When the train can only take two passengers.The thing about love is there's no facts about it. Love cannot be taught in a school. So how exactly are we to know what in this bloody universe is love? Experience. With experience, much can uncovered. Much is understood.
What I can say is, love must have a mutual understanding between one party and the other. It's not all about the one person. It takes two hands to clap. So my dear friend, where's the other hand?
And if you love someone, you should accept them for who they are. But there's always room for improvement am I not right? I understand, I understand..
No one is perfect.
But it doesn't hurt to move one step closer to it. I'm not perfect either. So my dear friend, there's nothing to be envious about. Although I feel that, by your envy, I have achieved something out of it. However, we're normal. We're very normal. We go through what you go through. Just not much in the quantity but that doesn't mean we don't.
This must end, and you know it.
And my dearest, I love you very much no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT.
6:55 PM
When the wind blows, I'l fly awayyyy and then hopefully come back.Many events have passed these past few days. I know it's the 29th October and I've not updated since the 22nd. Today's the last day of school. I mean, I'm here online in the morning at 5.55am, seriously coz I got ready for school a lil bit too early. So I figured why not I update on my life. It's been full of total ups and downs.
Well, just to be on the clear side, I didn't do well for my promos. I feel numb. I feel disappointed back then even though I've tried my best. Maybe coz I'm just upset. So well, yes, I didn't get promoted as I expected. I'm being advanced. Advanced meaning I have to pass my Common Test in Year 2 next year March 2009, in order to stay as a Year 2 student. If not, I'll be retained. I guess there's a lil pros and cons about it. I'm trying not to think too negatively about it.
I'm still going for SLE Camp next week. Coz I figured why not right? I mean, even if it means I wasted my council internship and I won't be a council. I've not been for camps since Sec 3. So yeah, why not.
Anyway, I joined Atrika Dance Company once again for now. It's been fun lately. I got to perform twice already! And I got to act in one. It was really fun coz the production had a lot of other people and we get to work with one another. Shall be going for practices since I've not danced for so long. I miss dancing. When is MI gonna start again? Hmm.
So this is my life so far. I shall try to update and at least not bore you people with the same ol' posts whenever you visit. Okay? I'll try since school's (supposedly) over.
Bye. Take care. Love you.
5:53 AM
This is for my one and only sayang.On the 19th October 'o8, my other half and I celebrated our first 6 months being together. (: How time flies so fast no? I love every single moments with you, baby. Even though sometimes I don't really show it, but I just want you to know that, I really really do love every second spent with you.
We both were serious about someone else. I guess there just wasn't enough chemistry between us before. All of a sudden, something I will never regret happen. I started falling for you. Then I fell deeply for you. I fell in love with you. Now, I will treasure you like no other. And I can't imagine how my life will be like if 190408 never happened 6 months ago.
I love you, baby. And I wanna love you forever more.'happy belated 6th.
11:50 PM
No bitch, you're on MY rollercoaster ride.If you can't stand me, say it to my face. If you hate me that much, that's not my problem. If you really wanna settle things, come straight to me. Don't start blabbering around indirectly expecting that I won't know. Fuck bitch, grow up.
Just so you know;
I'm not the least bit interested in your life. And everything that revolves around it. And by the way, please, nobody I repeat, NOBODY wants to see you getting all mushed up in public or in school. Fucking grow up lah. I may not see it. But others do. Just to let you know.
I had fun times on Saturday. Haha. (: Sunday too. Happy 6th baby! (: We booked a room in Esplanade Library and watched a movie there. Baby paid for it. Awwww (: LOVE YOU.
`being with you for the past 6 months is the greatest present I'll ever have.
8:02 PM

bapak mertua aku.


Adli really does have a pool table.

future daughter-in-law at work.


half la familia

mmm (:

girls at adli's

the hitams.

b0ii fierce.

guys at adli's

taken by a young cheerful boy, nasrul azim

ama baby.

flawless or whaaaat (:

no comment

we trailed farrrr behind because we love the camera.

desperate houewives or sex and the city? which one you want?

his many expressions



nasrul azim.


the beautiful game of sherades.


l to r: b0ii starr, b0ii fierce, kakak minah, b0ii spade(nonok), b0iiYa, b0ii sachok-.-

b0ii sachok and his minahs.

them at hakim's


where we played sherades too.

the beautiful game.

The Grinch.
Hari Raya MI.I've not uploaded in weeks right? Haha. Proper pics I mean. I've update for so long right? Haha. But I'm quite lazy to update. Nevermind, let the pictures tell you the thousand stories and the million lies. (: sorry, the pikchas are not very much in order. But you can guess. Haha. We went to 8 houses that day. I think.
for some, Hakim's.
because it was late already, and the eastern people needed to catch their last train and bus. My dad fetched me though. It was tiring but ultra fun day. Collection best (: Hahaha.
Oh yes, there are MUCH MUCH MUCH more pikchas. But this is just a blog, hahaha. I'll see if b0ii fierce uploads in onto flickr and I'll let you see more merek pikchs okay? Apparently, there are like MORE than half or so of my pikchas. Hahaha. Sorry eh friends.
By the way, I've a performance today at night. Had practice last night at kolam ayer cc. Haha. Going there again later.
11:38 PM
Girlfriends for LIFE.Awesome day or whaaaat. After skipping a year of jalan raya because of O levels last year, I had the best days ever. I swear, I miss Alyssa. So here was how it went; met at Intan's. Her house was practically opposite mine. Okay, no, just her block. So I didn't have trouble making my way there. Had lunch and first consumption of the day. Haha. Love the biscotti.
Headed over to Syu's(shoes, HAHA). Her house got alot of kuih. Nbl like. Haha. Kuih queen. I like her parents. Shrugs. They cool. Haha and next to Cikgu Rohani's. I swear, she never taught me before. I doubt she knew me. And I don't remember her looking like how she looks now. Oh well. And guess what, my friend is her grand-nephew. Ahhhh loooong story. Her husband funny. Loyar buruk.
Then, to Cikgu Sara's. Oooooh I love her cats. &&I'm gonna miss her like damn badly. She's migrating to Syria. I think she wanted to cry eyyy when we wanted to leave. Sweet or whaaat. I know lahhh she gonna miss me. I like her mum too. Loyar buruk.
Then to Cikgu Normah's, wow. It's been long. Really. Funny thing, both her daughters are damn grown up now. I mean, like 5-9 years old kinda grown up. I mean, I knew Sara since she was in her mummy's tummy and then when she was still crying in the cradle. Now she's what, 5?! Omg. The transition... So anyway, had a nice chat before we all had to leave for my house.
Sad Syu had to leave. Coz the best Melayu 4/3 'o7 moments I've ever had! I swear. The best! Kecoh or whaaaat. Even though it was the 4 of us, it was crazy I tell you. Because of Alyssa ah. Talk alot, talk crabbo summore. I'm gonna miss her sia. Miss all of them. Cept nbl. Kay, bye shoo. Upload pikchas soon!
Lame sia.
12:06 AM
Little teenagers want to fall in love too.I had so much fun watching The House Bunny with the love. Hahaha. It's a bimbotically funny movie. I know, I know... Very ME right? (yes ally, I know you agree on that.) We watched at The Cathay and guess what, Hakim&Jaz was there too! Watching another movie. So we waited for them. They recommended Eagle's Eye. So yeah.
We walked all the way from The Cathay to Far East Plaza. By the time I reached there I think I died. But I'm not sure why I'm still here though. Jaz had to leave :( So Hakim, Sayang&I had dinner at Nana Thai. I like their Tom Yam. Eh heh.
Went home after thaaaat.
Neutral feeling boy!
10:57 AM


those kissable lips. xoxo
I wish I could turn back time and replay yesterday 12pm.Well, day spent with nabila and sayang. Lunched at parkway only to find out my favourite handmade noodle shop closed. What a *! But it's okay. Off-ed to town to get my eyebrow threaded. &bought Cosmopolitan. Heh. Sayang paid for me. Well, I'll pay you back one day kayyyy? sat down at Starbucks Wheelock Place and waited for Kim&Jaz.
Went to City Hall afer that to meet the rest of my babes. Went home.
Oh yes, I love my boyfriend to bits.
5:58 PM
Where's you when I need you.To be honest, I'm at the brink of giving up. I am | | this close to closing all doors to the hopes of my dreams. But I cannot, I must perservere, I must be determined. Dreams don't happen easily. But I am tired. I am really tired. I know everyone else is tired. I know I shouldn't complain. Who am I to do so when other's out there are at a worst state than I am? I'm sorry I can't feel how they feel. Am I suppose to never complain everytime I want to coz I have to think of others? Coz this is me, I complain because sometimes I have to do what I don't wish to. But I will try my best not to give up easily. Even if I have to do it on my own. But I don't want to, I need you. I really do. But I have to understand you. I have to understand my situation. Apparenty, I just have to understand everyone. Good question is, does anyone truly understand me?
I need to focus. Now.
2:24 PM