I've been ultra busy as you can see. Even if I have the time, I wouldn't really go online coz I'm too tired to. Yeahhh, but since now I am, I think I'm just blogging for the sake of it. Oh who cares.
Baby's going out of Singapore this Friday to Monday. Hmm, &&when he comes back, I'll be off to KL from Monday to Wednesday. AWWW MANNN, I'm gonna like miss him like crazy like yeahhhhh.
I need a rest. I need to start studying, which I haven't by the way. Am I kidding myself? Exam's in 2 weeks time! &I have the timet o go KL summore. Fruck.
Okay, I think I better go now, meeting Thabila&Diybaby at 12!
10:58 AM
And the thermometer reads 39.6 degreesCelcius.Let me update you wayyyyyyy back okay? Nabila got sick last Tuesday. And she stayed home and rested. Then, I met her on Friday for dinner. Here's the contact:
we shared 2 sips of eac other's drinks. Clever ah?
So on Saturday, I felt nauseaus. But I had to go for a Public Speaking Talk held in school, let me repeat, at Bukit Batok, from 9.30 till around 3. Held in the 24 degreesCelcius LR2 which to me felt like 10 degreesCelcius. I am NOT kidding. I couldn't stay in the room for like 3 minutes and I constantly had to go out to get warmth. And the weather wasn't helping ah btw. Why? Because I got infected with Nabila's germs. We were supposed to watch a movie at night and meet Baby & friends for sheesha. DAAAAAAAMMNNN. I missed out on all the fun. But worst part was, I made Nabila go out and I told her that I couldn't make it coz I was feeling terrible. And she went home. SAD RIGHT?! THOWIE NAMIA! Oh but the journey back home was omgterrible.
Since I was so cold for the LR2, I figured I should walk to Bukit Batok MRT from school, which is quite a distant walk. Erm, like, from Parkway Parade to KC. Something like that. FAR RIGHT? Haha. But it was alright, had to heat myself up (not that I'm not hot enough. HAHA) So anyway, just as I walked past the school compound, there's a big field ah then I heard shuffling noises. By the way, I was using baby's jacket with a hood. So I couldn't see what's on my left or right. I thought it was a person behind me jogging but I thought why is the person so close to me!? Then I look down on my left. I saw 3 FREAKING DOGS BARKING AT ME! So I crossed the road ! Omg! They actually ran from out of nowhere across the big field just to chase me. WTH?! But good thing they didn't chase me across the road. What a day! Then, I didn't like the journey on the MRT coz I had to stand all they way until Outram Park which then I got a seat. I walked terribly slow and thinking when was I going to reach home. I did, of course, reach safe and sound.So I got home. I didn't bother to bathe ah, seriously. Sorry for my lack of hygiene but I couldn't take it anymore. I got changed and tucked myself into bed. My temperature was quite high but I couldn't eat my medication coz I hadn't eaten and my mum wasn't home. In fact, no one was home. Waited till 6 afterwhich my mum came home with porridge. And she went out again. Bahh. Home alone part II.
What to do. Sleep ah. Haha. All the way till night time. I ate panadol already by then so my fever kinda went down. But the sad part was when I tried sleeping at night. When everyone of you were sound asleep, I kept tossing and turning okay? It felt so uncomfortable. I slept next to my mum that night. HAHA! Well, she asked me to anyway. Haha.
And that night my fever went up again. Oh poooo. Next morning, had little breakfast, ate medication and went back to sleep till 1+. Didn't pick up baby's calls coz I was still asleep. Haha. Sorry. I didn't know he would wake up so early and I swear I didn't know I slept till 1. I felt sooo much better. I had no fever but the headache was still there. Watched TV all the way. Controlled it. Woohoo! Watch DisneyChannel ah apa lagi! I did LITTLE LITTLE studying. Baik eh? Hahaha.
And todayyyy, I woke up early coz I couldn't go back to sleep. So I watched TV till I had to get ready for school. I actually went to school okay? Haha. Well, it was more of just to meet baby but I figured I might as well go for Chemistry lesson. And so I did.
After that, I had dance meeting which I made baby&friends wait for me for like I think almost 2hours. SORRY! Went off with them to town. Haha. Crazy bunchies. Poor Asyraf. Haii. Aly will be back soon. I think. Haha. Baby was like, "Eh, you have 1 week of freedom!" and I was like, "excuuuuseee meeee?" ohhh, so this is how he's gonna be like if I'm away huh? FINE! haha.
Walked around abit before going off to meet mummy. I felt rather lethargic and sick again. So I asked her if we could take a cab. And we did (: bear in mind that it was 6+ with the surcharge and all. Heh.
Okay, get well soon Sufie! (:
Labels: Don't share drinks with sick people
8:21 PM