sufie munira hendricks

7th January
Millennia Institute
Half-Portugese, Half-Malay

Shall we cross paths again? I do not know.


bye bye, baby.





Kak Fatin<3


Ming Li<33





sufie, a history
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
December 2010

Thursday, July 30, 2009
So today went relatively fine. I didn't get into any accidents, alhamdulillah. :) But I did went into a bitch fight with a classmate. And my clique went like whoa sufie, chill. :) Love bitch fights. Anyway, tomorrow's results day. Oh dear. I'm okay-ly proud of my results. Not bad. Could've been better. But I can't wait for after that. Sandosham die die wants to go to parkway. So fine, follow luh uh.

WELL, till tomorrow then. Bye take care love you.

8:52 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I had a terrible day. Did you?
I really hope not. Here's what happened.

I had PE. We played umm, striking and fielding at the carpark. The carpark is those tiles with grass kinda thing. So we had 4 bases, a pitcher and catcher. The catcher had to catch the ball and throw as far as he can so that the fielding team has a harder time getting the ball to tag the catcher out. The catcher then had to run around the 4 bases and back to home base before getting tagged. So yes, I threw the ball near the first base(smart what), so I ran to the first base while trying to avoid getting tagged. The grass was slippery. Mmmm. I tripped and according to my classmates, I did some matrix twist, so instead of falling flat on the front, I ended up on my back. I grazed my right hand and knee. Had a bruise and the cuts were stinging. I was in shock and pain. My classmates all ran to me. Mr. told m to go wash my wound. And we went to see First Aid Lady after the lesson. And yeah, First Aid Lady kinda recognised me cos I fainted before, injured my ankle before and etc. So I came in and I was like, "It's me again." And she was like, "I know." :)

That was it you say? Nope. There's more.

So thankfully, after PE was Math, nothing happened. Then it was Malay period. We had it in the lecture room. It's a big room with a main door and a second door. The second door is usually locked so we had to wait for cikgu to arrive before going in. However, the second door wasn't locked and my Malay classmates went in. The lights were switched off and it was really really dark cos there were no windows(air-con room lah duh) and they decided to play a prank on Cikgu. so I was playing along. Then I got bored and decided to go out(second door uh), then I saw cikgu. I was like shit. No more prank. Then I was smart enough to like came up with a plan with cikgu to scare them instead! Yeah, so I had to close the door slightly so my classmates couldn't hear. I placed my finger in between the door cos I thought if I did, the door would be locked. So I told cikgu of the 'plan' and she gave this 'haiyo' face and closed the door WITH MY THUMB IN BETWEEN! I screamed in pain. And started laughing real hard but was tearing up cos it hurt so bad. CIkgu was like shocked and super guilty luh. Yeah, prank never happened anyway. Then when I came in tears they were all shocked. The tables kinda turned around me. Sadly. Cikgu said she'll bring me to see First Aid Lady after the lesson although I told her I'll be fine. It's pretty normal right? Yeah, but cos she said she'll feel super guilty if she didn't so I let her. By the time lesson ended, my thumb was swollen and bleeding. Then, she brought me to see First Aid Lady. And because she was wearing this really nice baju kebaya, the attention went on her instead. But First Aid Lady was like, "You again uh." I just smiled. :) Cafe lady was there then after that when we wanted to get ice from the cafe, the cafe lady gave it to us for free cos she pitied me I suppose. Cikgu walked me to class :) I made her.

Bad day, no? No. Terrible day.

Scary part was, when those incidents happened, I thought of the things that could possibly happen. Like the falling incident and the 'what if my thumb got squashed?" incident. It was scary alright.

But don't worry, I'm fine now. :)

7:21 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
So apparently, I cannot blog here nicely. And I cannot blog at my new blog because it's expeiencing the same problem as this blogspot. And I cannot post at all. How pissy. But anyway, as I go on with life. I had a traumatic incident which kinda woke me up but I really hope it is something to guide me and not do it because you know... be selfish and stuff.

Everybody's asking me how I feel about "them". 'Dont you feel awkward?', 'What do you do when you see them?'. I tell them, Ignorance is Bliss :) It really is. I really don't give a damn. But having to repeat over and over again how I feel. The more I feel like I can't be bothered. Whenever I think about them, I shiver. Eeee. Hahaha.

But, I had a nice night the other time on Saturday :) shi to the sha with nicole, aj, zai and li wen :) small group more gossip. I want more of this gatherings. Haha.

Oh by the way, my hamsters pregnant! :D abiiiiit scary. Haha.

8:54 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I don't care if I can't upload properly. But I need to scream! I need to rant! I, I, I... DON'T BELIEVE IN IT ANYMORE! URGH!

Just leave me alone uhhh. K bye.

7:52 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's abit long ago, but why not add to my collection in my blog :) for future references.

10:29 AM

Haha, I cheated on my husband. And he apparently cheated on me too and he's loving it aye?
Love this :)
We all step supermodels.
Centre parting and muka nak sneeze.
Umm. Yeah that.

I love the dancers! Okay, shopping day with bff todayyyyyyyy yay! :D

10:09 AM

Saturday, July 18, 2009
The people involved. My husband is ... the one in the same colour as me.

RHD Filming Day.

I had filming yesterday for racial harmony day. It was fun being the bride and having a bollywood wedding :) But it was hot and tiring. Thanks to Visa for lending me her outfit :) Oh and Marcus is wearing my dad's baju kurung. Haha.

Oh and I just found out the fact that Indian girls have to celebrate puberty ceremony. HAHA. Myyyyy. Hahaha.

I went to JB today to tailor my baju raya. :) Someone missed texting me but won't admit it. HAHA. It was fun just now. I think I'm gonna love my baju raya. Designed it myself. Wee! :D

I think ... maybe it could you :)

9:12 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Friends are never forever; just concluded.

I just came to the conclusion that the friends you have may never treat you as one in the end. And then you realise, there are better friends out there. Thank God, we all never lasted. At least for now, I have friends who are non-judgemental and don't try to outdo each other or try to look better than the other. That's not friends. I just realise. I realised I consistently had to look just as good or better(although most of the time, I'm always the average) and that was tiring work. Super damn tiring. Finally, now I can be myself, and not be judged.

And thank God I have a constant. You can never live without a constant. My constant - bff. Constants are forever; just concluded :)

8:19 PM

Damn bloody fxcking awkard bodoh.

True or not. Let's just assume it is. It's bad enough I had to hear it from the lips of someone else. What made it worst was the fact that you got with someone of what used to be your friend's gf and what used to be my somewhat 'close' friend. No no, I'm not sad, jealous or whatever associated with it. But you see uh, it's damn awkward. The degree of awkwardness is so much different than say if you were with some other girl I don't even know or barely knew. This is.. oh my gosh. I expected it uh, even when we were together just that, I never thought it would happen so soon. I seriously have NO words to decribe when I think of you both, just my cringed face and an 'ew'.

I just wish I was never your girlfriend so that I would never be your ex. And it's not the emo kind of 'I wish I was never your girlfriend'. It's the I swear to God kind. Because the fact that it is so awkward, I don't mind not being the used to be girlfriend. At least it's less awkward that way. Feel me? Imagine us bumping into each other, you&her and me. Wow. That's like to the power of infinity awkward siuls.

That's all I have to say. If it's not true then, why does everybody else know about it? Apparently, I'm kinda like the last to know. Couldn't you have just told me? Be a friend. Or something along that line. I wouldn't freak out, chill.

7:47 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009


This is for your entertainment and for the millennians' guide to dancing. Seriously. Spot Me!

9:22 PM

Le Night Festival.

Omg, I got too caught up with my hamster stuff yesterday that I forgot to mention I went to the night festival the day before. Yup, went to watch Le Bffbf and ATC perform. Super nice :) I think Communication Downbreak was the best. Kompang boyz best. Haha. Adib Rezza cut his hair. :/ I like his long hair. :/ But the performance before that was interesting! Fireworks were awesome. Performers have a high tolerance for ke-mabuk-an. Amazing. After saying goodbyes to them. I went home. Reached home around 1245am. Tiredxsz and had dance the next day. Which is yesterday. So until bff uploads pictures, it shall be empty. Bland. Empty.


2:12 PM

Saturday, July 11, 2009
we renovated her cage.
under construction.

Hamster wheelzzz.

I had a day with bff and bffbf at eastpoint today and we went inside Pet Safari. So I was like, hey, why not I look at hamster stuff since I have a hamster. Like why not, at least there's something I could look at because I have a pet. So yeah, bff and bffbf went to look at other things and I went to look at really cute hamster stuff. Like, an extention to my what used to be a smaller kind of cage(consisting of the main one in orange and a small green one and the water part). So then, I was like, I'm SOOOO gonna suggest to my bro or mum to get it either tonight or other times. So tonight when I came out of the toilet(after doing le biznez, le duh!) my brother came home with a box. He took out a box consisting of the extentions I wanted to suggest to him. Like, Le OMG! :O

So we began constructing. Haha. Le Gegerl damn naughty kept trying to come out. We let it run abit on the kitchen floor. Not until like the other time when it got loose and I tried to catch it back. No no. Situasi dalam perhatian. Yeah, k direct translasi. And voila!(voyyy-lah!)

We're all so happy. OH! Eh nabzsx, it can climb ehhhhh! Remember we were like, can it climb up? Yeah, you'd be surprised!

PS: I super duper love my hamsterzxs.

11:48 PM

Friday, July 10, 2009
Alan, Joel, Ke Jun and ME :D

all of us :D
This is when I beat Joel :)

Pool Day.

Well, Bio paper wasn't so bad. Maybe a B. I hope. So in order to de-stress, we had Pool Day :D Fun fun fun! It's been awhile since I played pool. Haha. I beat Joel so that's a plus point! Yay me!

Let the pictures do the talking. I'm done here.

11:18 AM

Monday, July 06, 2009
Mit kel. Or Mitchell.

I didn't know OF was a hot hot hottttsss place to be studying at. Aku regular :) There and at the Jalan Jamal one(or Siglap). There I saw millennian friends, bff's classmates and long time no see friend, Ally. I love Ally's hair. It's like shaved on the left and not shaven on the right. Very soft. She wore eyeliner. How surprising. And I told her, "You look very pretty." HAHAHA. She is.

K boring. Moving on. I need to get a more exciting life. I've been going out with bff, bff, bff, bffbf&bff, bff, bff&bffbf. Wow. Nice. Oh, I hope pool after bio paper with clique will make up for all the not so exciting life I have. Haha.

Speaking of bio paper. I is very very excited for it :D Studied pretty hard kay. I think one of the only subjects I can sure pass. I hope I get an A this time :D kayyyyyy, notttt bragginggggggggg.

11:09 PM

Life is More.

When I was leaving the house just now, my mum said to me, "Better be studying ah.. Jangan nak carik boyfriend je(don't go around finding boyfriends)." I was like Huh?! No! Omg. Boyfriends are unnecessary and so 3 months ago. Come on lah, do I really look like someone who can only survive when there's male attention that means more than just friends? Seriously! I'm doing fine, aren't I? But that's all inside and on the outside, I guess to people I look like the situation stated above. Annoying and frustrating at the same time.

I haven't been out on a proper date, been studying my ass off. How can I possibly be finding a boyfriend? Look, if there's fate, fine. But right now, I just need myself. No one else. And I'm cool with that. Yeah, life means more than just affection and attention from guys. More than lust and love. I need to find out who I am before I get to know other people so at least there's something I can tell them when I introduce myself.

I haven't given up on it yet. But I just don't believe in it. So goonah. I shall go sleep with no strings attached. Huh?

12:03 AM

Sunday, July 05, 2009
Short-term Eyecandy.
(a sad kind of pleasure.)

Everyone has encountered these people. The people who bring pleasure to eyes that can sometimes or most of the time touch the heart. I shall explain to you what it means. Short-term eyecandies are good-looking people who pass by in your life for awhile. These encounters can last for the least 3 seconds or the most half an hour depending on situation. They must be 1) total stranger. 2) subjective to the term 'good-looking'. And it's sad because you only get to see them for mere seconds until they continue to become a total stranger again. Why? Because you want them to notice you in the least desperate way as possible without you looking like a total fool. I've always wondered how to strike a conversation with a total stranger. Cos I'd be creeped out myself if someone were to do that to me(and I mean, it could be anyone good-looking or not). Believe it or not, until you find a way to strike that conversation, all these people remain in your short-term eyecandy list.

Sad huh? Ah well. We can try to do without them. :)

11:18 PM

Friday, July 03, 2009
Annoying? Or not.

Did I mention I have a hamster? Yeah, just one. A huge one. A siberian hamster if I'm not wrong. Haha, Gegerl?Gigirl? yeah, cos it's a girl. Short story long, my bro had the usual kind of hamsters at first. Then he bought the current one. We kinda hid it in his room without my mum's knowledge. Heh. For about 6 months. The usual hamsters gave birth, doi. Then it ate its own babies. Eee. Then my bro let them go, somewhere... Out there... After awhile, I kinda forgotten I had hamsters. Then I only saw one left. The current one. Haha, just when I decided to spend the night at my gramma's, secret was out. HAH. It was making lotsa noise and my mum went to check what it was. So yeah, she freaked out at first. And now... everytime she enters the kitchen(yeah, we place our dearest there now), she will always go, "Baby..." -.- O.o :/

End of Story.

2:38 PM

Thursday, July 02, 2009
Like A Castle.

My hands shall officially have their off-day. My hands are tired. My hands were writing non-stop during geog paper (baik ah!), and chemistry too. More for geog though. So anyway, went home with Teo! :D Teooooo. He says I look down on him alot. Aww. Idk, maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, when I alighted at the usual Toa Payoh busstop and I saw my favourite :) Okay no lah, not favourite. My guy bestfriend, Armani! :D Was quite surprised he was there the same time as me. Stupid idiot was late for his driving so he missed the timing with his instructor. Then stupid idiot decided to walk me home but wanted to rilek and smoke first. So yeah, teman uh. Then uhhh, stupid idiot made me stay there with him for more than an hour when my initial plan was to go home and sleep! He made me feel so bad that I was leaving him alone. Bloody mafaker. HAH. But yeah, it's been so long since I met him anyway.

I need to rilek now. I'm so shagged.

7:36 PM

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Let go lah bodoh.

You think hard hard, you write little little, you walk out of the room blabbering about how much you regret not studying and how badly you're gonna fail. Let go lah bodoh. What's the point of regretting? You want to turn back time is it? Kay fine, go press that button on your right. Ini post jugak mintak kena slap pasal aku dah kat rumah berejam, geog notes tak sentuh pun tetapi ini tidak semestinyer aku akan menyesal. Aku blaja kayzsx?

So anyway, to be honest, math paper was a bitch. I think I did just enough to pass :/ or not. But I'm sure I did better than last year mid-years. Or not. But niwaexsz, kawan saya berada di dalam camp NS dia, saya suka sungguh buat dia jealous (or jeles) HAHA. Budak masuk sispec pe. Buat A's private pe. Dah ah, tak nak berbual lagi ah.

Okay okay, I will stop this minah-fied talk alright? I'm just too into it already after reading this She is awesome, I tell you. This self-professed Minah has a good command of English compared to most of our substantial standard of the widely spoken language. &&&best part is, if you're a College Girl Minah as she calls it, like me, or a College Boy Mat, she's kind enough to explain the phrases you hardly hear but are existent in the Mat/Minah world. Especially if you're a College Girl/Boy. Pretty beneficial, I must say. Kudos to her!

So go! Be amused, laugh your ass off and don't take anything in offence cos it's all fun & booze :D As much as I'm glad promoting this blog, math paper was still a bitch. Hands down. Bitchy.

3:55 PM