Think.One thing about me is that I can be really fickle-minded and sometimes be really firm about what I want. I don't know if it's just me, or it's a girl thing but I don't really like it. I hate it when my heart and my mind clashes. Sometimes, when I'm firm about what I want, I can be pressurized and
bam! I give in. I find it a bit difficult to stand up for my rights at times.
They say, the older you get the more mature you
(supposedly) get. And you're able to make good decisions. Is it? Then how come I have this inability to make certain RIGHT decisions? How to become President of Singapore like this?
I have dreams, don't worry. I support the rational. I will think through the rational. I will try to make good decisions this time.
Sorry if it didn't make you happy. I know you're worried but I promise you I won't let anything happen. If possible, I want you to be there. I NEED you to be there. Sorry, again.
12:19 AM
It's only the beginning.I'm feeling really really tired. I feel so lagged nowadays. PE was a killa just now. 8 rounds of running and 1 round of brisk walking. No shit. I'm finally done with PI and I still have ulasan buku and keratan akhbar to do. I have math remedial tomorrow. 2 HOURS OF IT. Maths is getting more and more boring, like 89% half-asleep. Seriouslyyy.
Okay, off to do my work now. No time for break. Break is tomorrow kay?
8:56 PM


Amir, I took this :)


Bite that dust.

Cos you're everything I live for.
With Love from HajiLane,
3:02 PM

nice kan?


justin? haha don't remember what it's called.

&&& finally, something random for everyone. MY DRESSING TABLE.
hairspray, creams, hair products, make-up, make-up brushes, perfumes and ribbon from Janel :)
11:53 PM
When beauty was only skin deep, wayyyyy deep.I went to Parkway today with my mum, and I had to wear my specs all the way there cos wanted to go for an eye check-up so that I can make new contacts. So yeah, the consultation took pretty long and my eyes got pretty tired after that. But I guess it was okay, good thing I brought my current lenses so that I can change to them afterwards cos boyyyy, was I damn rabun. Yeah, bought groceries. Then had lunch at banquet. And bought my long sought for exfoliation soap. Hahaha. And and I got this Scar Vanishing Cream. I hope it works cos it cost ed a damn $19.80 for something quite small. Haha.
I think I wanna go my gramma's house later to alter my school skirts. Haaah. Obvious reason, don't ask why.
4:37 PM

Say what? Say Salvatore.

Pretty :)

ini gambar tak senonoh, ini gambar funny. FUNNY KAN?! HAHAHAHA.


BFF, meet Armpit. Armpit, meet BFF.

They called me family :)

BFF, belum siapppz.

Great to be part of them :)
Kakdira's wedding pics. Some of 'em. There's alot more but I'll put up the ones with my face. Haha.
12:19 AM
The Remedy.It turned out to be okay today in school. I guess all you need is a boyfriend to put that smile back and giving you the security you need. assuring you everything's gonna be okay. Friends whom you know you can count on and lastly, a classmate like Fahmy to keep your stomach aching with all the laughter. Idk why, he made Kelly laugh non-stop today. And I really mean, nooooooon-stopppppp. And her laughter was kinda contagious too. Hahaha, eh serious.
Tomorrow's celebration. Ahh, exciting. I'm glad I'm done with my GP. You should see my handbook, FILLED with deadlines next week. Mentang2 CNY, bukan main lagi. So yeah, I'm looking forward to being with Adli in the morning and in the afternoon :) cos who knows, the next time I'm gonna see him would be next week! Zomg!
So what's next? Common Test. And and! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY! Apparently I do have time to blog on the 22nd :D Hahaha, save the best for last, wishing you again at 11.44pm! ILYVVVVM! K, I hope I've done enough or at least reaching enough cos I can't even meet you on your birthday or soon :( I hope you still love me! Hahaha.
Do you... wanna lie down and start kissing?
11:32 PM
adlimus says:goodnight baby adlimus says:I LOOOOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!It's something to calm my mind and have a peaceful sleep tonight.
11:14 PM
HAPPY (fill in digits) BIRTHDAY! :DAlysha Insyirah
I'll save you the modesty of letting others know how old you are :) But don't worry, I know how old you are. Haha, anywayyy, you are one special kiddo! Chey, kiddo or what. Hais, why does your birthday have to fall on tomorrow? I know I'm doing this a taaaaaaaaaad bit early cos I know I'm not gonna have the time tomorrow thus, today :) You know I love you more than your-favourite-xxx kan kan? Haha. May this year be awesome for you (and for me too heh heh) &&&& that you produce more fruitful things for Singapore cos I believe in changes. Good or bad. Hahaha. Okay, enjoy the 22nd! :D
10:55 PM
Hope.21st January 2008. Too many things happening, and I mean bad things. Maybe not the quantity, the quality the impact that the situations bring. I feel so fragile right now. I need to be stronger.
I don't think it's you, I refuse to believe what I hear. I don't know the whole truth right now, but I'll wait for tomorrow to come.
&I never thought that this day would come. I'm freaking afraid of what's my future gonna be like. Why does this have to happen on top of what I'm already having to cope with? WHY?! It's hard to just continue life without thinking about it. I don't know, I need to fall back now. I need to recover from my shock. Baby?
I'd stop it from happening if I could.
10:39 PM

An early morning quickie.I know it's uncommon to kinda blog early in the morning at 7am while waiting for the clock to strike 7.15 so that I can leave the house for school. But, hey! I missed out blogging yesterday so why not take a chance now aye mate? Ahhhh, I'm hungry. I think I shall go get some sweets at Cheers later so that I won't fall asleep during Math.
Yesterday i went to collect my $$$KACHING$$$ ! Awesome. With another pay comin' up I'll be able to buy a car! Justttttttt kiddingggggg. Savin' up for a camera. I was thinking of getting a video cam HAHA because with a camera you can't really capture life's funny moments. Oh who cares, I just want a camera. Had dinner with la famila and headed home to do Math Assignment. I have Bio tutorial to do but I think I'll read the notes later in the MRT, I THINK.
Well, I shall go now, have fun in school! I end at 5.25pm today! ADIOS AMIGOS.
7:00 AM

This is me, tired. Serious.
Finally, 1 down 2 to go.Today was Kakdira's pernikahan. I was there at 12noon. Met Nab & Kaktasha at tamp mart, walked around bought stuff and went to her house. Kakdira looks supaaaa different. Shall upload pics later when I get it from Nab. Yeah. I am tired. But I'm sure everyone else is too.
Love the Nikon D80 though :)
11:24 PM
EmoHad self-practice just now. Lasted till 3 only. Bathed with Shuuy and sat down at the cafe alone. With a cup of ice lemon tea, I finished up my chemistry tutorial because I fell asleep last night and didn't do any work at all. I think I wanna finish up my maths assignment but I have no clue how to do. Twisted the question here and there but found no answers yet. Okay so anyway, Hakim ended track and I went to sit with him. Sat down and had a talk. Talked about now and future.
Had dinner after that with the remainings. :( It's so sad that our clique are slowly breaking apart. Who's gonna be left when we reach year3? I hope we'll still be tight even after the Year1s come in and when we go through this year's exams. Tough tough. With PW and all. Oh well, I pray I get through my CT. Pray for me too :)
I love you more and more by the minute, by the hour - anytime, anywhere.
10:00 PM
Take back all those memories.Nothing like a little teardrop to ruin something at any point of time. It's getting different by the day. I'm guessing it's just me and my imagination. But again, my heart starts to feel heavy. I have a hunch I know what it is. Now how is that possible? How can I have a hunch for something that comes from ME? I'm not comfortable talking about it I suppose. Not yet, perhaps? But please don't hound me for answers. I need time. Time to think and re-think. And sort out my imagination and assumptions.
12:07 AM
Balancing on a string.I am glad that I have this sudden burning passion to study and do all my assignments. I am glad that I have managed to stay completely awake with only a few yawns here and there during chemistry while taking down notes NEATLY. But there's just something... I don't know what. I don't know why I have this heavy feeling in my heart whenever my mind's being put to rest (and that would mean break time and such). Then one way to cure that is to never stop studying! But I guess only one person in my class is able to do that. I shall leave it to her to do the job.
But I'm serious. I tried talking it out but I couldn't even find the topic. I tried! Swear I did. But I don't know why. It could be because I'm still an advanced case and make sure I make it to PU2, of which I will! It could be that the new PU1s will be joining us soon. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to them. Adli is though. Hmm, I kinda like it when it was just us PU2 and 3 and the previous batch. Now we have to make new friends and hopefully not new enemies. I should stay low profile this year. Okay, anyway. It could be that the timetable is too harsh to handle for now. I don't know!
I ... I gotta go.
Wish upon the stars; I'll take my chances & love.
9:43 PM


going through hell already.
First day of school.Well well, I'll embrace the new classmates and embrace the new year. I kinda like my new classes :) Not looking forward to PW though. Zomg.
Kay bye.
New Year's resolution: I will complete ALL assignments. Do or Die.
10:43 PM
Escorted through the gates of shame.I wanna know who I really am. I'm 18, for (enter name)'s sake. And I'm serious about this. Physically, I'm 50-50. Emotionally, I'm 70-30. Spritually, ahhhhh I have no idea. And I wanna know now!
God please tell me.
6:27 AM
Juvenile.It's not about the age that makes a woman. No matter how old you get, if the way you act is like a child, you are deemed a child. Once people dare question your maturity, I believe it's time to have a second look at your reflection in the mirror and it's not because your eyeliner's smudged.
I dare call you pathetic because without people whom you blindly call "friends", I believe you are nothing. You are reduced to that llittle piece of hope that these people would give you the sympathy you long sought after. I think you should think twice on what you say and practice what you preach. Don't go around hounding like a pathetic puppy. Cos your bite is no longer effective, along with yout bark.
And when you feel you deserve my respect again, only then we'll talk.
11:48 PM

Birthday Card.

Birthday Cake.

Birthday Drink.

Birthday ....

Birthday Mate.
Haven't mentioned that I went to Margarita's @ Dempsey Hill & Timbre @ The Arts House on 3rd Jan for a birthday dinner, in courtersy of my cousin :)
Because I slept through my birthday night, I cut my birthday cake early morning on 8th Jan.
Had dinner last night with bestfriend at Delifrance @ Taka & had a cuppa with favourite WAN! @ Siglap Starbucks. Bestfriend made me a gorgeous card :) LOVE IT.
&&&I love everybody!
I secretly pray everything will stay the same.
11:26 PM

Move over Jessica Alba, someone else just got the sizzling seat. Okay, I know it's like from FHM, but disclaimer: I'm straight. Hahaha.
And nothing spells envy in my dictionary like Megan Fox. Kay, as much as I love myself, I wouldn't mind having her bod :D Hahahaha.
3:46 PM


Dinner goooood.



Celebrating the 7th.

Good friends.

Because birthdays are always good.

My hair long eh eh eh.

Nice shot.

Okay, I nearly fell.

Surprise! :)

The really really good chocolate pie :)


Friends ++++ LYNN!
Birthday Besttttt.AWESOME FRIENDS just makes your birthday better than ever! Had dinner with 'em at Jalan Kayu. Met Adli first in the afternoon, due to unforeseen circumstances, we changed some plans. After that we met them at JK. Had loads of foooood. Really good. && for the first time, I ate kangkong. Eh heh.
Headed over to Seletar Hills and revisit our childhood. Best. Cos that was where I was surprised by the totally awesome chocolate pie baked by Cathylove :) ILY! It was really nice. Everything was nice. :) Had to go home, so I took 854 with Adli. Reached home and slept. I was still lagged by the camp. Haha.
I can't wait for later! Dinner with my bestfriend :D Kay, bye!
1:54 PM
Back on Track.Hello hey hi ! I know I've not updated like for pretty long. So, I'm not sure if this is gonna be a long post or not. I know you guys miss me right? :) Hahaha. Okay. So on the 2nd Jan, Adli went to KL, I had dance practice.
Then on Saturday, I had great night with my cousin who brought me to Margarita's at Dempsey Hill for a mexican birthday treat. :D then to Timbre @ The Arts House for goooooood music. Saw Rica babe there. Hahaha. Couldn't drink alcohol since I wasn't exactly 18 yet. Hahaha. Not that I planned to anyway. Sunday I booked into camp. Did logistics set up the camp area. Tiring already.
Now I know how camp intructors feel. Haha, Shima... once is enough. Kay Kay? No more camps for me. Haha, I was the camp trainer for Bedok North Sec. Sec 2 camp uh. Then my group got this one guy name Danish, he looks exactly like Annisa. I SWEAR TO MY M.A.C LIPSTICK HE DOES! Fair, then in the sun, he gets so red, his smile.. wah Annisa, really uhhh, your brother uh?
The night walk was awesome shit! I became the Pontianak. Hahahahahaha! I never had so much laughter in my life. Haha, but I didn't like it that much cos it was dark and I was stationed far away from the others and I had to stand behind a tree covering myself with white cloth. As said by Shai, my chief trainer, it was kain kapan. KAY BEST. And I had miss Red on that day. FUN OR WHAAAAT. Hahaha.
In total for the 4D3N that I had, I slept for a total of less than 6 hours. Yesterday, the last day of the camp was of course.....
Finally, I have turned 18!
Hahaha, I would like to thank EVERYONE who wished me on the special day. I would like to extend my gratitude and apologies to my millenian Tarianees, cos I couldn't make it yesterday for dance practice. But you guys sweetly called me and sang for me a birthday song. awwww :) love you all.
And to the camp trainers who sabo-ed me. They poured all their water bottle water on me. Got my bra wet. HAHA. And finally, Shai, who in the end carried me like how Shrek carried Fiona in the first movie, and threw me in the sea. THANKS AHHHHHHH! And thanks Safuan for giving them the suggestion.
Thank you Adli for meeting me after so many days of separation. Hahaha, eh eh eh everyone, he got blog kay now! Hahaha. I missed you so much! I love you sooooo much :D
Thanks Annisa & Ally for the dedication.
Oh oh, unfortunately, when I came back from camp at 4.30pm, I fell asleep all the way. I didn't get to celebrate it with my parents :( They bought cake for me but I was too tired to get up. I didn't eat dinner, I didn't bathe. I slept in my FBTs from 4.30pm all the way till 7.45am this morning. Hahaha. So if you wanna be a camp instructor, be prepared for all these. Hahaha. In the end, I cut my cake this morning with my parents. Haha.
Kay, I hope I get to meet mates today :) Love you all sooooo much.
10:38 AM
It was another year gone by.I know it's pretty cliche to be writing about the last few things you did in 2008, and the first thing you did in 2009. But you know what, it's not just about that. I think we have blogs for a reason. For people like me, who pretty much have short-term memory in things. I wouldn't call it forgetful cos I sound old saying that. But oh well. I must say, 2008 has been pretty memorable for me. I guess so. Hahaha, I would know cos I lived through it.
Well, I know if this turns out to be a long post of which sometimes I don't intend it to be cos I just type out my thoughts, Adli won't read it. Hahaha, but oh hey, you'll never know if something special might come out. I really really feel like blurting my heart and soul out here.
My first post for the 2009 :) (ah see... I'm beginning to do follow this cliche thing already)
So anyway, I was suppose to spend the last few hours of 2008 with my bestfriend at Villa Marina chilling in the waters, jacuzzi to be exact. But no, plans change due to unforeseen circumstances. Met Adli in the afternoon to watch a movie. It was the very first time I saw Toa Payoh cinema full okay? Haha, it was also the first time I saw a queue for the ticket. Oh well, we got seats of course, watched Bedtime Stories. Funny movie actually. Hahaha. Then he had to go meet his friends and I had to meet my bestfriend. I went to Parkway to sign up for Membership at the cocoa trees only to find out that IT HAS CLOSED DOWN. :( wasted. So we had dinner at Banquet. Bestfriend wanted to go bowling but I was like, huhhhh? no moneyyyy. My pay's not in yet. Then my mum called, she said my relatives all going bowling at Pasir Ris. I was like, okay cool can Nabila come? And yeahhhh! So bestfriend spent countdown with my retarded family! :D Hahaha, best kan best kan? Adli was at Pasir Ris too but he's with his friends. Hmm okay.
Celebrated the first second of 2009 at the bowling alley with strangers rollin' em balls. After that, we all went for supper at Simpand Bedok. K best, ate again and left around nearly 2am? Bestfriend didn't join us back home, she went to meet Fart. Okayyyy.
Now, what can I say about 2008? Hmm. I guess many things have happened. Good & Bad. Bad & Good. Sweet & Sour. Joyful & Sad. Yeah, you get my point;
-I got my Olevel results.
-I got into MI.
-I got to perform for MI.
-I re-joined and re-exit Atrika.
-I performed for Ismail Haron's concert.
-I..... many many things to say.
Oh &
best of all, I met Adli. :)
It's 3am, still awake. Will try to sleep tonight. Don't know my plan for tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be pretty normal. Doesn't have that exciting feeling like at 12.01am same date. Kayyyy. Oh did I mention bestfriend & I went to the arcade just now? Yeah, I lost daytona again. I haven't won since. Hahaha, that's how I spent my last few hours also.
Adli hasn't replied my text, neither has Nabila. It's either they didn't get my texts again or busy partying. *shrugs*
-Hahaha, apparently Adli went home at 2am already and slept. And as for Nabila, she slapped herself for me. HAHAHA.
Well, I'm tired. Good...morning! :) oh yes, & a selamat new year!
2:46 AM